Search Optifacts User Documentation
This document provides instructions for entering a Stock Lens credit from Quick Look-up.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Type 7 – Tray Tack and press enter.
Type 1 – Quick Look-up and press enter.
Perform a search for the applicable job.
- Once the job is found in quick lookup, make sure the brackets are located on each side of the job information and type C to enter the Credit Memo screen.
- Touch Enter to continue.
- The original job information will display.
- Press enter past the Patient Name field.
Are these entries correct <y/n>?
- Type Y or N and press enter.
- The tray Number 7777777 will be automatically assigned.
- Press Enter past each field until the following window displays.
- Select the applicable billing options.
- Press Enter (11 Continue) once more to display the first item listed on the original jobs.
The Stock Options will be populated based on the original invoice information.
- If the item to credit is displayed, Enter the quantity to credit and press enter. If not, type 0 in the quantity to view the next item.
- When complete, press Q to quit and press Enter.
- Follow the on screen prompts to continue the process.
The Operator will be prompted for a credit reason (if your lab is setup to use credit reasons).
- Touch C to and press enter to continue.
- Enter any applicable comments
- Enter past the reference for original credit.
- Enter the date out of job credited.
- Press Enter past the “Enter for Reason Options” OPTIONS field. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD "OPTIONS"
- Select the applicable credit reason option and press enter.
- You may be prompted to select additional credit reason options. The system may be set up to cascade through various credit reason menus.
- Press Enter to print the invoice.
- Press enter to continue.