GET /api/v2/addons
This endpoint is used to retrieve information on all addons registered in Rx-Universe
A limit. If provided only this many addon records will be returned. Please note that the default value of 10 listed in swagger is the default value set for the Swagger UI only - calling the endpoint without a limit from your system will return all records, not 10.
An offset. This is intended for use with the limit to retrieve records in batches.
"limit": 10, "offset": 0
returns the first 10 records;"limit": 10, "offset": 10
retrieves records 11-20; etc.An option to filter the returned addons to only those flagged for use with Rx-Site 0- if true, addons that are not for Rx-Site will not be included in the response.
A JSON object representing the requested addons
The total count of addons that match the query, ignoring provided limit and offset (but including the rxSite filter setting)
An array of objects representing the requested addons
Property | Description |
code | string The unique code identifying the addon |
desc | string The text description for the addon |
excludeFromRxSite | boolean Whether or not the addon should be excluded from Rx-Site |
externalCode | string|null The value of of the _EXTERNALCODE VCA override, if set (otherwise null) |
isAR | boolean Whether or not the addon is anti reflective |
isBackside | boolean Whether or not the addon is backside |
isMirror | boolean Whether or not the addon is a mirror coat |
isTint | boolean Whether or not the addon is a tint |
isUV | boolean Whether or not the addon is UV |
requiresDropBall | boolean Whether or not the addon requires drop ball |
requiresEtching | boolean Whether or not the addon requires etching |
requiresHarden | boolean Whether or not the addon requires hardening |
requiresPolish | boolean Whether or not the addon requires polish |
If the code parameter does not match an addon for any order in the system an HTTP 404 code will be returned with the standard error body
{ "error": "No record found", "details": [ "Provided: 999999" ] }