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This document provides instructions for adding, editing, deleting and managing your dependent liteLite-ups. 


Dependent Lite-up Options Report

It is recommended that you run the Dependent Lite-up Options report from the Optifacts menu 5-4-5 to print a list of existing dependent liteLite-ups. . You can review the report to see if the dependent  litedependent Lite-up you are adding already exists. You can also decide what number to use and the placement of the new entry. Once you have the information you can proceed to setup set up your dependent liteLite-ups.

Add/Edit Dependent Lite-ups

Using this option will allow you to add new, or edit existing dependent liteLite-up options. The dependent liteLite-up options differ from automatic liteLite-up options in the method used to determine when to toggle a liteLite-up on or off. Dependent liteLite-ups depend upon the status of another liteLite-up to determine if other liteLite-ups should be toggled on or off. It is possible to use dependent lite- ups together with automatic liteLite-ups to form endless configurations.

Dependent liteLite-ups work in relation to the on or off status of one other liteLite-up. If the liteLite-up exists in this database, and the status of the liteLite-up matches the status listed in this database, then the dependent liteLite-up will assume the status listed in this database. An example: If liteLite-up #3 (METAL EDGE) is ON, toggle liteLite-up #2 (ZYL EDGE) OFF. In this fashion, numerous entries could be made to also turn off any other edging liteLite-ups if liteLite-up #3 is toggled ON.

It is possible to have separate liteLite-ups for glass and plastic sharing the same liteLite-up number , since only one of them need needs to be displayed at a time. In such a situation, automatic and dependent liteLite-ups cannot be used in conjunction with these liteLite-up numbers.

It is important that you use a liteLite-up number that is used for both plastic and glass materials when you are creating dependent liteLite-up options. If you use a liteLite-up number that has different descriptions for glass and plastic materials, unpredictable results will happen.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type - 3 Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 4 - Pricing Editor and press enter.

Type 6- Dependent Lite-up Options and press enter.

Type 1 - Add/Edit Dependent Lite-up Options and press enter.

The Add/Edit Dependent Lite-up Options screen displays.

Dependent Lite-Up up Option Fields:

Account Number: Dependent liteLite-ups can be applied to a specific account or globally assigned using 0 (zero) in the account number field.

  • Type the account number or type 0 (zero) to apply to all accounts and press enter.

Ship to Code:

  • Enter a ship to code or leave the default and press enter.

Priority Number:

  • Enter a priority number or leave the default and press enter.

Lite-up Number: A combination of up to 3 different liteLite-ups can be used to either turn on or off, one particular liteLite-up.            

Example: If 22 SOLID COLOR or 24 UV400 is on, then turn on 21 TINT/COAT CMNTS

You will be prompted for the liteLite-up number you wish to depend upon. You may enter a liteLite-up number to add/edit or press the Escape key to return to the Dependent Lite-Up up Options Menu.

Edit an Existing Dependent Lite-up

After entering the liteLite-up number, you will be notified if one or more entries do exist, the first entry is displayed, and you are prompted if you wish to edit the current Entry. Responding Yes will begin editing; Responding No will skip the current record and display the next record, again prompting if you wish to edit the displayed entry. When you have reached the end of the records, you will be prompted if you wish to add an entry. Responding No will return you to the Lite-Up up number prompt; responding Yes will begin adding a new record into the database.

  • Type Y to edit an existing entry.
  • Proceed to make any necessary changes.

  • Type N to scroll through the entries.

Once you reach the end of the existing entries, you will be prompted to add a new entry.

  • When prompted, type Y to add a new entry.

Add a New Dependent Lite-up

When adding an entry, you will specify if the liteLite-up will be O for on or F for off for the dependent liteLite-up action to be taken. Then, simply enter the dependent liteLite-up number, and specify if you want it to be toggled on or off, based upon the condition of the first liteLite-up number. If you wish to change several liteLite-ups based upon the status of a liteLite-up, you may create more entries with the same liteLite-up number, toggling the status of different dependent liteLite-up numbers.

Enter the dependent liteLite-ups you want to use.  You can use any combination of three different liteLite-ups to either turn on or off one particular liteLite-up.  In the example above, we are saying if the liteLite-up SOLID COLOR or UV400 are is on, we want TINT/COAT CMNTS to turn on.

In the first liteLite-up number field:

  • Type the liteLite-up number and press enter.
  • Type the On (O) or Off (F) flag and press enter.
  • Type 0 (zero) in indicate Indicate OR - or type 1 (one) to indicate AND – and press enter. (An entry must be made in this field but if no liteLite-up number is set in the next liteLite-up number field, it will not apply.)

In the second liteLite-up number field:

  • Type the liteLite-up number and press enter.
  • Type the On (O) or Off (F) flag and press enter.
  • Type 0 (zero) in indicate Indicate OR - or type 1 (one) to indicate AND – and press enter. (An entry must be made in this field but if no liteLite-up number is set in the next liteLite-up number field, it will not apply.)

In the third liteLite-up number field:

  • Type the liteLite-up number and press enter.
  • Type the On (O) or Off (F) flag and press enter.
  • Type 0 (zero) in indicate Indicate OR - or type 1 (one) to indicate AND – and press enter. (An entry must be made in this field but if no liteLite-up number is set in the next liteLite-up number field, it will not apply.)

In the Dependent Lite-Up up Number field:

  • Type the liteLite-up number and press enter.
  • Type the On (O) or Off (F) flag and press enter.

You will then be prompted to confirm the entries. Are the entries correct (Y?N) ?

  • Type Y if correct.
  • Type N to edit.
  • Press Escape to exit.

Here is the sorting the system will do when it looks at the records in the table.  It starts with the specific account and ship-to combination along with the largest priority number. It moves down to the account 0 items with the highest priority number down to entries with no priority number.  If entries have no priority number then the program sorts by the smallest to largest entered num and bit.  The only way an entry has no priority number is if the entry existed before the new programs were installed.

Delete Dependent Lite-up Options

This menu option will permanently delete a dependent liteLite-up option.

From the Dependent Lite-up Options menu:

Type 2 - Delete Dependent Lite-up Options and press enter.

The Delete Dependent Lite-up Options screen displays.

  • Type the account number or type 0 (zero) to apply to all accounts and press enter.
  • Type the ship-to-code and press enter.

You may enter a liteLite-up number to delete or press the Escape key to return to the Dependent Lite-Up up Options Menu. 

  • Type the liteLite-up number and press enter.

The selected entry will display. 

After entering the liteLite-up number, you will be notified if one or more entries do exist, the first entry is displayed, and you are prompted if you wish to delete the current Entry. Responding Yes will delete the currently displayed entry; Responding No will skip the current record and display the next record, again prompting if you wish to delete the displayed entry. When you have reached the end of the records, and you have not selected an entry to delete, you will be returned to the Lite-Up up number prompt.

Would you like to Delete this one (Y/N)?

  • Type Y to delete the entry.
  • Type N to scroll through the rest of the entries or press escape to restart.

Once you have found the entry you want to delete:

  • Type Y to delete the entry.

The entry is deleted. You will see a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen.

  • Press escape to exit.