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This workstation allows users in your lab with appropriate access/permissions to assign an active order to a tray in Rx-Universe.



  • Using the Enter key will only submit the tray assignment if both the tray number and order identifier have values

  • Using the tab Tab key will move the cursor to the next field. The tab sequence is order identifier field > tray number > Submit button (if enabled)

  • The page should auto-focus on the order identifier field when you first navigate to the page or when you submit the order

  • Unvalid jobs can be assigned to a tray

  • The scanner function supports Code 39 barcode format

  • Below are the common errors from Rx-Universe. You can review the business rules and other limitations of the order entry system if you need further details.

Rx-Universe Errors based on Priority Level


  1. "Order not found"

No order can be found for the entered order identifier in Rx-Universe

  1. "You must use an order number or PO Number for orderIdentifier"

The entered order identifier does not follow the PO or order number format.

  1. "Cannot assign a completed order to a tray" (customer is using split order file and the job has been archived)

The order is already completed and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "trayNumber only accepts numbers"

Tray Number is numeric and has 5 character limit.

  1. "trayNumber supports up to 5 digits"

Tray Number is numeric and has 5 character limit.

  1. "Cannot assign a deleted order to a tray"

The order is already deleted and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Cannot assign a completed order to a tray" (customer is using a single order file or the order is pending completion)

The order is already completed and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Cannot assign an on-hold order to a tray"

The order is on hold and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Tray is already assigned to order 123456"

The tray is already assigned to another order. 
