Note that the snapshot can’t be done during the backup times.
Backup start time - No entries in Rx-Universe
Backup end time - No entries in Rx - Universe
Jobtrack file is split - The purpose of splitting the jobtrack file is to reduce the down time should the jobtrack file become corrupted. All current jobtrack history records kept in the main jobtrack file, while jobtrack history records associated with completed orders are kept in a history file. Pressing the Split Jobtrack Switch button will toggle the Split jobtrack between on and off.
MES Interface activated - When checked, this will activate the sending of information requests to the MES server.
MES uses PO number when communicating - When checked, the communications with the MES system will use the Order PO number as it’s primary identifier.
When un-checked, the communications will use the Order number as it’s primary identifier.
MES Server - Contains the IP and communication port for the SatisLoh MES VC interface. This is only used if the MES device interface is setup as a TCP device.
MES server port - Contains the IP and communication port for the SatisLoh MES VC interface. This is only used if the MES device interface is setup as a TCP device.
Days to keep MES triggers - The MES system functions by placing any required transmissions from the Rx-Universe system to the MES system in a trigger file.
This field causes the Job Tracker to keep triggers for “X” amount of days before removing them for the MES trigger file if they can’t be transmitted due to errors. This allows any older/bad records to be removed from the trigger file.
MES trigger retry in minutes - Enter the number of minutes to retry sending a request to the MES server if the communication has failed.