Versions Compared


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_LAB_POSTAL - prints the postal/zip code of the lab where the AR coating will be appliedyour lab

_LAB_PHONE - prints the phone number of the lab where the AR coating will be applied

_UNCUT_DESC - prints the text "UNCUT" when the job is an Uncut\

_your lab

_RL_AR_REFERENCE - prints the reference number for the AR envelope.  

_RL_ACCT_NUM - prints prints the remote lab's account number

_LABRL_NAME - prints the name of the lab where the AR coating will be appliedremote lab name

_LABRL_ADDRESS_1 - prints address line 1 of the remote lab where the AR coating will be applied

_LABRL_ADDRESS_2 - prints address line 2 of the remote lab where the AR coating will be applied

_LABRL_ADDRESS_3 - prints address line 3 of the remote lab where the AR coating will be applied_LAB_POSTAL - prints the postal/zip code of the lab where the AR coating will be applied

_RL_ADDRESS_4 - prints address line 4 of the remote lab

_ADD_TEXT - prints the text "Add:"

_NPDTINT_TEXTREMARKS - prints the text "Monocular NPD (L/R)"

_SEGHT_TEXT - prints the text "Seg Height (L/R)"

_TINT - prints description of the factory tint on the lens (ie GY3)

_TREAT_REMARKS - (or FCOAT) prints  prints the description of the factory coating that is on the lens (ie TR7)

_MANUF_MATERIALNAME - prints  prints the material code name of the lens manufacturer

_PATIENT_AR_ADDONENV - returns up to 15 addon codes corresponding to addons on the order

_ADDONDESC - returns up to 15 addon descriptioons corresponding to the addons on the order

_ARDESC - returns the description of any AR coating on the job (blank if no AR coating)

_STOCKDESC - returns the inventory description of the blanks for a job

_LOHPRVM - returns the amount of prism to be blocked/generated in angular degrees

_LOHPRVA - returns the angle of prism to be blocked/generated

_ETYPDESC - returns the description of the edge type of the order (from the frame type file)

_JOBTYPE - returns the text of the type of job (Cut&Edge, Uncut with frame, uncut no frame)

_MATDESC - returns the full material description (including tints and treatments)

_POLISHDESC - returns the text for polish instructions (polish edges, edges and pin bevel, etc).

_RPRVM1 and _RPRVM2 - amount of prescribed prism on the job

_RPRVA1 and _RPRVA2 - direction of prescribed prism as on the job - In, Out, Up and Out, or the specific angle (if entered that way)prints the patient name if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)

_PATIENT_TEXT_AR_ENV - prints the text "Patient:" if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)

_ORIG_AR_ENV - when the job is a remake, it prints the original AR envelope reference number

_NPD_TEXT - prints the text "Monocular NPD (L/R)"

_SEGHT_TEXT - prints the text "Seg Height (L/R)"

_FRAME_TYPE_DESC - prints the frame type (ie. metal)

_UNCUT_DESC - prints the text "UNCUT" when the job is an Uncut\

_ACOAT - prints the AR coating that needs to be applied to the job

Trace Data

There are 4 ways to print frame trace data (the names below each example are what should be entered in the "Name" field of the shape box in the work ticket ticket template.
