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Table of Contents


This document provides instructions for adding, editing, deleting, and managing your pricing options. (




Lite-up Options Report

It is recommended that you run

We recommend running the Lite-up Options report from the Optifacts menu 5-4-4 to print a list of existing




Then, you can review the report to see if the


lite-up you are adding already exists. You can also decide what number to use and the placement of the new entry. Once you have the information, you can proceed to set up your



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Add/Edit Lite-up Options

Using this This option will allow you to add new , or edit existing, Litelite-up options on the Billing Options screen. You will be First, you get prompted to specify if the Litelite-up option is for glass, plastic, or both materials, you . You may enter G, P, or *. You are then Then, you get prompted for the Litelite-up number, or optionally you can enter 0 (zero) as the Litelite-up number and be prompted for the Litelite-up name. If a match is found, it is gets displayed on the screen, and you are get prompted if you wish to edit the entry. If no match is found, you begin adding a new lite-up option. It is possible to have separate Litelite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same Litelite-up number since only one of them needs to be displayed at a time. In such a situation, you cannot use automatic and dependent Litelite-ups cannot be used in conjunction with these Litelite-up numbers.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 – Lite-up Options and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 1 – Add/Edit Lite-up Options and press enterEnter. 

The Lite-up Options window displays.Image Removed

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Edit an Existing Lite-up

If you are editing an existing Litelite-up, you will see the following message at the bottom of the screen.

  • Type Y Press “Y” to edit.
  • Type N Press “N” to exit.
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Adding a New Lite-up

If you are adding a new entry, you will see a message on the top right side of the screen.

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Following Follow the directions as described below.

Lite-up Option Fields

If adding or editing, you will be get prompted for all of the following:


Valid for Glass, Plastic, Both - A prompt to specify if the Litelite-up is valid for glass, plastic, or * (both) materials will display. The Litelite-up will display in the Pricing Options screen within Order Entry only when the material of the RX is of the material type specified in this option. It is possible to have separate Litelite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same Litelite-up number since only one of them needs to be displayed at a time. In such a situation, you cannot use automatic and dependent Litelite-ups cannot be used in conjunction with these Litelite-up numbers.

  • Type Enter G (glass), P (plastic) or * (both) and press enter.

Lite-up NUMBERNumber - This option appears only if a Litelite-up number is specified.

  • At the prompt for Litelite-up Number, type enter the number to be used and press Enter. This is the Litelite-up number that will display in the Pricing Options screen within Order Entry.
  • The Litelite-up number appears only if specified. Numbers 1-20 are in column 1, numbers 21-30 are in column 2 – numbers 41-60 are in column 3 and so forth up to number 320 if 4 pages of Litelite-ups are displayed or up to number 480 if 6 pages of lit-ups are displayed, etc. Otherwise, the name typed will display in the Litelite-up Name name field. A notification will display of if any conflicting Litelite-up numbers.

Lite-up NAMEName - Optionally, a 0 (zero) or pressing the space bar in the Litelite-up number field will prompt prompts for the Litelite-up name. If a match is found, it is displayed on the screen, and a prompt to verify editing of the Litelite-up will display. If no match is found, begin adding the new Litelite-up option. Type Enter the Litelite-up name and press enter. There is a limitation of is 15 characters in length. This name is what will be displayed displays in the Pricing Options screen within order entry Order Entry and print prints on the invoice.

The following is an example using a specified Litelite-up number.

  • Enter the name in the Litelite-up Name field and proceed to enter all the fields as described in this document.
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The following is an example using a Lite-up name.Note:


If you are adding by name, the system will assign a


lite-up number automatically using the next available number in the system.

  • Type Enter a 0 (zero) or press the space bar, and the field opens up for data entry.
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  • Type Enter the name of the Litelite-up and press enter.
  • Continue to enter the rest of the fields as described in this document.
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DISPLAY OPTION IN COLUMN - This option is 0 was specified for the Litelite-up number to add or edit based upon the Litelite-up name. This is the row number , 1-20 that , where the Litelite-up will appear in. A notification will display any conflicting row and column locations.

  • Type Enter the number (1-20) and press enter.

DISPLAY OPTION IN ROW - This option is gets used if 0 was specified for the Litelite-up number to add or edit based upon the Litelite-up name. This is the column number , 1-16 that , where the Litelite-up will appear in. A notification will display any conflicting row and column locations.

  • Type Enter the number (1-16) and press enter.

OPTION IS DISABLED - Use this option to disable a Litelite-up from being active rather than deleting the Litelite-up. The Litelite-up still exists but will not be visible for operators to use.

  • Type Y Press “Y” (yes) to disable or N “N” (no) to enable and press enter.

ITEMIZE UNDER - This is the itemization category to group the Litelite-up into. Any charges stemming from this Litelite-up will be grouped into an invoice master category if defined here. Optionally, if no itemization is required, entering a – (minus sign) will result in the charges being grouped to a numerical category on the invoice.

  • Type Enter the itemization category and press enter.

