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This document provides instructions for adding, editing, deleting, and managing your automatic lite-ups. 

With this editor, you have great flexibility over your lite-up options. You can activate or deactivate one or more lite-ups based upon almost endless conditions.

With the capabilities of automatic lite ups, the Order Entry operator is no longer required to keep as many notes regarding customer requests, marketing events, lens packages, etc. Additionally, for accounts that want special coatings or do not want certain options applied to the Rx, automatic lite-ups can turn these on or off without operator intervention.

Special pricing packages can also be activated automatically without any operator intervention by adding a few entries to the automatic lite-ups. An example could be an automatic lite-up for a polarized lens package by adding entries that will automatically turn on the polarized lens package whenever using a lens color of PG3 or PB3, resulting in one less item the entry operator needs to remember.

It is possible to have separate lite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same lite-up number since only one of them needs to be displayed at a time. However, you cannot use automatic and dependent lite-ups with these lite-up numbers in such a situation.


Automatic Lite-up Options Report

It is recommended

We recommend that you run the Automatic Lite-up Options report from Optifacts menu 5-4-


6 to print a list of existing automatic lite-ups.

. You can

Then, review the report to see if the automatic lite-up you are adding already exists. You can also decide what number to use and the placement of the new entry. Once you have the information, you can proceed to


set up your automatic lite-ups.

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Add/Edit Automatic Lite-

up OptionsUsing this option will allow you to add new, or edit existing, lite-up options on the Billing Options screen. You will be prompted specify if the lite-up option is for glass, plastic, or both materials, you may enter G, P, or *. You are then prompted for the lite-up number, or optionally you can enter 0 as the lite-up number and be prompted for the lite-up name. If a match is found, it is displayed on the screen and you are prompted if you wish to edit the entry. If no match is found, you begin adding a new lite up option. It is possible to have separate lite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same lite-up number, since only one of them need be displayed at a time. In such a situation, automatic and dependent lite-ups cannot be used in conjunction with these lite-up numbers


This feature allows you to create or edit automatic lite ups.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type Select Option - 3 Editor Utilities and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press enterEnter.Type 4 –

Select Option 5- Automatic Lite-Up up Options and press enterEnter.

Type Select Option 1 - Add/Edit Dependent Lite-Up up Options and press enterEnter. 

The Add/Edit Automatic Lite-Up up Options window screen displays.Image Removed

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Edit an Existing Automatic Lite-up

If you are editing an existing lite-up, you will see the following message at the bottom of the screen.

  • Type Y to edit.
  • Type N to exit.

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Adding a New Lite-up

If you are adding a new entry, you will see a message on the top right side of the screen.

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Following the directions as described below.

Lite-up Option Fields

If adding or editing, you will be prompted for all of the following:


A prompt to specify if the lite-up is valid for glass, plastic or * (both) materials will display. The lite-up will display in the Pricing Options screen within Order Entry only when the material of the RX is of the material type specified in this option. It is possible to have separate lite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same lite-up number, since only one of them need be displayed at a time. In such a situation, automatic and dependent lite-ups cannot be used in conjunction with these lite-up numbers.

  • Type G (glass), P (plastic) or * (both) and press enter.


This option appears only if a lite-up number is specified.

  • At the prompt for Lite-Up Number, type the number to be used and press enter. This is the lite-up number that will display in the Pricing Options screen within Order Entry.
  • The Lite-Up number appears only if specified. Numbers 1-20 are in column 1, numbers 21-30 are in column 2 – numbers 41-60 are in column 3 and so forth up to number 320 if 4 pages of lite-ups are displayed or up to number 480 if 6 pages of lit-ups are displayed, etc. Otherwise the name typed will display in the Lite-Up Name field. A notification will display of any conflicting lite-up numbers.


Optionally, a 0 (zero) or pressing the space bar in the lite-up number field will prompt for the lite-up name. If a match is found, it is displayed on screen and a prompt to verify editing of the lite-up will display. If no match is found, begin adding the new lite-up option. Type the lite-up name and press enter. There is a limitation of is 15 characters in length. This name is what will be displayed in the Pricing Options screen within order entry and print on the invoice.

