to be released ……
Order Entry
Changed the stock number/OPC entry field on the Order Entry screen to allow the lab to enter a UPC code in this field, in addition to a stock number or lens OPC code. Rx-Universe now checks for a match on the entered value by stock number, then by OPC, and then for a match in the UPC file. If a match is found from the UPC file, the lens style, material, tint and treatment fields will be set for the corresponding eye, based on the settings in the UPC file.
When a one eye job was created with Wrap calcs turned ON, vertIcal decentration was being calculated for the right and left eyes, causing an error. This has been corrected.
XML Export to Rx-Plore
Added new parameter to the Dayend system parameters screen to allow the lab to specify a lab number for the XML export to Rx-Plore. If this is not set, the default value of "1" will continue to be used for the export.