FLAT PRICE OVERRIDE TEXT/~PACKAGE - This field defines the invoice category to override. A Use a package number prefixed with a tilde (~) to point this Litelite-up to a package or enter a (-) minus sign if not overriding any categories or not pointing to a package. If assigning this lite up to a package, the package assignments must exist before assigning this Litelite-up.

  • Type Enter a tilde (~), a – (minus sign), or the invoice category and press enter.

PRINT TEXT ONLY ON THE INVOICE - This field defines where the Litelite-up name will print on the invoice.

  • Type Y and press enter Press “Y” and Enter to assign the Litelite-up as a comment only. No pricing will occur.
  • Type N and press enter Press “N” and Enter to result in this Litelite-up appearing in the price list under Litelite-ups, where a price can then be gets assigned to it.

PRINT TEXT IN INVOICE BOX: This field defines where the Litelite-up name will print on the invoice.Type

  • Enter one of the options below
and press enter
  • . Be sure to use upper case letters, or it will not print correctly on the invoice.
    • N - Do not print the
    • lite-up text on the invoice
    • I -  Print the
    • lite-up in the Instructions box
    • E - Print in the Edge box
    • T - Print in the Tints box
    • S - Print in the Specials box

Note: If you enter a lowercase letter in the PRINT TEXT IN INVOICE BOX, you see a message indicating that the lite-up will print only on the Invoice, not the work ticket.

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PRICE PER PAIR, LENS, JOB, R/L: This field defines how to price the Litelite-up.

  • Type Enter one of the options below and press enter.
    • P - Price per Pair (Price will be gets divided in half for half pairs).
    • L - Price per Lens (Price will be gets doubled for pairs).
    • J - Price per Job (Price remains constant regardless of half or complete pair).
    • 0 (zero) - Apply a complete price for the right lens only.
    • 1 (one) - Apply a complete price for the left lens only.

PROMPT FOR HAND PRICE: This option will prompt the order entry operator to enter a price for this item.

  • Type Y and press enter Press “Y” and Enter to prompt the operator.
  • Type N and press enter Press “N” and Enter to have the program retrieve the price from the price list.

EDGED, UNCUT, BOTH:  This field defines the job type. If the criteria do not match, then the Litelite-up will not appear on the pricing options screen for the entered job type entered.

  • Type Enter one of the options below and press enter.
    • U to have this option available - Available only to Uncut Rx’s.Rx
    • E to have this option available - Available only to Edged Rx’s.Rx
    • * (asterisk) to have this option available - Available to all Rx’s.Rx

INDUSTRIAL, DRESS, BOTH: This field defines the edge thickness. :  If the criteria do not match, then the Litelite-up will not appear on the pricing options screen for the job type entered.

  • Type Enter one of the options below and press enter.
    • I -  Have this option available Available only to Industrial thickness Rx’s. Rx (The Use the “I” suffix is used to define the lens style in order entry (SVI, DI28, PI, etc.).
    • D - Have this option available only to Dress thickness Rx’s. (The Rx (Do NOT use the “I” suffix is not used in the lens style field in order entry (SV, D28 P, etc.).
    • * (asterisk) - Have this option available Available to all Rx’s.Rx

HELP TEXT TO PRINT ON SCREEN: This field is optional. If this field contains anything, and the PRINT TEXT ONLY ON INVOICE flag is gets set to N, then the contents of this field will display on the user screen of the price list editor when the cursor is on the corresponding row. This field is commonly used for hints, tips, comments, or an in-depth description as a reminder to remind what the Litelite-up is for.

Once complete, you will be get asked to confirm your entries.

Are the entries correct (Y? N)?

  • Type Y Press “Y” if correct.
  • Type N Press “N” to edit the entry.

Delete Lite-up Options

This menu item will allow you to permanently delete a Litelite-up option from the database permanently. The only way to restore a deleted option is to reenter the option as a new Litelite-up with the Add/Edit menu option. You will be Next, you get prompted to specify if the Litelite-up option to be deleted is for glass, plastic, or both materials, you . You may enter G, P, or *. (


Hint: If you




Enter, you

are then

get prompted for the


lite-up number, or optionally you can enter 0 (zero) as the


lite-up number and


get prompted for the


lite-up name. If a match is found, it

is displayed

displays on the screen, and you


get prompted if it is the correct lite-up

to be deleted

. Only a response of


“Yes” will delete the




 *** Lite-ups can not be deleted if they are still being used by the system. A warning message will display and no deletion will occur. ***

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 – Lite-up Options and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 2 – Delete Lite-up Options and press enterEnter. 

The Delete Lite-up Options window displays.

  • Type Enter G (glass), P (plastic) or * (both) and press enter.
  • Type Enter the Litelite-up number or name (as described in the Add/Edit section above) and press enter.

You will be get prompted to confirm: Would you like to delete this one (Y/N)?

  • Type Y Press “Y” to delete.
  • Type N Press “N” to abort the action.

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To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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View file
nameLite-ups (Pricing Options).pdf