The following is an example using a specified lite-up number.

  • Enter the name in the Lite-up Name field and proceed to enter all the fields as described in this document.

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The following is an example using a lite-up name.

Note: If you are adding by name, the system will assign a lite-up number automatically using the next available number in the system.

  • Type a 0 (zero) or press the space bar and the field opens up for data entry.

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  • Type the name of the lite-up and press enter.
  • Continue to enter the rest of the fields as described in this document.

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This option is 0 was specified for the lite-up number to add or edit based upon the lite-up name. This is the row number, 1-20 that the lite-up will appear in. A notification will display of any conflicting row and column locations.

  • Type the number (1-20) and press enter.


This option is used if 0 was specified for the lite-up number to add or edit based upon the lite-up name. This is the column number, 1-16 that the lite-up will appear in. A notification will display of any conflicting row and column locations.

  • Type the number (1-16) and press enter.


Use this option to disable a lite-up from being active rather than deleting the lite-up. The lite-up still exists but will not be visible for operators to use.

  • Type Y (yes) to disable or N (no) to enable and press enter.


This is the itemization category to group the lite-up into. Any charges stemming from this lite-up will be grouped into an invoice master category if defined here. Optionally, if no itemization is required, entering a – (minus sign) will result in the charges being grouped to a numerical category on the invoice.

  • Type the itemization category and press enter.


This field defines the invoice category to override. A package number prefixed with a tilde (~) to point this lite-up or enter a (-) minus sign if not overriding any categories or not pointing to a package. If assigning this lite up to a package, the package assignments must exist before assigning this lite-up.

  • Type a tilde (~), a – (minus sign) or the invoice category and press enter.


This field defines where the lite-up name will print on the invoice.

  • Type Y and press enter to assign the lite-up as a comment only. No pricing will occur.
  • Type N and press enter to result in this lite-up appearing in the price list under lite-ups where a price can then be assigned to it.

PRINT TEXT IN INVOICE BOX: This field defines where the lite-up name will print on the invoice.

Type one of the options below and press enter.

  • N to not print the lite-up text on the invoice.
  • I to print the lite-up in the Instructions box.
  • E to print in the Edge box.
  • T to print in the Tints box.
  • S to print in the Specials box.

PRICE PER PAIR, LENS, JOB, R/L: This field defines how to price the lite-up.

  • Type one of the options below and press enter.
    • P to price per Pair (Price will be divided in half for half pairs).
    • L to price per Lens (Price will be doubled for pairs).
    • J to price per Job (Price remains constant regardless of half or complete pair).
    • 0 (zero) to apply complete price right lens only.
    • 1 (one) to apply complete price left lens only.

PROMPT FOR HAND PRICE: This option will prompt the order entry operator to enter a price for this item.

  • Type Y and press enter to prompt the operator.
  • Type N and press enter to have the program retrieve the price from the price list.

EDGED, UNCUT, BOTH:  This field defines the job type. If the criteria do not match, then the lite-up will not appear on the pricing options screen for the job type entered.

  • Type one of the options below and press enter.
    • U to have this option available only to Uncut Rx’s.
    • E to have this option available only to Edged Rx’s.
    • * (asterisk) to have this option available to all Rx’s.

INDUSTRIAL, DRESS, BOTH: This field defines the edge thickness. :  If the criteria do not match, then the lite-up will not appear on the pricing options screen for the job type entered.

  • Type one of the options below and press enter.
    • I to have this option available only to Industrial thickness Rx’s. (The “I” suffix is used to define the lens style in order entry (SVI, DI28, PI, etc.).
    • D to have this option available only to Dress thickness Rx’s. (The “I” suffix is not used in the lens style field in order entry (SV, D28 P, etc.).
    • * (asterisk) to have this option available to all Rx’s.

