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Table of Contents


This document provides instructions for the setup of Track Stop Stages.


It allows the processes for a job within the production environment to be defined, assigned, and followed.


In addition, jobs can be stopped if the job has not passed through a previous stage.


To identify Track Stop Stages jobs, the

The appropriate Job Routing Reasons or Group Controls and Track Stages need to be entered and met

, and a

to identify Track Stop Stages jobs. In addition, a Custom Configuration setting needs to be enabled.

Custom Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 6 – Edit Custom Configuration and press enter Enter to display the Custom Configuration Editor window.

  • Type Press “A” to add a new record.
  • Fill in all the information as per the example below, pressing enter Enter after each field.

Enable the following Custom configurationConfiguration in Optifacts menu 3-6-6.Image Removed

Image Added

  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Type Press "E" to exit.

Group Controls

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 11 – Job Routing Menu and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 14 – Group Control Menu and press enter Enter to display the Optifacts Group Control Menu.

Using options 4 through 11 on this menu, set up groups of accounts, materials, styles, lite-ups, colors, etc., and then use the Group Control Editor to assign them to a Group Name.Image Removed

Image Added

Examples:Image Removed

Image Added

Image Removed

Image Added

Image Removed

Image Added


Menu Option 2 - Group Control Editor

Now you put the group tables together into a Control Name Set. The important field to note is the Control Name Set

which is

used in the Track Stages Editor.

Image Removed

Image Added

Job Routing Reasons

Next, you need to set up a Routing Rule for the Group Name Set that you have just created.

From the Optifacts Main Menu:

Type Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 11 – Job Routing Menu and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 8 - Route Reason and Control Editor and press enter Enter to display the Job Routing Reason and Control Editor window.

  • Type Press “A” to add a new record.
  • Enter in the reasons you want to route the job to the track stages. The important field to note here is the Group Name Set, which matches the Control Name set in the Group Control Editor.  This will be It gets used in the Track Stages Editor.
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Adds a row to the active database table.        ** 1: rte_mgr table**           
                    JOB ROUTING REASON AND CONTROL MANAGER                      
Priority:               [999750     ]                                           
Origination Site ID:    [       ]              Group Trigger 1: [          ]    
Condition ID:           [GLASS               ] Group Trigger 2: [          ]    
Destination Site ID:    [       ]               Group Name Set: [GLASS     ]    
Comments:               [                                                  ]    
Commercial Brand Name:  [                                        ]              
Lite-Up (num):  [      ] [      ] (Lite-ups:  NOT the number viewed on screen)  
Lite-Up (bit):  [      ] [      ] (Lite-ups:  NOT the number viewed on screen)  
Fld Name frm Job Def:   [                    ]                                  
Fld Value for Fld Name: [                                        ]              
                        [                                        ]              
Uncut:                  [ ]          Company Code:      [ ]                     
Finished Only:          [ ]          Branch Code:       [ ]                     
Industrial:             [ ]          Territory Code:    [ ]                     
                                     Account Number:    [      ]                
                                     Ship-To Code:      [ ]                     
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Type “E” to exit.

Track Stages

The Group Name used in the Job Routing Reasons will be used in the “GROUP NAME” field in this table.  There are two levels: Stages and Steps.  Each Group can have more than one Stage and each Stage can have more than one Step.  If the job should be stopped and warned if not following the stages/steps in order, then “Required” should be set to ‘Y’, otherwise set to ‘N’.

From the Optifacts Main Menu:

  1. Type 7 – Tray Track and press enter.
  2. Type 12 – Tray Track configuration and press enter.
  3. Type 11 - Track Stages Editor and press enter to display the Configure Track Stop Stages window.
    1. Type “A” to add a new record.

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Searches the active database table.             ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [          ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [        ]             Required (Y/N): [ ]             
              Name:      [                    ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [        ]             Required (Y/N): [ ]             
              Name:      [                    ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [        ]                                             

  • First decide which stages need controls.

