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This screen, available in job track will provide a view of the number of jobs in selected areas within the lab.  It is the Dynamic Work-in-Process Screen.  It's a simple screen that you call up and it refreshes the counts in selected stations every so often. 

  • The Dynamic WIP screen is a tool to help monitor daily production.
  • It shows the total number of jobs currently in process.
  • It shows total jobs shipped.
  • You choose what stations you want to view and monitor.
  • The screen automatically refreshes itself.


You will need to set up the stations that you want to see on these screens first. This allows the lab to control which stations are grouped together and displayed on the screen. Refer to the Master & Sub-Master Station Setup document for full instructions.

If you know that all of your stations are already setup, then you can simply print the report to find the station numbers.

Print Master/Sub-Master Station Number Report

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 7 - Tray Track and press enter.

Type 12 - Tray Track Configuration and press enter.

Type 6 - Master/Submaster Station Number Report and press enter.

  • Type S to print on screen or P to physically print the report.
  • Press Q and enter to exit the report and return to the menu.

Tray Track Portal Setup

Add several entries to this screen with a portal ID of WIP.  The Sub-Master Station Number holds each station you want reported within the lab.

Status Code is the relative line number on the screen.  Station Description is the text that will show on the screen.  You can have several stations mapped to the same line on the screen, so the line will show any job at any one of the stations in the area. 

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 7 - Tray Track and press enter.

Type 12 - Tray Track Configuration and press enter.

Type 5 - Portal Status Setup Editor and press enter.

The Tray Track Portal Status Setup screen displays.

  • Press A to add a record.
  • Enter the Sub-Master Station Number (Tray Track Station Number). Holds each station you want reported within the lab.
  • Enter the Portal ID – Type WIP for Dynamic WIP. Is the relative line number on the screen. 
  • Enter the Status Code - The number would equal the order in which the station is to appear on screen and the Description is the line title you want to appear on the screen.
    • Note:  Keep the Status Code the same for records with the same Station Description for consistency. 

  • Enter the Status Description - This is the text that will show on the screen. 
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Type E to exit the screen.

There may be more than one track station reported on the same line of the report. The trays in the stations reports on the same Status Code line will be added together.

Note:  Keep the Status Code the same for records with the same Station Description for consistency. 


Here are two entries for the finishing area:

You can have two stations with different descriptions and can be reported using the same description, the entries would look as follows. In our example below, station 1049 Drilling and 1018 Finishing Room will both be reported as Finishing.

In the following example station 1036 Recd from Lab and 1017 Lens Back order are being reported as In Process.


 *** Be sure the same Station Descriptions are using the same Status Codes. Every sub- master station number using the Station Description of "IN PROCESS" should be reported as the same Status Code (7 in the example above).  If you have two identical Station Descriptions in different Status Codes you will have two lines on the report with identical Station Descriptions and nothing to identify which track stations are being reported in each line. ***

Viewing the Report

Once your mapping is set up, you simply need to choose to view the screen from the menu.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 7 –Tray Track and press enter.

Type 16 – Dynamic Work in Process and press enter.

  • Enter the Number of Minutes for Screen Refresh 30
    • It is recommended that the time interval (in minutes) be fairly long as opposed to a short interval. When the report is selection information for the report many system resources are being used. We don't recommend small increments of time like 5 minutes because this will cause the system to do the select statements every 5 minutes and this will use up system resources at that time. This could slow down other processes every 5 minutes. A time of 30 minutes you may not notice the slow down.

  • Press Enter to display the report.

The screen shows the Station Descriptions that you had created in the mapping process. 

Previous refers to the number of jobs that were in that station group prior to today.

IN Today shows how many jobs have moved into those stations since midnight. 

Out Today shows the number that moved out of those stations since midnight.

WIP is the total jobs in the station group as a total of Previous + IN Today - OUT Today.

We will also show up to 4 columns of the WIP total for previous hours in the day, so you can see how WIP has changed through the last 4 hours. 

The Lab Totals line shows the total number of jobs including jobs that are not mapped to specific stations above. The Lab Totals line includes the jobs displayed above, but also includes jobs that are in stations outside of the ones mapped for display on this screen.

You may leave the report on the screen for as long as you would like. Some labs may choose to have a designated terminal with the report on screen most of the day. 

  • Exit the report at any time by touching the Delete key to exit the screen.