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This document provides instructions for setting up and maintaining prices for a miscellaneous item in the stock-pricing module.


Use stock option codes will simplify the task of billing many miscellaneous items through the stock billing module.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 4 – Pricing Database Editor and press enter.

Type 10 – Other Stock Prices and press enter.

Type 1 - Add/Edit Stock Option and press enter.

The Other Stock Options menu displays.

By entering a short description (up to 15 characters), the database is searched and prices can be automatically posted with a full description field of up to 30 characters.

It is possible to enter SKU numbers into the option code field with a descriptive text into the description field. The operator can simply key in or scan the SKU number found on the product for error-free billing of miscellaneous items.

Some common items billed through stock options are screws, nose pads, dyes, and other miscellaneous items or services.

Add/Edit Stock Option

  • Enter the Option Code and an Option Description to define this entry.
  • If an entry in the database matches, it will be displayed and will prompt for edit. If no match is found it will add the new entry and prompt for confirmation.
  • To edit many entries at once, enter an asterisk (*) in the option code field and scroll through the entries one at a time.

Prompts will display for the following information:

Price: Enter the price to charge for this option.

Cost: Optional. Enter the cost of this option. Upon request, Optifacts can be customized to print the cost along with the price on the stock invoices.

Inv Discountable:  Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be a discountable item on the invoice.

Fedrl Discountable: Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for federal tax.

State Tax: Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for state tax.

Local Tax: Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if the entry will be eligible for local tax.

After completing the screen a prompt will display to confirm the entries.

  • Responding Yes will save the data.
  • Responding No or pressing the Escape key will abort the entire process and return to the Options Field or the Options menu.

Delete Stock Option

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 4 – Pricing Database Editor and press enter.

Type 10 – Other Stock Prices and press enter.

Type 2 - Delete Stock Option and press enter.

  • Enter the Option Code to be deleted.
  • If an entry in the database matches, it will be displayed and will prompt for delete.
    • Type Y and press enter to delete the entry.
    • Type N or press Escape to abort the entire process and return to the Options Field or the Options menu.
  • To scroll through many entries at once and choose which items to delete, enter an asterisk (*) in the option code field.