Beginning with version 6.45.00, Rx-Universe allows labs to use work tickets designed with Satisloh's LOHreport program.
RXNM - order number (use this instead of JOB, as JOB has specific meanings within the VCA convention
_RXNMEYE - returns RXNM + 0 at the end for the right eye and 1 at the end for the left eye
_EYERXNM - returns 0 at the start for the right eye and 1 at the start for the left eye + RXNM
_FR_SIZE - returns the frame size in format EE-BB-TTT
_FR_COST - returns the cost of the frame from Rx-Inventory
_FR_PRICE - returns the price of the frame as priced on the order
FUPC - returns the frame UPC code