April 30 2024 : Rx-Suite Version 1.16.X

Released on April 30, 2024



Rx-Universe 7.66.00 is required for some of the features available on this release.

See Module Dependency for the complete dependency list.

New Features

Rx-Inventory New Features

  • Fast Complete/Transfer Functionality for Frame Transfers: Streamlined the process for completing frame transfers with a single scan, enhancing efficiency for inventory management.

  • Static Export Fields for Enhanced Documentation: Introduced the capability for lab personnel to include common information or details, such as company information, in any inventory document being exported. This feature is designed to ensure stakeholders have all necessary information directly from the document, streamlining communication and facilitating smoother transactions.

  • Introduction of User Overrides for Rx-Inventory Customizations: Rx-Inventory has enhanced user configuration with the introduction of two key printing features, enabling greater customization and efficiency across different operational needs:

    • Streamlined Printing for Frame Transfers and Purchase Orders:

      • User-Defined Printer Selection: Users can now specify printers for frame transfers and purchase orders directly in the User Overrides,, promoting personalized workflow enhancements.

      • Easy Configuration and Access: Ensuring printers are accessible via the server running Rx-Transfer (API) is essential, with Rx-Inventory's overrides simplifying the setup for targeted printing jobs.

      • Automated and Customized Printing: The system automatically executes printing based on user preferences, streamlining frame transfers and purchase order processing with minimal effort.

    • Simplified ZPL Label Printing Across Locations:

      • Flexible Printer Selection: Within Rx-Inventory's User Overrides, users have the flexibility to select ZPL label printers, allowing for direct printing at any desired workstation or location.

      • Personalized Printing Settings: Tailor your label printing settings to meet specific requirements, whether for frame transfers, purchase orders, or ad-hoc tasks, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

      • Efficient Automated Printing: With activated settings, label printing is automatically directed to the chosen printers, enhancing operational workflows and eliminating unnecessary printing activities.

  • These updates are designed to provide Rx-Inventory users with more control over their printing configurations, ensuring that both essential documents and labels are produced where and when needed, with precision and ease.


Rx-Inventory Enhancements

  • Enhanced Purchase Order Screen: Introduced additional columns for Quantity On Shelf, Quantity On Order, Bin, and Stock Status to the Purchase Order screens, offering improved inventory management directly from the Purchase Order interface.

Rx-Reports Enhancements

  • Value on Shelf Reporting for Frames: Added Value on Shelf as a reportable column for better financial management of frames inventory.

  • Integration with MES-360 Version: Unified Rx-Report functionalities with MES-360 (Satisloh reporting) version, offering an adaptable reporting experience based on the customer's license.

Bug Fixes

Rx-Inventory Fixes

  • PDF Generation Buffer Time: Addressed an issue where PDF generation experienced unnecessary delays, improving efficiency in report generation.

  • UPC Filtering Blank Page Error: Fixed a bug where filtering the UPC based on different warehouses could cause the page to go blank and enter a loading state.

  • Frame Transfer Ship-to Field Issue: Corrected a problem with the ship-to field in frame stock transfers to ensure accurate processing.

  • Sorting/Search Errors in Received Cost and Total Cost on Purchase Order Lines: Fixed errors encountered when searching for received cost and total cost in the Purchase Order Lines table, ensuring accurate and efficient data retrieval.

  • Complete Stock Transfer Scanning Visibility: Corrected an issue where scanned items were hidden after the 10th line in the Complete Stock Transfer list, improving user experience.

  • Frame Transfer Lines Sort and Filter Errors: Fixed the Frame Transfer Lines columns issue where sort and search functionalities were not working as expected.

Rx-PDF Generator Fixes

  • Buffer Time Adjustment: Fixed the Rx-PDF Generator delay, reducing wait time from 15 seconds to the optimal 1.5 seconds for faster PDF creation.

  • Performance Enhancements: Boosted Rx-PDF Generator's performance through user session storage improvements, updated puppeteer and node versions, streamlined cookie settings, and permitted buffer time adjustments.

  • Background Processing: Enabled PDF generation to operate in the background, allowing for uninterrupted work and improved efficiency.