Base Curve Selection by Frame Trace
Certain saved frames (wrap frames) require certain base curves of blanks to be used.
Rx-Universe now allows a nominal base curve to be requested on an order when a particular frame trace is used, and allows an absolute minimum front curve to be specified.
On the main Trace screen are two fields for the nominal base curve and minimum base curve. The nominal base curve is formatted in the same manner as the requested base curve on the OE screen (decimals removed and formatted to a 4-character string). The minimum front curve is a numeric value corresponding to the true curve of blanks that are considered:
The two fields are to the bottom left of the shape drawing.
Requested base - if set, will be moved to the requested base curve fields on an order (manual or electronic). Note that if the design is set up to not allow requested base curve, then this will NOT be set on the order.
Minimum base - this is an absolute value for the minimum front curve. In the above example, where the minimum base is set to 7.50, any lens blank with a true curve of less than 7.50 will not be considered.
Customer maintenance
Flags have been added to the general tab to control the printing of the "Early Payment Discount" on the invoice. The flag is an override for the system settings that control this.
Accounts Receivable
Early payment discounts have been added to buying group members.