Versions Compared


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Added automated frame, frame parts and side shield pricing to orders and remote orders.


A new option has been created on the "Reports" tab, "Lens Style Reporting Groups".  Please see Lens Style Reporting Groups

Rx-Xplore Reporting

A new system setting has been added to allow labs to export uncompleted orders, as well as completed, to Rx-Xplore for reporting purposes.

The current job station code, description, and date/time for each order is now exported as part of the order XML export. This is not terrible useful for completed orders, but could be useful for orders still in process (see option below).

On the “Dayend Parms” system setting screen, the switch can be found here:


When orders are exported, the XML file now contains lens style reporting groups for the right and left lenses.

API endpoints

New endpoints have been added as follows (please see Swagger for implementation details):
/customer/read - return a list of customers within a specified range
/material/read - return a list of materials within a specified range
/style/read - return a list of lens styles within a specified range
/tint/read - return a list of inherent tints within a specified range
/addons/read - return a list of addons (services) within a specified range
/get_jtbydate - return a list of job tracking movements since a specified date and time
/remakes/codes - return a list of remake codes and info
