Account Price List Assignments

Account Price List Assignments

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This option allows you to assign a price list to a specific account, group of accounts, or pricing package. Assigning price lists is required for Optifacts to know where to look to retrieve prices for each account as jobs are processed.

You can point any single account, group of accounts, or lite-up package to an individual price list or a group of price lists. In addition, you can assign price lists based upon several variables. These variables include a particular lens style (Normal, Progressive, or Full-Field), a material edged or uncut, finished or semi-finished work dress or industrial thickness a manufacturer, color, diameter, specific aspheric lens type, or a multitude of combinations.

Assigning price lists requires you to know how you want the prices in the list to behave with other lists. We will begin with listing the separate fields within a price list assignment record. Then, an overview addresses the types of price lists or how we want these lists to behave with other lists. We will be covering each of these individually in the following sections.


From the Optifacts main menu:              

Select Option 3 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 2 - Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

Add an Entry

Select Option 1 - Add/Edit Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

  • Follow the prompts at the bottom of the screen and enter the applicable data, as described in the following sections.

Overview of Assignment Prompts

Non-Editable Entries

The following entries of a price list assignment record are not editable once entered. Therefore, if you need to make changes to these entries in any record, the entire record must be deleted and a new record created with the changes you need.

Account/ ~Package/-Group Number - Enter the specific account number to assign this list to, or enter 0 (zero) for all accounts. Prefixing a number with a tilde (~) signifies the assignment will be related to a package of the same number. The package must exist before doing the price list assignments. Prefixing a number with a minus symbol (-) signifies the assignment is part of a group pricing.

Lens Style/Group Flag - Enter- the lens style you wish to price from this list, either N for normal lenses (SV, D28, 7X28, etc.), P for progressive lenses, or F for full-field lenses (Aspheric lens types, FFSV, FFD28, etc.). You may also enter an asterisk, which would mean that you wish to assign the account number entered to a group. When entering the asterisk, the remaining fields get filled with an asterisk, and you will get prompted for the group number to use.

Material Code - Enter the material to price from this pricelist. Use the same code as entered in Order Entry. Alternatively, you can enter *P for all plastic materials (including high indexes and polycarbonate), enter *G for all glass materials, or enter an asterisk (*) for all materials to price from this list. Entering a specific material code will lock out any other material code from using this list. If multiple materials use this list, you must use multiple assignments pointing to the same list, or if possible, use *P or *G.

Price Last Type Code - Enter the type of price list you want. B means the Base list, O means Override list, and A means Add-on list. 

Edged, Uncut, Both - Enter U to price Uncut lenses only, E to price Edged lenses only, or * to price both edged and uncut from this list.

Finished, Semi-Finished, Both - Enter F to price only Finished lenses (stock) from this list, S to price only Semi-Finished (need to grind) lenses, or * to price both finished and semi-Finished from this list.

Industrial, Dress, Both - Enter I to price only Industrial thickness jobs, D to price only Dress thickness jobs, or * to price both dress and industrial thickness jobs from this list. For this flag to work, you must use the I suffix in the order entry lens style (i.e., SVI, DI28, etc.). For example, simply running an SV or D28 lens and entering a thickness of 3.2 will NOT toggle this flag.

Editable Entries

The following entries of a price list assignment record are editable once entered. If you need to make changes to these entries in any record, enter matching entries for the non-editable fields, and the program will display all matching entries allowing you to edit any you choose.

Manufacturer Code - Enter the manufacturer code you wish to price from this list or * to price all manufacturers. Manufacturer codes are the same as used in order entry.

Color Code - Enter the color code to price from this list or * to price all colors. Color codes are the same as used in order entry.

Diameter Range - Enter the diameter to price from this list or enter 1 to 99 to price all diameters.

Commercial Brand - Enter the applicable Commercial Brand name to price.

Lens Type Code - Enter the applicable lens type code to price.

Price List Number - Enter the price list number to price from, or enter 0 (zero) to create a work ticket-only assignment.

Price List Types

Base Price List

The Base list is the first set of prices that Optifacts will use and is required for any pricing. It should contain all prices that exist for any material for which the list contains prices. Edging Charges, Power Over Standard, Tint, etc., are some examples of prices that a Base list could include. Even though Optifacts may be getting some prices from an Override or Add-on price list, it will still fall back to the Base list and pick up any other charges not covered on the Override list. Think of the Base list as just that, the base for all prices.

Add-on Price List

The next price list that could get used is an Add-on list. This price list contains prices that get added to any price on the Base list that resides in the same location as the price list. (i.e., the Solid Tint charge on the Base list is $5.00, and the Solid Tint charge on the Add-on list is $2.00. The price charged will be $7.00) An Add-on list is a filter that is applied or laid over the Base list.

Note that you can place a minus (-) value into an Add-on list, and that amount would get subtracted. Thus, in the example above, the resultant tint price charged would have been $3.00 if the Add-on List price contained a value of -2.00 in the Solid Tint field.

Add-on lists are helpful if you have a few accounts with pricing exceptions added to, or deducted from, your Base list. Add-on lists can also benefit special pricing for special promotions.

An excellent example of this would be a lab running a special promotion on AR coating. Rather than change prices in the Base list for the promotional period and then change them back to normal when the period is over, use an Add-on list and place the amount to deduct in the AR COAT field. This price list is then assigned as an Add-on list to the normal prices for the promotional period and removed from the price list assignments when the promotion is over.

Override Price List

Another price list type, and probably the most powerful, is the Override price list. An Override list is a filter that lies over the top of the Base list and the Add-on list, replacing any overlapping prices with the prices in the Override list.

