Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


A problem where a file error 23 could occur while importing a remote order, under certain conditions, has been fixed (version 6.37.01).

Digital Surfacing

Support for Hoya Digital has been added.  Complete details can be found at Hoya Digital Surfacing (version 6.38.00).

Options for feasibility check have been added to digital types.  For complete details, see Feasibility Checks.  Feasibility checks can currently be done only for IOT, CrossBows, and Signet Armorlite (version 6.38.00).


The Unused Stock report would not always display the correct information when a specific filter was used.  This has been corrected (version 6.37.02).


A problem where new base curve charts and topography files were not being transferred to the customer site, has been corrected (version 6.37.02).

The ability to import and maintain topography files for progressive front surfaces has been added.  Complete details on this can be found at Progressive Topography.


The Late Orders in Progress report was modified to add the Purchase Order Number to the report.  The font of the report was also reduced in order to fit everything on one line (version 6.37.03).


If a user ELLH is specified that is smaller than the limits imposed by the ELLH rules, the user ELLH will still be sent to the device (version 6.38.00).

The ability to specify VCA labels and values has been added by customer.  A new tab on the customer screen, VCA Info, allows specific labels and values to be set up.  This permits labels to be set up for customer-specific engravings, for example (version 6.38.00).

The ability to specify VCA labels and values has been added by device session.  A new tab on the device setup screen, VCA Over-rides, allows specific labels and values to be set up.  This permits labels to be set up for a specific device session (version 6.38.00).

The ability to specify VCA labels and values has been added by order.  A new tab on the “Surface Options” screen, “VCA Overrides”, allows specific labels and values to be specified for a specific order.  This allows the lab to over-ride a default for a standard label (for example, set EPRESS to a specific value for the order, instead of using the normal rules based on material, lens style and coatings) for just one order (version 6.38.00).

A version field has been added to device setup.  By default, the pre-308 version of the DRILLE label is sent to a device.  If a device supports the parts of the DRILLE added in 3.08 (minimum thickness, maximum thickness, and group), setting the field to 3.08 (or higher) will cause these fields to be sent.  If the device supports the resize option (added in 3.10), setting the version field to 3.10 (or higher) will cause the resize to be sent, in addition to the minimum and maximum thicknesses, and the group identifier.  Of course the values can be sent only if they have been stored on the frame trace (version 6.38).

Trace Exports

The ability to export traces to a VCA-format file has been added to the “Frame Tracings”.  From within a trace, if the “Export” button is clicked, a new screen allows the user to select the location and filename to export to:
