Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Released on March 19, 2024

Customer Service

  • When the Job status filter is set to “Unvalid Jobs”, a new tab appears at the bottom of the screen to display the “Job calculation errors”.

  • From the “Errors” tab, the user can send the job to another job station by selecting from the available stations and pressing the “Apply” button.

    • Note that the only job stations that appear in the drop down list are those set to “Allow non-verified jobs” and are not a “Completion” station type and that do not require an “Operator”

  • Added the job station id, description and date/time to the Rx -info tab.

  • The Ship Method was being reset after a breakage was entered. This has been corrected.

  • The delete code and reason, if activated, will now show in the Rx-info tab at the bottom of the browse window.

Order Entry

  • Change to accept 35 character ShipTo address lines from Rx-Site. At this time, we are only increasing the display size on the ShipTo tab and only allow the user to manually enter 25 characters.

  • Addon jobs can now be made remakes.

  • Fixed an issue where the Copy Job function incorrectly copied the number of frame part/side shield/misc item breakages for the order.

  • Change to no longer check the minimum SegHt field on a digital progressive for an Uncut with No Frame order.

  • F12/Optional Parameters - a new field, “Min Thick at Crib Diam”, has been added- this field can be either blank, which means the job will use the system settings for MINTHKCD, or the lab can specify a specific value for this order only. This allows the lab to have a system-wide setting (say 0.3mm or 0.5mm), but for a specific job, set it to 0 (or a smaller value) to allow a job to be processed, perhaps with a knife edge, but is necessary in order to be able to process the job. The valid values for this field are blank, or a value between 0.0 and 4.0mm.


  • An enhancement to calculating of non-digital progressives that have a topography file. When calculating the minimum thickness at crib diameter, and using a topography file when a trace is NOT present, the thickness calculation at the edge of the crib would be significantly thinner than when the same job is calculated with a trace using the same box measurements. This has been corrected, and the job without a trace will now calculate a thickness closer to the same job with the trace.

  • In addition, when using a crib group with the “Allow ELLH” flag unchecked, the minimum thickness at crib diameter check was not being done at all. This has been corrected.

  • An additional check has been added to ensure the calculation results for a job are results for the job being calculated; this provides an additional check in the event that the calculation executable becomes deactivated or quarantined by anti-virus software, for example.

Blank Selection

  • Added a new Blank Selection Option to the Lens Style management screen. Choosing Blank Selection Option #9 will use 1.25 for exact front curve matches, 2.00 for Approx matches, and 3.50 for Marginal matches.

  • Added a new checkbox, “Force same manufacturer for both eyes” on the Blank Selection tab in System Settings.

System Settings

  • A new checkbox has been added to the ROE tab. “Move an un-valid error to the order release number”. When checked, this will have the effect on a remote order that is found to be un-valid of placing the first un-valid reason in the “order release number” field.

Remote Processor

  • When you have the following settings, “Automatic tray numbering” set to “N”(ROE tab), “Tray Optional for Rx Jobs” is checked (general tab), “Lens Inventory Updated” set to “Lens Pick” (Inventory tab)

    • If an order passes through the remote processor and is set to “Valid”, there are no allocation inventory transactions created. This has been corrected.

  • A new scheduled task can be configured to check Eyefinity’s list of orders in progress against the actual list of orders in progress - see Eyefinity WIP Processing - Rx-Universe - Confluence (

  • Change to use _ORIGIN instead of ORIGIN to identify the origin of remote orders.

  • When a remote order is a remake, do not automatically make it unvalid. This can now be controlled through the routing rules.

  • When the order type is Addon, and the raw order file contained Rx-Information for the right/left eyes, this information was being saved on the order when it should not have. This has been resolved.

  • When a remote order is un-valid, if the check box for moving the error reason to the order release number is checked, then the error will be placed in the order release number. When un-checked, then nothing is changed in the remote order behavior.

  • Added a default trace shape so that if a remote order is received without a trace, this can be used for order calculations. The default trace shape will be resized to the box measurements sent in the remote order file.

  • An issue where TRCFMT was being ignored in the raw file has been fixed.

Work Tickets

  • XML work tickets

    • Added new tags _LDDRSPH, _LDDRCYL and _LDDRAX which return compensated values in the distance if set, otherwise returns the Rx values, used for the work ticket.

    • The _LENSQOH field reported a value for the left eye even when no left eye is present on the order.

    • Added a new tag _SVAL2 that gives the same as the SVAL label with ).1mm added to the values.

    • Added a new tag _REMAKE _REASON to return the reason for a remake.

Printer Routing Rules

  • Added two new conditions, “Is Remake” and “Is Not Remake” that check if the order is a remake of another order.

  • Added new selectable values for “Addon Type =” and “Addon Type =/=” conditions

    • UV

    • harden

    • Drop Ball

    • Etching

    • All User-Defined Job Flow Labels

  • Fixed an issue where conditions that looked at lens data were not correctly handling jobs with no lens information (i.e. Addon Jobs)


  • Added a switch to the System Settings, Inventory tab to allow a lab to do partial picking of the inventory if desired.


