POST /api/v2/orders
Property | Description |
customerJobId | string (required) |
customerNumber | string (required) |
jobType | string (required) The job type of the order (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge) |
poNumber | string (required) |
balanceLens | string Set the balance lens to R (right), L (left), or none (empty string/null) |
corridorLength | number($float) Corridor length (CORRLEN) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
crib | number($float) Uncut diameter for uncut with no frame measurements (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
dateWanted | string The date the order is wanted (yyyy-mm-dd) |
ellh | number($float) Elliptical height of crib for uncut with no frame measurements (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
frameA | number($float) Frame A box measurement (max: 80) (min: 30) |
frameB | number($float) Frame B box measurement (max: 60) (min: 15) |
frameBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the frame attached to the order (max: 99) (min: 0) |
frameCircumference | number($float) Frame circumference (CIRC) (max: 999.9) (min: 0) |
frameColor | string The color of the frame attached to the order (FCOL) (max characters: 30) |
frameED | number($float) Frame effective diameter box measurement (max: 80) (min: 30) |
frameEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the frame attached to the order (max: 99) (min: 0) |
frameManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the frame attached to the order (max characters: 4) |
frameName | string The name of the frame attached to the order (FRAM) (max characters: 30) |
frameSKU | string The sku of the frame attached to the order (_FMSKU) (max characters: 20) |
frameStatusCode | string A code indicating the status of the frame ([Blank] = None, S=supply, E = Edge, F=to follow, U=uncut, N=No Charge, L=lenses only, O = Other) (max characters: 1) |
frameTemple | integer($int32) The temple size of the frame attached to the order (max: 9999999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
frameType | string |
frameUPC | string |
onHold | boolean Whether or not the order should be put on hold |
orderOrigin | string Origin of order (RXSITE, ERP, etc (free text)) (max characters: 20) |
pantoscopicTilt | number($float) Pantoscopic tilt (PANTO) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
patientCAPE | number($float) Cape head angle (max: 99.9) (min: -99.9) (max characters: 5) |
patientDominantEye | string R/L/N/Blank |
patientDominantHand | string R/L/N/Blank |
patientHeadEyeCoefficient | number($float) Patient head eye coefficient (HEADK) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
patientHeight | number($float) Patient height (CLHT) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
patientInitials | string Patient initials (CLINIT) (max characters: 10) |
patientLifestyle | string Static/Active/Blank |
patientNearVisionBehaviour | string Patient near vision behaviour (CLNVB) (max characters: 7) |
patientNearWorkingDistance | number($float) Patient near working distance (in meters) (NWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) |
patientStabilityCoefficient | number($float) Patient stability coefficient (HEADS) (max: 9.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
prismThinningCode | string F/N/Blank |
releaseNumber | string Release number for the order (max characters: 120) |
shippingMethod | string |
shipToAddress1 | string |
shipToAddress2 | string |
shipToAddress3 | string |
shipToAddress4 | string |
shipToCode | string |
shipToName | string |
shipToNumber | string |
traceID | string |
trayNumber | string |
vertexFittedDistance | number($float) Vertex fitted distance (VFD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
vertexRefractedDistance | number($float) Vertex refracted distance (VRD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
wrapAngle | number($float) Wrap angle of the frame (ZTILT) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtADD | number($float) Add power right eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
ltADD | number($float) Add power left eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
rtADD2 | number($float) Upper add power right eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
ltADD2 | number($float) Upper add power left eye (max: 99.99) (min: 0) |
rtAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis right eye (max: 180) (min: 0) |
ltAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis left eye (max: 180) (min: 0) |
rtBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtCyl | number($float) Cylinder power right eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
ltCyl | number($float) Cylinder power left eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
rtEdgeThickness | number($float) The minimum edge thickness for the right eye (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
ltEdgeThickness | number($float) The minimum edge thickness for the left eye (max: 9.99) (min: 0) |
rtEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - right eye (ERCD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - left eye (ERCD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - right eye (FWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
ltFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - left eye (FWD) (max: 99.999) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
rtIPD | number($float) Distance PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltIPD | number($float) Distance PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtLensMaterial | string |
ltLensMaterial | string |
rtLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string |
ltLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string |
rtLensSpecifiedColor | string |
ltLensSpecifiedColor | string |
rtLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order (max: 99) (min: 0) (max characters: 2) |
ltLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order (max: 99) (min: 0) (max characters: 2) |
rtLensSpecifiedFinishType | string S/F/Blank |
ltLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) S/F/Blank |
rtLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string |
ltLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string |
rtLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string |
ltLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string |
rtLensSpecifiedTreat | string |
ltLensSpecifiedTreat | string |
