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This document provides instructions for using the Trace Library Link Editor.


searching and editing tracing links.


From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 12 - Frame Inventory and press Enter.

Select Option 1 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Trace Library Link Editor and press Enter.

The  Trace Library Link Editor screen is displayed.

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Trace Master Table

  • Press “Q” to query.
  • Search for the frame using any of the available fields. Typically you would search for the frame name.

In our example below, we searched for the frame name FX3. We found two records for the 2 SKUs in the database. Each SKU has its own Tracing Link number. The first record is SKU 009398900701.

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  • Press “N” to view the next record.

We see that the second record is SKU 009398900800.

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Now you can query the tracing link for each SKU in the lower section of the screen to see how many frame records are in the database associated with the same link.

Frame Description Table

  • Press “T” to view the lower section of the screen, which is the o_frm_desc table. You can press “T” to navigate from one table to another.
  • Press “Q” to query.
  • Search for the tracking link number in the Tracing Link field of the tracing_master table as found in the upper section of the screen.

In the examples below, we see two frame records associated with the tracing link number 5069 for frame name FX3—one for frame color Gunmetal and one for Gold.

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Edit Mode


You may need to update any information in the Trace Master or Frame Description tables. However, we recommend you do so with extreme caution. Changing data could have adverse effects on other areas of the system.

  • To Edit, press “U” to update. The cursor will move to the first field of the table.
  • Make the necessary changes.
  • Press Escape to save the data.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

View file
nameFrame Database - Trace Library Link Editor.pdf