Versions Compared


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The Hoya LDS "middleware" does not properly move the .SDF file in the location initially define in RxUniverse. To fix this you will need to add the .SDF in the "Move SDF file from folder". This will cause RxUniverse to move the .SDF file in the location define in the "Location of SDF files from digital surface" field.

Download Data for Hoya

When setting up Hoya digital, you can download certain information first to make the process smoother.

1.Download all the pucks for the designs you will be doing. 

For the LifeStyle designs, these are the IDPK, IDPKC, IDCDPK, and IDPKCD IDCDPC blanks, in Poly, CR39, Trivex and 167, for example:

The 4 different puck designs are the dual-add blanks which have an add power on the front along the vertical axis, and then a different add along the horizontal axis.

The IDPK and IDCDPK pucks are left/right blanks, the IDPKC and IDCDPC pucks are centered blanks, where the same blank is used for both eyes.

When setting up a lab, for convenience, you opt to EXPORT the lens catalogue screens from a lab that is currently set up, and then import all blanks into the new lab system.  Remember to also export the OPC codes if you do opt for this.

2) Download the HOYA VCA lens table by going to "Devices", "VCA Label Table Settings", select the "Import" button from the top, and choose "HOYA" from the list of available tables:


Checking the "Center Design on Frame" option will instruct the Hoya calculator to optimize decentration, by sending "_OptimizeDecenterFlag=1" in the LDS file.  Of course, this label must be included in the LDI file in order to be included in the LDS file.  A sample LDI file for HOYA follows:

Note: Hoya does not always use the _OPTIMIZEDECENTERFLAG option, so it is wise to confirm this with Hoya for each individual installation.

In addition, sometimes Hoya requests that FED be added to the LDS packets, so that should be confirmed with Hoya as well.

Amplitude and Summit designs


The Hoya calculator also requires two labels to be set up in the device setup under VCA Over-rides, as follows:

_CTO=1 instructs Hoya to return thickness information, and _OUTPUTFORMAT=1 instructs it to return an SDF file in VCA-standard structure. 

(Note in an install April 2022, these two tags appear to no longer be required, as the calculator is returning SDF files and thickness information even without them).