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This document provides instructions for processing purchase order receipts and receiving lenses into inventory.


From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 9 - Inventory and press enter.

Type 3 – Inventory Procedures and press enter.

Receive P.O.’s by Bar-code

  • Type 4 – Receive P.O.’s (bar-code) and press enter.

The Purchase Receipts screen displays.

  • Type the P.O. number from the packing list and press enter.
  • If there is no P.O. number on the packing slip, type * to list open P.O.’s in the system.
  • If a P.O. does not exist in the system, type NONE in both the P.O. Number and Ref. Number fields to enter product into the inventory system.

  • Is this the correct P.O. (Y/N)?
    • Type Y if correct
    • Type N to continue the search.

Once the correct P.O. is shown on the screen:

  • Enter a packing list number and press enter.

  • Enter the number of SKUs (number of lenses) received in the box.

  • Type or scan the SKU number.

  • The number of lenses scanned (entered) will display below the entry.
  • Press Escape when completed.

If the number of SKUs scanned does not match the number you entered as being received, you will see the following message:

If the number of SKUs scanned matches the number you entered as being received, you will see the following message:

  • Correct number of SKUs? (B/Y/N)
    • Type B to scan another box.
    • Type Y to update inventory.
    • Type N to discard the entry and select a new P.O.

If a SKU that was scanned was not found on the order, you will see the following message:

  • Press any key to continue

The following message will be displayed.

Invoice Matching Report

  • Press Y to print the Invoice Matching Report
  • Press N to continue without printing the report.

Note: The report may also be printed from menu 9-2-15 Invoice Matching Report.

  • Press any key to return to the Optifacts Lens inventory Procedures menu.

Receive P.O.’s manually

  • Type 3 – Receive or Cancel P.O.’s and press enter.

The Purchase Order Receipts screen displays.

  • Type the P.O. number from the packing list and press enter.
  • If there is no P.O. number on the packing slip, type * to list open P.O.’s in the system.
  • If a P.O. does not exist in the system, type NONE in both the P.O. Number and Ref. Number fields to enter product into the inventory system.

The P.O. displays.

  • Are these items being cancelled (Y/N)?
    • Type Y if the order is to be cancelled.
    • Type N to continue with the receipt.
  • Enter a packing list number and press enter.

The Items on the P.O. will be displayed on the screen.

  • Enter the number of items to be received or leave the default number from the P.O.
    • Type F1 to save the quantities
    • Or, press Escape to exit.
  • Continue until all items are received.
  • Is this the correct number of lenses received (Y/N)?
    • Type Y to receive the lenses.
    • Type N to discard.

  • Press Y to print the Invoice Matching Report
  • Press N to continue without printing the report.

Note: The report may also be printed from menu 9-2-15 Invoice Matching Report.

  • Press any key to return to the Optifacts Lens inventory Procedures menu.

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