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This document provides instructions for setting up XML Statements.


Statement Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 1 - Customer Database and press Enter.

Select Option 13 - Configure Stmt/Faktura and press Enter.

  • Enter all applicable information pressing enter past each field.
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Type E to exit the screen.

There are 3 screens for the XML Statement.

Field Definitions

Account Number - Customer Account Number

Statement Format Name -  Name of the file that holds the format commands (don’t include suffix .fo or .xsl)

Delivery Note Format Name - Name of the file that holds the format commands (don’t include suffix .fo or .xsl)

Stock Invoice Format Name - Name of the file that holds the format commands (don’t include suffix .fo or .xsl)

Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly - (1-4): Daily, W: Weekly, B: Bi-Weekly, M: Monthly (dflt.), 0: Anytime

Accounting Code  - Leave Empty

General Ledger Group - GL Group assignment. This entry should match a group in the GL Account Editor.

Value Added Tax # - VAT tax ID used in Europe

Per Day Shipping/Handling - Per day Postage, shipping, or handling charges for each day that jobs were shipped.

VAT Regime - Leave Empty - in Europe, they may use for sales indicator as an inside country, outside country, or EU

Payment Form - Payment Form for Reference

Billing PO - Billing PO Number for Statement

Payment Term Days - Payment Term in days (30, 60, 90, or 120)

Note Pricing Display - Delivery Note: S: Suppress Price, L: List Price, N: Net Price

Currency Code - Currency Code for the Customer. Must exist in Currency Editor.

ASN File Flag - Create ASN files for bulk orders? “E” External Customer, “I” Internal, “N” No.

Delivery Note Language - Language to print on the Delivery Note for this Customer.

Main Price List Name - Price List name for Commercial Agreement for Customer’s primary price list.

Discount from Main List - Discount Percentage off of Main List to be applied on the delivery note.

Sales Group - Sales Group for Reference

ID - Sales ID Number for reference.

Buying Group - Enter the Buying Group for reference.

ID - Buying ID Number for reference.

Chain Group – Enter the Chain Group for reference.

ID - Chain ID Number for reference.

Business Type - Business Type for reference.

ID -Business ID Number for reference.

Bank Name – Enter the Bank Name for reference on the billing statement.

Bank Account - Bank Account Number for reference on the billing statement.

Inactive Customer –  Enter“I” for Inactive or “A” for active.

Inactive Since – The date the Customer put on Inactive Status (for reference only).

E-Mail Address - Customer’s E-Mail address.

E-Mail Address 2 - Customer’s E-Mail address.

E-Mail Address 3 - Customer’s E-Mail address.

E-Mail Address 4 - Customer’s E-Mail address.

E-Mail Address 5 -Customer’s E-Mail address.

Fax Number - Customer’s Fax Number.

Warehouse ID - Numeric Warehouse ID

Credit Code - Code for the credit reason

Bonus - Calculate Bonuses M: Monthly, Q: Quarterly, Y: Yearly

District - District for reference

Route - Route for the seller to use

Public Price List Catalogs - Number of Public Price List Catalogs

Private Price List Catalogs -Number of Private Price List Catalogs

Register ID - Account’s business register ID

Automated Confirmation Format ID - Format ID for file output for confirmations

Faktura Sequence Group - Group for Faktura sequence, prefix, and printing

Instrument Main Pricing List - Price List name for the primary price list for instruments.

Instrument Secondary Pricing List – The Secondary price list for instruments to add to the primary list.

Second Value Added Tax # - Second VAT tax ID used in Europe

Secondary Pricing List (long prompt) - Price List name for Customer’s secondary price list to add to the primary list. Use format xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx (price list name precisely as entered in the price list editor, with a comma between names and no spaces before or after the comma.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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nameXML Statement Setup.pdf