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Please see a sample report below for customer #001, ABC LAB.


Image Added

Image AddedImage Added

Image Added

Information on how fields are calculated:

Jobs/Day - Number of Jobs / Number of Working Days The number of working days is the number of days from the Start Date to the End Date minus any days that are marked as holiday dates in the Holiday Dates database.

Days/Job - Number of Days to Complete Job / Number of Jobs The number of days to complete job is the number of days from the order receive date to the order completion date minus any days that are marked as holiday dates in the Holiday Dates database.

Sales - Total of all Jobs

Avg. Lens Price (Pair) - Total Lens Price / Total number of Lenses, then multiplied by 2

Avg. Frame Price - Total Frame Price / Total number of jobs that had Frames Frame totals are made up of the following three fields from an order: Frame, Temple and Side Shield.

Avg. Other Price - Total Other Price / Total number of jobs that had Other Prices Other prices are addons, misc fields, etc. (any price that is not a frame, temple, side shield or a lens).

Avg. Total Price - Sales / Number of Jobs

Information on what is included in the different tables:

Material Type - There are five possible types: Plastic, Polycarbonate, Glass, Trivex and None

Job Group - There are four possible types: Regular Full, Regular Uncut, Safety Full and Safety Uncut

Job Type - There are five possible types: New Jobs, Redo Jobs, Warranty Jobs, Third Party Jobs and Outsourced Jobs

Material Group -

Seg Group -

Priority - There are two possible types: Regular and Hot

Remakes - There are five possible types: Dr. Redo, Lab Redo, Warranty, Non-Adapt and Misc.


Image Removed

Image RemovedImage Removed

Image RemovedThe remakes will only appear if there are jobs with remakes for the reporting criteria.

Lens Breakage - Will depend on the breakage codes you have set up and will only appear if there are jobs with breakages for the reporting criteria.

Services - Will report on anything that has been applied to a lens as well as addons that have been used for the reporting criteria.

Material Attribute - Will report on pre-treatments that are already on lenses that have been used for the reporting criteria.

Shipping - Will depend on the shipping codes you have set up and will only appear if there are jobs with shipping for the reporting criteria.