HELP TEXT TO PRINT ON SCREEN: This field is optional. If this field contains anything, and the PRINT TEXT ONLY ON INVOICE flag is set to N, then the contents of this field will display on the user screen of the price list editor when the cursor is on the corresponding row. This field is commonly used for hints, tips, comments, or an in depth description as a reminder to what the lite-up is for.

Once complete, you will be asked to confirm your entries.

Are the entries correct (Y?N) ?

  • Type Y if correct.
  • Type N to edit the entry.

Delete Lite-up Options

This menu item will allow you to permanently delete a lite-up option from the database. The only way to restore a deleted option is to reenter the option as a new lite-up with the Add/Edit menu option. You will be prompted to specify if the lite-up option to be deleted is for glass, plastic, or both materials, you may enter G, P, or ♦. (Hint: If you simply hit enter you are then prompted for the lite-up number, or optionally you can enter 0 as the lite-up number and be prompted for the lite-up name. If a match is found, it is displayed on the screen and you are prompted if it is the correct lite- up to be deleted. Only a response of Yes will delete the lite-up.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press enter.

Type 4 – Lite-Up Options and press enter.

Type 2 – Delete Lite-Up Options and press enter. 

The Delete Lite-Up Options window displays.

  • Type G (glass), P (plastic) or * (both) and press enter.
  • Type the lite-up number or name (as described in the Add/Edit section above) and press enter.

You will be prompted to confirm: Would you like to delete this one (Y/N) ?

  • Type Y to delete.
  • Type N to abort the action.

Image RemovedYou get prompted for the account number or pricing group to apply this automatic lite up. 

If any entries exist for that account number or group, you get prompted to add a new entry. Responding “Yes” skips the current entry and begins adding a new entry. Responding “No” begins editing. Pressing Escape (Esc) at the account/group number prompt returns you to the Automatic Lite Up Editor Menu. Pressing Escape at any other field returns you to the account/group number prompt.

  • Press “N” to edit an existing entry.

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The system proceeds into Edit Mode.

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The 1st entry is displayed. The total number of entries is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

  • To edit the current entry, press “Y” to make any necessary changes. Then, enter through all the fields to save the data.
  • Press “N” to scroll through the entries until you find the one you need to edit.

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Add a New Automatic Lite-up

When you have reached the last entry in the series for the account number or group specified, you get prompted to add an entry. Responding “Yes” will begin to add a new entry. Responding “No” will return you to the Automatic Lite Up Editor Menu.


When adding a new entry, the fields may display the values from the last entry displayed. This is normal, and you may change them to the required values for your new entry.

  • Press “Y” and Enter to add a new entry.

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The Add/Edit Automatic Lite-up screen displays.

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Automatic Lite Up Option Fields

Account Number - Enter the specific account number or pricing group to apply this automatic lite up to, or enter 0 to apply this option to all accounts. When specifying a pricing group, you must precede the group number with a minus symbol (-); this is a flag for Optifacts to know it is a pricing group and not a specific account.

Override Or Add-On Lite-Ups - This option is not available if you entered an account number of 0. This option allows you to add to or separate from the generic entries (account 0) when creating entries for an account or pricing group. Choosing Add-on signifies that this automatic lite-up will be active in addition to the generic automatic lite-ups. Choosing Over-ride signifies that the generic entries will not be active, and only the entries specific to the account/pricing group will be active.

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Priority Number - Enter a number 1 through 32767 for lite-up priority. Lesser numbers have higher priority. Priority numbers will be processed from highest to lowest first for generic entries (account 0), second for pricing groups, and last for specific accounts.

Manufacturer Code - Enter the manufacturer code or enter an asterisk (*) for all manufacturers.

Material Code  - Enter the material code for the automatic lite-up. Use the same code as entered in Order Entry, enter *P for all plastic materials (including high indexes and polycarbonate), enter *G for all glass materials, or enter an asterisk (*) for all materials to price from this list. Entering a specific material code will lock out any other material code from activating this automatic lite-up. If multiple materials use the automatic lite-up, you must create an entry for each material or use *P or *G if possible.