  • If auto attaching a trace and doing calculations results in the order becoming unvalid, a Job Tracking record is created for station “ER” with the reason.

  • When starting a second TCP device session, sometimes the devices don’t load and the screen is empty. This has been resolved.

  • Fix issues where orphaned traces with leading zeroes were not being saved as an FTD correctly. Leading zeroes were not removed before converting to a tray number.

  • VCA tracer - when auto-attaching a trace, if the exiting trace on an order is set to calcs only, the trace being attached is saved as an INV# trace. The frame type was not being cleared when it should have. If the original trace on the order is not an “INV#” or “FTD” trace, keep the existing trace parameters when saving the attached trace as an “INV#”.


  • ViStar Production Statistics Report

    • The holiday dates were not being calculated correctly. They were being based on the report dates and not the order dates.

    • Added the option to report by a range of customers

    • Using Ordered By as the Print By option will use the Bill To Customer unless that customer is a VSP account, in which case it will use the Ship To Customer

    • Added a new section “Percent Completed Jobs” (see ViStar Production Statistics Report

    • The report now prints to letter sized paper

    • Report now uses the correct date when considering pending completion orders

  • Orders Production Report - Breakage

    • On-Hold and Unvalid jobs are now included in the report

    • Fixed an issue where jobs with only a left lens breakage were omitted from the report

    • Reverse breakages now decrease the breakage count for the breakage they are reversing

  • Cost of Sales by Customer Report

    • Fixed an issue when printing by Ordered By. It was reporting the VSP Group for VSP orders when it should have been using the Ship To.

  • Inventory Valuation Report

    • The disclaimer message regarding the “Total pairs/value in process” has been removed from the report if the lab is updating lens inventory at order entry.

  • Orders Waiting for Special Order Lenses Report

    • This report, generated after receiving a purchase order, or on demand from the purchase order grid, has been enhanced to show orders that are waiting for stocked lenses that are in a “Lenses on order” job station. This is described in the /wiki/spaces/RXUN/pages/2805694551 page (scroll down to “Orders Waiting for Lenses Received”

  • Fixed an issue where the Orders Production Report - Breakage report could omit some lens breakages. Moved orders that are pending completion from the Incomplete Jobs table to the Complete Jobs table.

  • Added a new section to the Orders Production Report - Breakage report called Today’s Breakages (see Orders Production Report - Breakage

  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the Digital Surfacing by Vendor Report.

Job Tracking

  • If a job station is set o send an email immediately and the Bill-To is a VSP account, the email is now sent to the Ship-To account.

  • Changes to not include “PSL” (print packing slip) job station entries in the WIP Total. Modified the Job Track Processor screen, the Dynamic Display screen and the Job Track Statistics report.

  • Corrected an issue with the Variance on the Job Track Processor screen and also an issue with the total Released in the footer of the Job Track Statistics report.

  • The Job tracker was updating the order job station date/time fields with the current date and time instead of the job station history record date/time.

  • A new Job Station Identifier has been added. It is “Frame on order”. It is used to


  • identify an order that is waiting for a frame to come in from the manufacturer.

Digital Orders

  • To improve performance of BRS requests with a digital calculator, we have added a new path to the Digital Types setup, to optionally specify a separate folder for the BRS files to be placed.  If this new folder is left blank, the existing LDS folder will continue to be used as at present.  If the new BRS folder is populated, the BRS or LDS file will be placed into this new folder. 

API Endpoints

  • POST / lenses/ pick - fix an issue that was causing double transaction to be posted with frame/ frame part inventory.

  • GET /orders/shipinfo - added the order tracking number and packing slip date to the returned information.

  • POST /orders/ waitingForFrame - this function will return a list of orders waiting for a particular frame. You can send multiple frame UPCs at once.

  • End points searching for a valid order by tray# were not being found if the same tray was just deleted or pending completion. This has been resolved.

Automatic E-Mails

  • At day-end, there is a process that can send e-mails to customers for orders based on their current job station. If the order was for a VSP account, no e-mails were being sent to the requesting (Ship-to) customer.

VisionWeb Interface

  • If VisionWeb sends an order with a one digit Bridge size, we are now adding a leading zero to prevent Order Entry from giving an error message.

Eyefinity Interface

  • The order file downloaded from Eyefinity as well as the status file uploaded to Eyefinity will now be backed up to /omicstx/eyefinity/archive for five days.

Addon browse window

  • Some times the browse screen for the addon codes does not display all the codes, or they appear out of sequence. This has been resolved.

Frame Inventory

  • When using frame inventory, and updating frame picked at "Frame Pick", the Quantity Used Since Last PO was not set for frames upon allocation.

Ship Methods

  • Fixed an issue where the shipping carrier for the selected shippo code could be incorrect when configuring Shippo shipping methods.

XML Documents

  • When an Addon type order has a tracing, the trace does not print on the documents.

Order Completions

  • In some cases, a completed order would not get fully completed. Changes have been made to keep this from occurring in the future.


  • Beginning with updates from this version upward Rx-Universe will check that there is enough available disk space to perform updates before applying them.