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Released 28 March 2018

Digital Interfaces

Prism being sent to the manual ART blocker was incorrect.  It was always sending GPRVM as max when prism was present.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.01).

Expertise and A2Vision digital vendors are now available (version 7.04.03).

Digital Surface Types has been modified to add SEGHT to the default Hoya


LDI file (version 7.04.03).

A change was mistakenly made to check mid-index parameters for hi-index lenses, before checking the hi-index parameters (because the index is greater than both the beginning and ending breakpoints for mid-index lenses - 1.51 to 1.58).  Thus, if the parameters for either ET or CT were greater for mid-index than for hi-index, it would use the mid-index parameters when setting MINEDG or MINCTR.  This is incorrect and has been fixed (version 7.04.04).

New VCA labels have been added.  Please see User Defined Work Tickets (version 7.04.06).

If the uploaded frame type on an auto-attach trace is different than the one on the order, the order is now recalculated and the uploaded frame type is saved on the order (version 7.04.08).

A change was made to do check for Lens Pick verify if the job station for a device has it checked as required (version 7.04.08).

Added new labels _RPRVM1, _RPRVM2, _RPRVA1, _RPRVA2 for the amounts and directions of Rx Prism (version 7.04.08).

Added new labels _SPHNEG, _CYLNEG and  _AXNEG for transposing cylinder format (version 7.05.00).

The Device Interface Parameters have been modified to add a new flag to append L and R to ENGMASK (version 7.05.00).

Zeiss has changed the standard for communicating to now support TLS 1.2  We now have a new program to handle this.  If you are doing either Zeiss or Essilor Digital, you will need to have .NET Framework 4.5 installed on the server or device computer (version 7.05.00).

Order Entry

When creating a new order, if the user changed the material after doing the calcs, it was not resetting the select flag and therefore was not changing blank selection or the pricing.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.01).

If the job type was changed from Uncut No Frame to a FullVersion 7.04.06 Service, the frame measurements were not accessible.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.01).

When reprinting a work ticket, logic tries to handle situations where 0.5 pair is available, but used for both eyes; however, logic incorrectly printed In-Stock when there were no lenses.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.03).

When using Spanish translations, the user could not ship by Tray #, always prompted for Order #.   This has been corrected (version 7.04.03).

When “Select by OPC” was checked, the program was still performing blank selection.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.03).

There was an issue that if the IPD and OCHT were <= the lower breakpoint values (defined in system settings) for uncut orders, the values were not being used.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.04).

If the trace name was more than 8 characters, it was being truncated.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.06).

Added the ability to make a job a remake after it is in process by right-clicking on the job from customer service.  A window will appear, prompting for the necessary information (version 7.04.08).

If an order was saved as unvalid and it had already performed blank selection, once the order was validated, it was not relieving inventory correctly.  This has been fixed (version 7.05.00).

Customer Service was modified so that the search by Account;Patient now works correctly (version 7.05.00).


Enter Trays for Remote Jobs has been modified to have a new GUI screen.  Please see Enter Trays for Remote Jobs.  (version 7.04.01).

Remove orders received with the GIF format were being saved without an account number.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.03).

The “Print AR Envelopes” option was modified to now allow scanning of the order number (version 7.04.08).

The remote processor has been changed to always set the tray number if using method "Z" (set tray number from special numbers), including unvalid jobs.  Previously, unvalid jobs would have the tray number set to "00000", forcing the lab to set the tray number when modifying the job to validate it (version 7.04.08).

Vision Web

When Ship-To is sent, the SHIP-TO entry was not being created in the raw file.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.02).

We can now accept the BASECURVE identifier from Vision Web.  This allows a specific base curve to be requested for a job and will populate the MBASE label (version 7.05.00).


The Unused Report has been modified to only include stocked lenses (does not include special or discontinued lenses) (version 7.04.02).

The Time at Station Report has been modified to now include the job station description to the start and end station dropdowns.  Also, the report now has the ability to create a CSV file (version 7.04.02).

A new “Remake Report” has been added to the “Completed Orders” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.04.04).

Fixed an issue with the Inventory Count Report regarding a Cobol linkage issue (version 7.04.05).

A new “Remote Orders Report” has been added to the “Order Reports” menu (version 7.04.06).

A new “Order in Process Report” has been added to the “Orders in Process” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.04.06).

A new “Hours in House Report” has been added to the “Job Tracking Reports” menu (version 7.04.06).

A new “Average Time to Lens Pick Report” has been added to the “Job Tracking Reports” menu (version 7.05.00).

A new “Due Date Performance Report” has been added to the “Completed Orders” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.05.00).


A new option has been added, “Load Lens Costs”.  This allows the user to import stock costs from an ASCII file (version 7.04.03).

Lens Receiving without PO was modified to perform checks on the quantity and cost fields (version 7.04.07).

Accounts Receivable

The All, First and Last push buttons were not working correctly for Statements.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.03).

The last 5 payments on the Customer screen were not being displayed correctly.  This has been fixed (version 7.04.03).

The View button was not enabled when printing statements.  This has been corrected (version 7.04.04).

Fixed issue with the search keys not working properly in the Payments database (version 7.04.06).

The statement printing program has been modified to take into account the new Statement Contents settings on the Statements tab in System Settings.  Note, these settings do not apply when viewing a statement (version 7.04.06).

Blank Selection

A checkbox was added to the Alias database to allow whether SRC lenses should be considered when ARC is present on a job.  This allows different products to have different rules for SRC selection when ARC is present (version 7.04.06).


The lab name has been added to the title bar (version 7.04.03).

Modified System Settings to add a new checkbox to reprint work ticket when auto attach trace is done (version 7.04.06).

System Settings, Statement tab, has been modified to add a Statement Contents section.  The user can choose to “Skip credit balance statements”, “Skip zero balance statements” or to “Print all statements” (version 7.04.06).

System Settings, Orders1 tab, has been modified to add a new checkbox; “Add code to lens information descriptions”.  This will determine whether to add the code to the beginning of the lens style description, the material description, the pretreatment description and the tint description in the drop down fields in Order Entry (version 7.05.00).