The Override List is powerful because it can force entries to zero or replace entries with a different dollar value. For example, it is possible to bring an entry to $0 with an Add-on list, but you would have to enter the exact negative dollar value to do so. With an Override list, entering -999.00 will bring the value to zero regardless of the price on the Base list. As opposed to adding or subtracting, entering a value to charge may make a list easier to maintain and read from the operator’s viewpoint.

Using the pricing example from the Add-on list, a Solid Tint charge of $5.00 on a Base list, a Solid Tint charge of $2.00 on an Override list would result in an invoice charge of $2.00.

Progressive and full-field (aspheric) lenses are commonly priced as Override lists. If there are no price list assignments for a lens type of P, then progressive pricing will occur from the progressive column in the normal type of price list. Since all progressives price from this column, you will most likely create a progressive type price list and assign that list as an override, thus overriding any overlapping charges from the normal type price list. Full-field lenses get handled in the same fashion. If there is no price list assignment for a lens type of F, then full-field lenses will price from the Base list with a list type of N. The FF prefix gets dropped, and pricing done from the respective lens column (i.e., FFD28 will price from D28, FFSV will price from SV, etc.). By placing full-field specific prices into a separate list and assigning that list as an Override list of lens type F, your full field lens gets all related prices from the new list and everyday prices from the Base list.

Remember that entry of 0.00 in an Add-on or Override list does not affect pricing at all. Only with an entry of -999.00 on the Override list can a value be forced to $0.00.


The screenshots in the following sections are just a few examples of the various ways to assign price lists through an account, package, or all accounts.


Assigning a Generic Base List

The diagram below shows a base list assignment for all plastic materials for all accounts to price list number 1000. An assignment to an actual account number will take precedence over an account zero (0) assignment. 

The following example prices both edged and uncut jobs in any plastic material finished and semi-finished lenses, dress or industrial thickness from any manufacturer and in any color or diameter. However, it will not price any glass jobs.

Assigning a Package Base List

The diagram below shows the price list number 242 assigned as a package. When assigning price lists to packages, you must enter the package number with a preceding tilde symbol (~). This symbol is a flag to Optifacts that the number will reference a package from the lite-ups. When a price list gets assigned as a package list, it is available to all accounts but active only when the accompanying package lite-up gets toggled on in the billing options screen of order entry.

The following example prices only edged polycarbonate jobs, either finished or semi-finished lenses, only if industrial thickness, any manufacturer, color, or any diameter. It will not price any material other than polycarbonate, uncut, or dress thickness jobs run with the D flag. (i.e. SV or D28). It will only price jobs using the lens style’s industrial flag (I) (i.e., SVI or DI28). 

Assigning a Group Base List

The diagram below shows the price list 1000 assigned with group #1000. When assigning price lists to groups, you must enter the group number with a preceding minus symbol (-). This symbol is a flag to Optifacts that the number will be a group. When an account is assigned to price from a group, it will only follow the list assignments for that group number or its account number. It will not follow any assignments for account 0 or to another group.

The following example prices any plastic edged jobs, either finished or semi-finished lenses, only if dress thickness, from any manufacturer, and color, any diameter. It will not price any glass materials, uncut, or industrial thickness jobs run with the ’I’ flag. (I.e., SVI or DI28).

Assigning a Specific Base List

The diagram below shows account 12345 assigned to a specific list #85. This type of assignment will take precedence over any matching assignments done for account 0. In addition, if the account number gets assigned to a group, then this assignment takes precedence over any group assignments that match.

The following example prices only uncut plastic jobs, only semi-finished lenses, only if industrial thickness, only from manufacturer ES (Essilor), any color, any diameter. It will not price any material other than material code P (Plastic), any edged jobs, dress thickness jobs, or any manufacturer other than Essilor.

Assigning an Account to a Group

The following example shows account 12345 assigned to a price from within-group #1000. This account will only price from within this group or from an assignment to the actual account number.

This assignment only places an account into a group. Assigning price lists to the group must still be done for this account to price correctly.

Edit Price List Assignments

From the Optifacts main menu:              

Select Option 3 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 2 - Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

To Edit an entry:

Select Option 1 - Add/Edit Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

The example below shows a general assignment for full-field (aspheric) Essilor lenses to price from list #104.

The box around the upper portion of the diagram shows the entries of a price list assignment that you cannot edit. If you need to edit an entry in this section, first, you must delete the assignment and re-enter a new assignment with your desired values. 

The box around the lower portion of the diagram shows the entries you can edit for an assignment. Notice that the lowest portion of the screen states two entries exist and prompts the user to add or edit an entry. 

  • To add an entry, press “A” and Enter.
    • If you choose to add an entry, the cursor gets placed at Manufacturer Code, and you can then fill in the lower section with new entries.
  • To edit an entry, press “E” and Enter.
    • If you choose to edit an entry, the editor scrolls through all matching entries, prompting each field. A response of “No” scrolls to the next entry; “Yes,” places the cursor at Manufacturer Code and allows you to edit the current entry.

Delete Price List Assignments

From the Optifacts main menu:              

Select Option 3 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 4 - Pricing Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 2 - Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

To Delete an entry:

Select Option 2 -Delete Account Price List Assignments and press Enter.

This option allows you to remove a price list assignment permanently from the database. You get prompted to fill in the fields, and any matching entries will appear on your screen, with the program prompting you to delete the entry. You must respond “Yes” to delete the assignment.

Since you must fill in the assignment fields exactly to find the correct price list assignment, we recommend that you first print a listing of the Account Price List Assignments to assist you with finding the correct list to be deleted. Again, you must enter all fields exactly to delete an assignment.

Would you like to Delete this one (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” to delete the entry.
  • Press “N” to view the next entry.

  • Press Escape to exit.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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