rtLensStyle | string |
ltLensStyle | string |
rtMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the right eye (max: 999.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
ltMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the left eye (max: 999.99) (min: 0) (max characters: 6) |
rtNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - right eye (NOD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - left eye (NOD) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - right eye (NVI) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
ltNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - left eye (NVI) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) (max characters: 4) |
rtNPD | number($float) Near PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltNPD | number($float) Near PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: -99.99) |
ltOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: -99.99) |
rtPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the right eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
ltPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the left eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
rtPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the right eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
ltPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the left eye (max: 20) (min: 0) |
rtPrismDir1 | string|number |
ltPrismDir1 | string|number |
rtPrismDir2 | string|number |
ltPrismDir2 | string|number |
rtSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the right eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
ltSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the left eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
rtSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the right eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
ltSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the left eye (max: 99.9) (min: 0) |
rtSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the right eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
ltSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the left eye (max: 99) (min: 0) |
rtSphere | number($float) Sphere power right eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
ltSphere | number($float) Sphere power left eye (max: 999.99) (min: -999.99) |
rtTraceFmt | string |
ltTraceFmt | string |
rtTraceZFmt | string |
ltTraceZFmt | string |
remarks | Array of Strings Remark or comment lines (max items: 11) (max characters: 35) |
rtTracePoints | Array of Integers The set of radii trace points for the right eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
ltTracePoints | Array of Integers The set of radii trace points for the left eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
rtTraceZPoints | Array of Integers The set of Z trace points for the right eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
ltTraceZPoints | Array of Integers The set of Z trace points for the left eye (max: 9999) (min: 1) (max items: 1024) |
addons | Array of Addons
miscItems | Array of Misc Items
Returns a JSON object representing the new order. This will match the structure returned by Fetch a Single Order. The HTTP status is 202 (Accepted) as the order will not be available in Rx-Universe until the Remote Order Processor has processed the request.
Parameter Error
If one or more parameters have invalid values based on their max/min/character count descriptions, an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error body describing the issues
{ "error": "Incorrect arguments provided", "details": [ "jobType does not have a valid value", "frameA must be greater than 30", "frameB must be greater than 15", ] }
At least one of rtLensStyle/ltLensStyle and rtLensMaterial/ltLensMaterial must be provided, or else an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Incorrect arguments provided", "details": [ "rtLensStyle, ltLensStyle are missing, at least one parameter must be provided", "rtLensMaterial, ltLensMaterial are missing, at least one parameter must be provided" ] }
If a crib has been set and the job is not an uncut job (jobType = U) an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "crib is only valid on uncut jobs", "details": [ "Job Type: F", "Frame SW:" ] }
If ellh has been set and the job is not an uncut job (jobType = U) an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "ellh is only valid on uncut jobs", "details": [ "Job Type: F", "Frame SW:" ] }
If the customer number does not exist in Rx-Universe an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Customer does not exist", "details": [ "Provided: 9999" ] }
If the Frame Inventory module is in use, required for the order (the order is set to supply frame), and offline an HTTP 500 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Frame Inventory Module is offline", "details": [] }
If the job type is addon and no addons are entered an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "No addons entered", "details": [] }
If the job fails calculation validation an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error
{ "error": "Validation Failed", "details": [ "ERROR 112: SPHERE MUST BE BETWEEN -39.0 AND +49.0" ] }
If the job has trace data attached (one or more of the following are set to a value) then an array of validation failures may be raised
Trace parameters:
Trace points are submitted without a valid format declaration (e.g.
"rtTracePoints": [1,2,3,...], "rtTraceFmt: ""
){ "error": "Cannot process order - trace error", "details": [ "Received rtTracePoints without rtTraceFmt", "Received ltTracePoints without ltTraceFmt", "Received rtTraceZPoints without rtTraceZFmt", "Received ltTraceZPoints without ltTraceZFmt" ] }
The number of trace points does not match the number declared in the format declaration (e.g.
"rtTracePoints": [1,2,3], "rtTraceFmt: "1;4;E;R")
{ "error": "Cannot process order - trace error", "details": [ "Number of RADII points sent does not match the TRCFMT entry for the right eye", "Number of RADII points sent does not match the TRCFMT entry for the left eye", "Number of Z points sent does not match the ZFMT entry for the right eye", "Number of Z points sent does not match the ZFMT entry for the left eye" ] }
Z points are submitted without the corresponding radii points
{ "error": "Cannot process order - trace error", "details": [ "Right Z points with no right RADII points", "Left Z points with no left RADII points" ] }