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This document provides instructions for creating a Purchase Order for stock replenishment or short orders, as well as printing and


sending the orders.


Create and Send

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option 9 - Inventory and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 - EOE Procedures and press enterEnter.


Select Option 8 – Automatic EOE and press



The Automatic EOE screen displays.

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Type P (

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  • Enter “P” Purchase Advice to create only orders for stock replenishment, S (.
  • Enter “S” Short Advice ) to create orders for specific jobs, or B (Both) .
  • Enter “B” Both to create both types of orders and press enter.Type N and press enter.
  • Enter “N” No to omit the printing of the purchase order.

The Current Order File (s)


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is displayed.

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The system prompts you to send the order immediately, don’t send at all or hold the order, print the order out for manual voice or fax orders, or queue the order for sending at a later time you specify. When queuing an order, you choose a time in a 24-hour format using four digits. You would send time of 8:15 pm as 2015. You would send a time of noon as 1200. The example above is in the queue for a send time of 5:00 am. Since most lens vendors use electronic methods for placing lens orders, you will most likely never queue a purchase order for sending at a later time.

Most orders should get sent immediately. All orders specified to send immediately get sent, and the order gets marked as in transit. Orders sent electronically receive a reference number from the vendor when the order gets sent successfully. This reference number also appears on your order when you receive it from your lens vendor. 

Anytime an order gets sent, you should print a copy of the sent order, so you have a hard copy of the data sent, which vendor it was, a purchase order number, and a confirmation number.

  • Enter one of the following options and press enter:
  • Y - “Y” Send the file.
  • N - “N” Don’t send the file.
  • M – “M” Manual send.
  • Q – “Q” Queue.
  • V - “V” Vweb (VisionWeb).
  • Press Escape to exit (Send later).
  • Enter the PO number (if applicable and not already filled in) and press enter .
  • Enter the Ship Via (if applicable and not already filled in) and press enter.Type
  • Y Enter “Y” to Rush, or N enter “N” Don’t Rush (if applicable and not already filled in) and press enter.

A message will display displays on the screen indicating that sending the orders are being sent occurs, and then the EOE Menu will displaydisplays.

View Sent or Send Orders

To view sent files or send orders not previously sent.

Type 5 Send the order files and press enter

Not Previously Sent 

Select Option 5 - Send the Order Files and press Enter.

The current order file displays.Image Removed

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The order(s)

that were previous

previously sent, display as “sent” in the Send column.

  • Repeat the process as described above to send more orders.

If there are

not any

no orders left to send, choosing menu option 5

will not

won’t display anything.

EOE Check Menu


send status, print sent files or usage.Type 6 and press enter

Send Status, Print Sent Files, or Usage

Select Option 6 – EOE Check Menu and press Enter.

The EOE Check Menu displays.Image Removed

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Type 1 and press enter to look at received files on screen.

Select Option 1 – Look at Received Files on Screen and press

  • Enter the Mfr code and press enterCode.
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Type 2

Select Option 2 – Print Received Files and press

enter to print received files


  • Enter the Mfr code and press enter

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  • Type 3 and press enter to print last successfully sent orders.
  • Type Y Code.

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Select Option 3 – Print Last Successfully Sent Orders and press Enter.

  • Enter “Y” Yes, next to each Mfr that you want to print.
  • Type N to not print.

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  • Type 4 and press enter to print lenses yet to be receivedEnter “N” No to omit the printing of the purchase order.

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Select Option 4 – Print Lenses Yet to be Received and press Enter. (in transit)

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Select Option 5 to exit the EOE Menu.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

View file
nameEOE Create and Send the Purchase Order.pdf