Rx-Xplore Targets

Rx-Xplore allows you to report on the following pieces of information:


  • All Orders shows every order that has been exported by Rx-Universe

  • Completed Orders shows only jobs that have been shipped in Rx-Universe

  • Incomplete Orders shows only jobs that have not been shipped in Rx-Universe

  • Job Tracker is an alternative view for Orders, which focuses on the Job Tracker History data. This presents a single line for each Job Tracker event, which can make aggregating data by station easier

  • Order Stock Items is an alternative view for Orders that focuses on the individual stock order items purchased in a batch. This lets you focus on stock order lines that focus just on particular items, rather than everything that happened to be ordered at the same time.


  • Lenses: This lists the lens blanks known to Rx-Universe

  • Lens Transactions: This lists all transactions done on lenses tracked in Rx-Universe

  • Purchase Orders: This lists all Purchase Orders completed in Rx-Universe

  • Purchase Order Lines: An alternative view of the Purchase Order data making easier to focus on particular line items rather than the Purchase Order as a whole.

Accounts Receivable

  • Customer: This lists the set of Customers known to Rx-Universe

  • All Transactions: This lists all transactions applied to Customers in Rx-Universe

  • Payments: This lists the payment transactions made against other transactions in Rx-Universe.