Example: Glass Jobs

  • Should first go through Surfacing.
  • Then should go through Inspection.
  • Then should go through AR Coating.
  • Then should go through the Out Coating station.
  • Then should go through the Frame Received Station.
  • Then should go through the Edging Process.

The following examples show the various stages and steps that a job could go through.

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [SURFACING           ]                                 
              Time:      [10      ]              Cost:   [2.5     ]             
    Step:     Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [BLOCKER            ]                                 
              Time:      [2       ]              Cost:   [2.0     ]             
    Track Station:       [1011    ]     BLOCKER                           
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [SURFACING           ]                                 
              Time:      [10      ]              Cost:   [2.5     ]             
    Step:     Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [GENERATOR           ]                                 
              Time:      [8       ]              Cost:   [0.5     ]             
    Track Station:       [2010    ]     GENERATOR                              

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [SURFACING           ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [INSPECTION          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2011    ]     QA SURFACING                           

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [SURFACING           ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [OUT SURFACING       ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2012    ]     OUT SURFACING                             

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [AR COATING          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [AR COATING          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2510    ]     AR COATING                             
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [AR COATING          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [INSPECTION          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2511    ]     QA AR COATING                             

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [AR COATING          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [OUT COATING         ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2512    ]     OUT AR COATING                             
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [FRAME               ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [FRAME DEPT          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2610    ]     FRAME REC’D                             


PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [TRACING             ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2810    ]     TRACER                             

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [2       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [LAYOUT              ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2811    ]     LAYOUT                            

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGER               ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2812    ]     EDGER                             
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [5       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [INSPECTION          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [1       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [INSPECTION          ]                                 
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2900    ]     QA FINISHING                             

If there is more than one tray track station that will complete the step required (example: more than one edger), it can be added as an identical record with just the station number changed.

PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                          
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                          
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2812    ]     EDGER                             
PERFORM:   Query  Next  Previous  View  Add  Update  Remove  Table  Screen  ... 
Shows the next row in the Current List.         ** 1: tt_stages table**         
                     CONFIGURE TRACK STOP STAGES                                
    GROUP NAME:          [GLASS     ]                                           
    Stage:    Number:    [4       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                          
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Step:     Number:    [3       ]             Required (Y/N): [Y]             
              Name:      [EDGING              ]                          
              Time:      [        ]              Cost:   [        ]             
    Track Station:       [2820    ]     EDGER                             

Entering a Job

From the Optifacts main Menu:

  1. Type 4 - Run Layout and press Enter.

Enter a job as normal in Layout that fits the criteria for a Track Stop Stages group as entered in the steps above.

Assigning the tray with Track Stop Stages to a station

From the Optifacts main Menu:

  1. Type 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.
  2. Type 7 – Station Assignment and press Enter.

If the job is assigned to a station in the correct order for Track Stop Stages, no message appears and the job is assigned accordingly.

╔══════════════════════════Station Assignment Screen═══════════════════════════╗
║                     Hit ESC to return to Station Number                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Station Number  1035   FRAME MARRY                                          ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Job, Invoice or Tray Number       1234                                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Tray number 1234 updated to station 1035 in track.                          ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Enter Job, Invoice or Tray # (Precede Job with J, Invoice with I (e.g. J123) ║


If the job is assigned to a station that is not in Track Stop Stages, or if the job has not qualified for a Track Stop Stages group, no message appears and the job is assigned accordingly.

╔══════════════════════════Station Assignment Screen═══════════════════════════╗
║                     Hit ESC to return to Station Number                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Station Number  4000   CUST SERVICE                                         ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Job, Invoice or Tray Number       1234                                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Tray number 1234 updated to station 4000 in track.                          ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Enter Job, Invoice or Tray # (Precede Job with J, Invoice with I (e.g. J123) ║

If the job has not passed the appropriate stages before the one assigned, Station Assignment will list the previous step it must pass through.  If more than one step was missed, it will only show the immediately previous step required.  Interface files are temporarily moved so that the job cannot be processed until it has passed through the previous required step.  Once passed, the interface files are restored.

