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This option allows you to create custom reports based on pricing lite-ups. Once set up, you go to Report Generators, Sales Analysis Reports, Customer Lens Report, and enter the Report Identifier in the Show Price by Group Identifier Field (Refer to the Customer Lens Report instructions).


From the Optifacts Main Menu:

Select Option 5 – Report Generators and press Enter.

Select Option 7 – Sales Analysis Reports and press Enter.

Select Option 7 – Custom Report Options and press Enter.

The Custom Report Options form displays.

Available Pricing Options Report

Run this report to view the pricing options for jobs within a specific date range. The length of time you are saving your sales analysis and the period you set for the report will determine the options available to you. For example, if you save your sales analysis for six months and have not used a particular option during the last six months, that option won’t be included in the report. Likewise, if the last time you used the pricing option was five months ago and the period you requested is for the last two months, the option won’t be included in the report.

Select Option 1 – Available Pricing Options Report and press Enter.

Enter the beginning and ending date range

Pricing Options Editor

This option is where you set up the report name, what pricing options to include in the report, and how the options are grouped. The screen is a query screen, which will allow you to search for a report, create a new report, or edit an existing report.

Select Option 2 – Pricing Options Editor and press Enter.

  • Press “A” to add a record. The cursor moves to the Report Identifier field.
  • Enter the identifier for the report . (Name of the report). The name should be something you will remember and appropriate to identify what is included in the report.
  • Enter the column grouping that you want this pricing option to report into. (Same as Name of Report unless you want the report to be split out or grouped a certain way). The name of the group(s) for the report. Again, the name should be specific if the report has specific groups. You may have more than one group per report.

Example:  Report Group: [Polish                     ] in the same report identifier (EDGE) as the Report Group: [EDGE                     ]. Each group needs to get added separately.

  • Enter the pricing text that you want to select for this report. (EXACT name of the lite-up as seen in the order entry screen). This is where the name of the pricing option (Lite Up) gets entered. It MUST be entered here EXACTLY as the name appears on the Available Pricing Options List (as the words appear in the layout pricing options), including capitalization, spacing, and punctuation. You may include as many lite-ups as you wish; however, each needs to be added separately.

Example:  You want a report on all types of Edging. You could have a Report Identifier = Edging, and then set up Report Group = Zyl Edge, and Pricing Text = Zyl Edge. Another record with Report Identifier = Edging, and then set up Report Group = Groove and Pricing Text = Groove Edge.

The report includes mailed jobs only. To run your special report, you must run the Customer Lens Report, and where the screen requests “Show Price Group by Identifier,” you enter the name of the report you have created. In the following example, it is the EDGE report.

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In the examples below, the pricing texts used were ZYLE EDGE, ROLL & POLISH, and POLISH EDGE. ROLL & POLISH and POLISH EDGE are grouped under Polish in the first example. POLISH EDGE and ROLL & POLISH are grouped individually in the second example.

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  • Press Escape to save the data.

Pricing Options Groups Report

Run this report to view the pricing groups by report ID.

Select Option 3 – Pricing Options Groups Report and press Enter.

  • Enter “S” to view on screen or P” to print.
  • Enter the report ID or * (asterisk) for all.

  • Press Escape to exit.

To view and, or download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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nameCustom Report Options.pdf