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Rx-universe Universe can interface with the SaticLoh SatisLoh E-Ticket server. There is setup required to accomplish this. There are setup items in “Setup / System”, “Work Ticket” Tickets” tab, setup changes are also required in the Job Stations maintenance, “E-Ticket” tab.


  • Send a start request for each order. The start request will drop a file called “oooooooo.pdf”, where “oooooooo” is replaced by the order number. The contents of the file are not used, just the name trigger the E-Ticket system to setup the new order in it’s database.

  • Send a template change for an order to the E-Ticket system. This is done by a POST request to the E-Ticket system.

  • Send a “Hot” job request to the E-Ticket System. This is done by a POST request to the E-Ticket system. This can not currently be undone (this is a limitation on the E-Ticket side)

Job Station

The job stations can be set to send any one of the E-Ticket triggers. Select a Job station and go to the “E-Ticket” tab.


To set the “OH” Job Station as a HOT JOB request to the E-TICKET” server, change it’s identifier to “Hot Job Toggle”


Setup / System settings

  • Workticket Work Tickets tab

    • image-20240702-151817.png

      • E-Ticket interface activated when checked the job stations, when setup for E-Ticket, will create the E-Ticket trigger requests.

      • E-Ticket uses HTTPS when checked, the E-Ticket communicator will use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

      • E-Ticket server enter the E-Ticket server address

      • E-Ticket port enter the port that the R-Ticket server is listening on

      • E-Ticket access token this token is supplied by SatisLoh and is unique for each lab. It is used during all POST connections to the E-Ticket server to authenticate the transaction

      • Days to keep E-Ticket triggers enter the number of days that an E-Ticket trigger will be kept when it can’t communicate with the R-Ticket server. After the elapsed days, the trigger request will be discarded. Allowed values are between 1 and 999.

      • E-Ticket retry time enter the number of minutes before retrying an E-Ticket trigger that has failed to communicate. Allowed values are between 1 and 999.

      • E-Ticket processor pause time (secs) this will be the number of seconds that the E-Ticket processor will pause between it’s sessions. One session can process up to 50 E-Ticket triggers.

      • E-Ticket file folder enter the folder location on the E-Ticket server that will received the “Create” order requests.

If E-Ticket interface activated is checked or at least one of the following has a value when all of the following must have a value:

  • E-Ticket server

  • E-Ticket port

  • E-Ticket access token

  • E-Ticket file folder

E-Ticket processor

The E-Ticket processor is run as it’s own session, the same as the Job tracker or the Digital processor. There is no menu option to run the E-Ticket processor at this time. Create a workstation for the E-Ticket processor and set the “Auto Command” field to “ET”. Create the deisred startup icon on the desktop and use the E-Ticket workstation as the starting workstation. This can also be done in the servers statup programs also.


The E-Ticket processor screen will sidplay display the current order whode whose trigger is being processed. A list of trigger results will be displayed in the list If any errors are encountered, they will be displayed in the list also.