╔══════════════════════════Station Assignment Screen═══════════════════════════╗
║                     Hit ESC to return to Station Number                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Station Number  1035   FRAME MARRY                                          ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║  Job, Invoice or Tray Number       1234                                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                   .                          ║
║                                                                              ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Enter Job, Invoice or Tray # (Precede Job with J, Invoice with I (e.g. J123) ║


Changing a tray with Track Stop Stages

From the Optifacts main Menu:

  1. Type 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.
  2. Type 5 – Change A Tray Number and press Enter.

Incorrect Tray Number. . . . . . . . . . . .[1103   ]

Correct Tray Number. . . . . . . . . . . . .[1102   ]

Tray track has been updated

No Gerber blocker information has been updated

No Gerber generator information has been updated

No Gerber @generator information has been updated

No Coburn2x generator information has been updated

No Optek generator information has been updated

No weco tracer information has been updated

No BobRoberts gen information has been updated

No Optronic trace information has been updated

No OMA information has been updated

No OMA Trace information has been updated

Track Stop Stages table has been updated

No Loh block right eye information has been updated

No Loh blocker left eye information has been updated

No Weco512 tracer information has been updated

No Santinelli tracer information has been updated

No Gerber trace information has been updated

Processing completed.  Press ESC to exit or any other key to continue.


Cancelling a job with Track Stop Stages

From the Optifacts main Menu:

  1. Type 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.
  2. Type 6 – Cancel A Tray and press Enter.
  • We also use the same priority numbers for consistency and make them easier to identify in our example.

Image Added

  •  Press Escape to save the data.
  • Press "E” to exit.

Track Stages

The Group Name used in the Job Routing Reasons gets used in this table’s “GROUP NAME” field.  There are two levels: Stages and Steps.  Each group can have more than one stage, and each stage can have more than one step.  If the job should be stopped and warned if not following the stages/steps in order, then “Required” should be set to ‘Y,’ otherwise set to ‘N.’

From the Optifacts Main Menu:

Select Option 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 12 – Tray Track configuration and press Enter.

Select Option 11 - Track Stages Editor and press Enter to display the Configure Track Stop Stages window.

  • Press “A” to add a new record.

Image Added

First, decide which stages need controls. The following examples show the various stages and steps that a job could go through.

Example: Glass Jobs

  • Should first go through the Surfacing department. (Blocker and Generator)

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  • Then through Inspection and track out of Surfacing.

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  • Then through Coating, Inspection, and track through Coat Complete.

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  • Then through the Frame Received Station.

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  • Then, through Edging.

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  • Finally, through Mounting and Final Inspection.

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If more than one tray track station completes the step required (for example, more than one edger), you can add it as an identical record with just the station number changed.

Entering a Job

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 4 - Run Layout and press Enter.

  • Enter a job in Order Entry that fits the Track Stop Stages group criteria as entered in the steps above.

Assigning the tray with Track Stop Stages to a Station

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 7 – Station Assignment and press Enter.

If the job gets assigned to a station in the correct order for Track Stop Stages, no message appears, and the job is assigned accordingly.

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If the job gets assigned to a station that is not in Track Stop Stages, or if the job has not qualified for a Track Stop Stages group, no message appears, and the job is assigned accordingly.

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If the job has not passed the appropriate stages before the one assigned, Station Assignment will list the previous step it must pass through.  If more than one step gets missed, it only shows the immediately previous step required.  In addition, interface files get temporarily moved. So, the job cannot be processed until it has passed through the previously required step.  Once passed, the interface files get restored.

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Changing a Tray with Track Stop Stages

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 5 – Change A Tray Number and press Enter.

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Canceling a Job with Track Stop Stages

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 7 – Tray Track and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Cancel A Tray and press Enter.

There are no new messages on the screen, but the records for the job are get removed from the tt_ststop table.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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nameTrack Stop Stages.pdf