Print Actual Crib on W/T - When checked, this causes the crib and ELLH values on the PCL work tickets (only) to reflect the Actual CRIB and ELLH values when the work ticket is printed after the lens(es) have been sent to a generator. These “Actual” values are printed instead of the calculated values.
W/T PDPrint Options - If using PDPrint the lab can choose what options they would like to pass. The lab can use any supported option other than -lk, -c, -s, -o, or -p
Create PDF of W/T in Folder - Check this if you would like to save a copy of the work ticket PDF.
This is used by labs who trace a frame, and edge the frame shape without entering a job into Rx-Universe.
T-O W/T PDPrint Options - If using PDPrint the lab can choose what options they would like to pass. The lab can use any supported option other than -lk, -c, -s, -o, or -p