Lens Style - Enter the lens style for this automatic lite-up. Do NOT include any suffixes (ST, I, U, etc.) or seg sizes.

Lens Type - Enter the lens type code for this automatic lite-up, enter *L for all lenticular lenses, or *F for all full-field lenses. Enter an asterisk (*) to have this auto lite-up active for all lens types. Enter specific lens type codes for progressives or full-field lenses just as you would in Order Entry.

Edged and/or Uncut - To activate this lite-up, enter “E” for Edged jobs, “U” for Uncut jobs, or * for all jobs.

Finished and/or Semi-Finshd - Enter “F” for Finished lenses (Stock lenses), “S” for Semi­ finished lenses, or * for all.

Industrial and/or Dress - Enter I for Industrial thickness Rx’s, D for Dress thickness Rx’s, or enter * for all thicknesses. Optifacts will recognize an Rx as Industrial thickness if the lens style is entered in Order Entry with the I suffix. (i.e., SVI, DI, PI)

Seg Size(s) - Enter the beginning and ending seg sizes. Entering the same beginning and ending values would lock out any other seg sizes from activating this lite-up. The ending seg size must be equal to, or greater than, the beginning seg size. You can also optionally specify SV lenses only with a beginning and ending seg size of 0, or specify progressives and executives with a beginning and ending seg size of 99

Diameter(s) - Enter the beginning and ending lens diameters. Entering the same beginning and ending values would lock out any other lens diameters from activating this lite-up. The ending diameter must be equal to or greater than the beginning diameter.

Base Curve(s) - Enter the beginning and ending base curve. Entering the same beginning and ending values would lock out any other base curve from activating this lite-up. The ending base curve must be equal to, or greater than, the beginning base curve.

Add Power(s) - Enter the beginning and ending add powers. Entering the same beginning and ending values would lock out any other add power from activating this lite-up. The ending add power must be equal to, or greater than, the beginning add power. Note that entering a beginning and ending add powers of 0.00 signifies single vision lenses.

Color(s) - Enter up to five (5) color codes or enter an asterisk (*) in the first field to signify all colors. Enter the color code exactly as you would in Order Entry. If editing, you may press the space bar on an entry to remove that color.

CBT Description - Enter the CBT (Commercial Brand Name).

Default Option(s) - Enter up to five (5) lite-up numbers to automatically turn on or off. Use the letter “O” to specify turning the option on and “F” to turn the option off. When entering lite-up numbers, the number and text description gets displayed in the upper right corner of your screen.

You get asked to confirm the data.

Are The Entries Correct (Y/N)? 

  • Press “Y” to save the data.
  • Press “N” to return to the screen to make your corrections.
  • Press Escape to exit.

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Delete an Automatic Lite-up

This feature allows you to delete automatic lite-ups.

From the  Automatic Lite-up Options menu:

Select Option 2 - Delete Dependent Lite-up Options and press Enter.

The Delete Automatic Lite-up Options screen displays.

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You get prompted for the account number or pricing group you wish to delete this automatic lite up.

The system indicates that it is entering delete mode.

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If any entries exist for that account number or group, you get prompted to delete the entry. Responding “Yes” will delete the entry. Responding “No” skips the current entry and goes to the next entry, where you again get prompted. You may also press the Escape (Esc) key to start over at the account/group number prompt. If no more entries exist for the account number or pricing group specified, you return to the Automatic Lite Up Editor Menu.

The screen displays indicating at the bottom left side of the screen how many entries exist for the specified account number.

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Would you like to Delete this one (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” to delete the entry.
  • Press “N” to scroll through the rest of the entries or press escape to restart.

Once you have found the entry you want to delete:

  • Press “Y” to delete the entry.

The entry is deleted. You will see a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen.

  • Press Escape to exit.

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To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

View file
nameAutomatic Lite-ups (Pricing Options).pdf