POST /api/v2/orders
Property | Description |
customerJobId | string (required) |
customerNumber | string (required) |
jobType | string (required) The job type of the order (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge) |
poNumber | string (required) |
balanceLens | string Set the balance lens to R (right), L (left), or none (empty string/null) |
corridorLength | number($float) Corridor length (CORRLEN) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
crib | number($float) Uncut diameter for uncut with no frame measurements (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
dateWanted | string The date the order is wanted (yyyy-mm-dd) |
ellh | number($float) Elliptical height of crib for uncut with no frame measurements (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
frameA | number($float) Frame A box measurement (max: 80) (min: 30) |
frameB | number($float) Frame B box measurement (max: 60) (min: 15) |
frameBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the frame attached to the order (max: 99) (min: 0) |
frameCircumference | number($float) Frame circumference (CIRC) (max: 999.9) (min: 0) |
frameColor | string The color of the frame attached to the order (FCOL) (max characters: 30) |
frameED | number($float) Frame effective diameter box measurement (max: 80) (min: 30) |
frameEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the frame attached to the order (max: 99) (min: 0) |
frameManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the frame attached to the order (max characters: 4) |
frameName | string The name of the frame attached to the order (FRAM) (max characters: 30) |
frameSKU | string The sku of the frame attached to the order (_FMSKU) (max characters: 20) |
frameStatusCode | string A code indicating the status of the frame ([Blank] = None, S=supply, E = Edge, F=to follow, U=uncut, N=No Charge, L=lenses only, O = Other) (max characters: 1) |
frameTemple | integer($int32) The temple size of the frame attached to the order (max: 9999999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
frameType | string |
frameUPC | string |
onHold | boolean Whether or not the order should be put on hold |
orderOrigin | string Origin of order (RXSITE, ERP, etc (free text)) (max characters: 20) |
pantoscopicTilt | number($float) Pantoscopic tilt (PANTO) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
patientCAPE | number($float) Cape head angle (max: 99.9) (min: -99.9) (max characters: 5) |
patientDominantEye | string R/L/N/Blank |
patientDominantHand | string R/L/N/Blank |
patientHeadEyeCoefficient | number($float) Patient head eye coefficient (HEADK) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
patientHeight | number($float) Patient height (CLHT) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
patientInitials | string Patient initials (CLINIT) (max characters: 10) |
patientLifestyle | string Static/Active/Blank |
patientNearVisionBehaviour | string Patient near vision behaviour (CLNVB) (max characters: 7) |
patientNearWorkingDistance | number($float) Patient near working distance (in meters) (NWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) |
patientStabilityCoefficient | number($float) Patient stability coefficient (HEADS) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
prismThinningCode | string F/N/Blank |
releaseNumber | string Release number for the order (max characters: 120) |
shippingMethod | string |
shipToAddress1 | string |
shipToAddress2 | string |
shipToAddress3 | string |
shipToAddress4 | string |
shipToCode | string |
shipToName | string |
shipToNumber | string |
traceID | string |
trayNumber | string |
vertexFittedDistance | number($float) Vertex fitted distance (VFD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
vertexRefractedDistance | number($float) Vertex refracted distance (VRD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
wrapAngle | number($float) Wrap angle of the frame (ZTILT) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtADD | number($float) Add power right eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
ltADD | number($float) Add power left eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
rtADD2 | number($float) Upper add power right eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
ltADD2 | number($float) Upper add power left eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
rtAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis right eye (max: 180) (min: 0) |
ltAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis left eye (max: 180) (min: 0) |
rtBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtCyl | number($float) Cylinder power right eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
ltCyl | number($float) Cylinder power left eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
rtEdgeThickness | number($float) The minimum edge thickness for the right eye (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
ltEdgeThickness | number($float) The minimum edge thickness for the left eye (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
rtEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - right eye (ERCD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - left eye (ERCD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - right eye (FWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
ltFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - left eye (FWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
rtIPD | number($float) Distance PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltIPD | number($float) Distance PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtLensMaterial | string |
ltLensMaterial | string |
rtLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string |
ltLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string |
rtLensSpecifiedColor | string |
ltLensSpecifiedColor | string |
rtLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order (max: 99) (min: 0) (max characters: 2) |
ltLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order (max: 99) (min: 0) (max characters: 2) |
rtLensSpecifiedFinishType | string S/F/Blank |
ltLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) S/F/Blank |
rtLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string |
ltLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string |
rtLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string |
ltLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string |
rtLensSpecifiedTreat | string |
ltLensSpecifiedTreat | string |
rtLensStyle | string |
ltLensStyle | string |
rtMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the right eye (max: 999.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
ltMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the left eye (max: 999.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
rtNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - right eye (NOD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - left eye (NOD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - right eye (NVI) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - left eye (NVI) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtNPD | number($float) Near PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltNPD | number($float) Near PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: -99.99) |
ltOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: -99.99) |
rtPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the right eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
ltPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the left eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
rtPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the right eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
ltPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the left eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
rtPrismDir1 | string|number |
ltPrismDir1 | string|number |
rtPrismDir2 | string|number |
ltPrismDir2 | string|number |
rtSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the right eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
ltSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the left eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
rtSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the right eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
ltSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the left eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
rtSphere | number($float) Sphere power right eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
ltSphere | number($float) Sphere power left eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
rtTraceFmt | string |
ltTraceFmt | string |
rtTraceZFmt | string |
ltTraceZFmt | string |
remarks | Array of Strings Remark or comment lines (max items: 11) (max characters: 35) |
rtTracePoints | Array of Integers The set of radii trace points for the right eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
ltTracePoints | Array of Integers The set of radii trace points for the left eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
rtTraceZPoints | Array of Integers The set of Z trace points for the right eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
ltTraceZPoints | Array of Integers The set of Z trace points for the left eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
addons | Array of Addons
miscItems | Array of Misc Items
Returns a JSON object representing the new order. This will match the structure returned by Fetch a Single Order. The HTTP status is 202 (Accepted) as the order will not be available in Rx-Universe until the Remote Order Processor has processed the request.
Parameter Error
If one or more parameters have invalid values based on their max/min/character count descriptions, an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error body describing the issues
{ "error": "Incorrect arguments provided", "details": [ "jobType does not have a valid value", "frameA must be greater than 30", "frameB must be greater than 15", ] }
At least one of rtLensStyle/ltLensStyle and rtLensMaterial/ltLensMaterial must be provided, or else an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Incorrect arguments provided", "details": [ "rtLensStyle, ltLensStyle are missing, at least one parameter must be provided", "rtLensMaterial, ltLensMaterial are missing, at least one parameter must be provided" ] }
If a crib has been set and the job is not an uncut job (jobType = U) an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "crib is only valid on uncut jobs", "details": [ "Job Type: F", "Frame SW:" ] }
If ellh has been set and the job is not an uncut job (jobType = U) an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "ellh is only valid on uncut jobs", "details": [ "Job Type: F", "Frame SW:" ] }
If the customer number does not exist in Rx-Universe an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Customer does not exist", "details": [ "Provided: 9999" ] }
If the Frame Inventory module is in use, required for the order (the order is set to supply frame), and offline an HTTP 500 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Frame Inventory Module is offline", "details": [] }
If the job type is addon and no addons are entered and HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "No addons entered", "details": [] }