Versions Compared


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Entering the "Inventory Count" function you will see the "Lens Filter" window; basically this is how you setup your lens criteria of what inventory items you want to freeze (count):

Once you are happy with your selections, click on the "Continue" button.
The next window will show you the "Lens Filter" in a more summarized format:
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You will need to enter a "Batch ID"; this can be numeric (a number) or alphanumeric. The "Batch ID" can be used to track your different transactions made during the day.
Below I entered "1" as my "Batch ID":  Click on the "Continue" button.


You will now see a screen listing all of the lens styles from your chosen selection.  They will be broken down by semi-finished/finished, material, segment depth/width, upper add, diameter, color, pre-treatment and thickness code.  You will also see the current Qty on Hand and how many have been counted.  You can count the lenses by either scanning the OPC codes or by manually entering the count.


To count by scanning OPC codes, go to the "Enter OPC # or Qty" prompt at the bottom of the screen. Simply start scanning OPC codes.  As you scan each OPC code, it will appear in a list to the right for your reference.  If you wish to enter a quantity, first scan the OPC, then enter the quantity.  If a mistake is made, you can even enter a negative quantity.  


To manually enter the count, simply double-click on an entry.  A new screen will appear showing a grid with the current quantity on hand for each base/add or sphere/cylinder combination.  Just click on the appropriate column and enter the quantity counted.  When finished, press the "Save" icon to save your changes or the "Exit" icon to exit without saving.


Once you have finished counting all lenses for the chosen selection, click "Post Count"; meaning, update the information in the Inventory Database.

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All items that did not have at least one scan or have not been entered a quantity amount, will be set to "0" (zero). 

Since the item has not been scanned or entered a quantity, Rx-Universe will assume that you do not have any in stock.

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All counts will be posted and an Inventory Count Variance Report created.  If for some reason you do not wish to count this selection of lenses, click the "Purge Count" button and all entries will be removed, posting nothing (meaning your existing counts stay the same).