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Prerequisites for this function are that Rx-Universe must have the Rx-Inventory and Rx-Process Connect modules installed.

To update inventory quantities, the third-party system must create a file and place that file into the folder used for electronic jobs.  While this is usually OMICSTX, under the base Rx-Universe folder, it can be changed on the "Remote Order Parameters" screen:


Any inventory updates applied to Rx-Universe inventory items using a file are tracking tracked as an inventory transaction, just as if they had been entered manually.


This would tell Rx-Universe to adjust the quantity on the shelf for OPC 2345678901 by -20 (removing 20 lenses from the inventory). This allows a third-party system to update Rx-Universe for large transactions without having to calculate total quantity, and without concern that the quantities might get out of sync due to timing of relieving inventory in the two systems.


Error File:

After processing, if there were any errors (OPC codes not found in Rx-Universe, or inventory products not activated), a file will be created in the ERRORS folder, with the same basename as the quantity file, and an extension of .ERR.

For example, if file 201411201400.QTY is submitted to the OMICSTX folder, an error file OMICSTX\ERRORS\201411201400.ERR will be created indicating any errors that occurred.


Example 1:

File containing a complete inventory update for all lenses, using date and time as the base filename:


0100780295=11.0                                               167 Easy 1-base 75-add right eye only
0100780287=10 .5                                                                                                167 Easy 1-base 75-add left eye only
     . . .
0202773586=26.0                                               CR39 Silor SV 725-base – one record, since sample OPC L/R
