One of the key features of Rx-Inventory is the ability to import your inventory data. You can use this functionality to create new inventory records or update existing inventory items with new information.
The relevant permissions for importing frame data can be found in Rx-Hub → Roles → (Specific Role) → Rx-Inventory. Learn more or get a refresher on how our User Roles and Permissions work.
To be able to import frame data, the user needs at least the Create and Update of the SKU permissions. Ideally, you would also grant them the Read permissions so they can view the frames that they imported.
Required Setup and Configurations
Format File
It accepts most file types as long as they contain rows of delimited data using the delimiters we currently support. However, we highly recommend that you use CSV or files with .TXT file extentions when non-comma delimeter.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Importing Frame Item Data - Instructions
To import your inventory data into the Rx-Inventory platform, follow these steps:
Basic Importing Instructions
Navigate to the Manage Inventory → Import section.
Click on the Choose File button to initiate the import process.
Important: Rx-inventory accepts most file types as long as they contain rows of delimited data using the delimiters it currently supports. However, we highly recommend that you use CSV or files with .TXT file extensions when using non-comma delimeter.
The import functionality will not work with XML-based file extensions (e.g. .XLSX) and .DOCX
Choose the file containing your inventory data and click Open to start the import.
Select the appropriate delimiter format that your file is using. Currently, Rx-Inventory supports comma, pipe, semi-colon, and tab delimiters.
You can also specify if your file is using a header row or not by toggling on the File Has Header Row checkbox. Turning off the flag will require you to map the columns to the correct fields during the import, otherwise, it will automatically map them if the headers have the same names as our fields.
The platform will validate the file and display any errors or warnings that need to be addressed. It will also show other relevant information regarding the import
Errors - Must be fixed/addressed to continue with the import process. e.g. The file does not have columns or no matched columns yet for required fields.
Warnings - Import can be completed without fixing the data. However, there might be possible errors in the values in your import file for some the records. e.g We only accept “s or y” for the stock order status, if your file has other values other than those, they will not be imported.
Match the columns in your import file to the available Rx-Inventory columns by selecting them from the Import As select field. You can only match one column from the import file to one column in Rx-Inventory.
After you matched all the columns you want to import, click on Next. This will bring you to a confirmation page section with an overview of the total number of records that will imported and included columns.
You can proceed to Submit the import or go Back and modify it.
Once the import is complete, you will see an overview of the successful and failed imports, a count of new versus updated records, and details of the failed imports. You will also have the option to export an Error Report CSV document and a Raw Data CSV of the imported records.
Additional Importing Functionalities
Importing VisionStar Records
There is a flag that allows users during import to indicate if frame inventory information is from VisionStar. If the flag is checked, Rx-Inventory will automatically insert the trace name associated with the record using the Eye, DBL, Manufacturer, and Frame Name.
Adding Full-File Values
You can add columns in your import that will have constant values for all records in your import file. You can set this by selecting the Add Field button on the Full-File Values section to display the fields for column selection and the value. For columns with string values, the ex, otherwise, you can create the value you want for the column. You can also add multiple full-value fields in one import transaction.
Updating Existing Items
You can update the existing records on your Rx-Inventory database using the import functionality. Rx-Inventory will use either UPC or the frame identifier fields (name, brand, collection, mode, manufacturer, edge type, material, gender, color, eye, bridge, temple, and part type) to check if the frame record already exists. If the record exists, Rx-Inventory will update it with values from the import file, otherwise, it will create a new inventory record. Note that only the fields that are included in the import file will be modified.
To update existing records on import, on the Map Columns → Import Options section, tick on the Update existing items flag and proceed on the next import steps as is.
Importing Parts/Miscellaneous Items
By default, Rx-Inventory imports a record as a Whole frame item, if you want to also include frame parts or miscellaneous items, you have to check the “Import file contains parts/miscellaneous items” flag. This will make “Part Type” a required column. Note that you will need to follow the valid values for part type (misc, front, whole, temple, bridge, side_shield, clip). Also, ensure that there are no blank values for part type in any of the records.
UI Options
Show Matched Flag
When On - shows all the columns (matched and unmatched)
When Off - shows the unmatched columns only
Allow replacing used fields Flag
When On - on the column card, all columns will be available as options in the Import As field. If the field is already matched, it will show as Allocated
When Off - on the column card, only columns that are unmatched/unallocated will be available options in the Import As field
Import Column Definitions
Frame Columns
Column/Field Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Expected Values |
Name | The name of the frame | Text | Required | |
Material | The material the frame is made from | Text | Required | |
Color | The color of the frame | Text | Required | |
Eye | The eye measurement | Integer | Required | |
Temple | The temple measurement | Integer | Required | |
Bridge | The bridge measurement | Integer | Required | |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer of the frame | Text | Required | |
Edge Type | The edge type of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Gender | The gender that the frame is designed for | Text | Optional | |
Requested Base Curve | The requested base curve of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Minimum Base Curve | The minimum base curve of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Prop 65? | Whether the frame is prop65 or not | Text | Optional | |
Brand | The brand of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Collection | The collection of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Model | The model of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Frame Class | The class of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Status | The inventory status of the item (active, inactive, discontinued, on order, backordered, recalled) | Text | Optional | Active: a, active, y, t, true yes, 1 |
A | The horizontal width of each lens at its widest point | Float (with single decimal place) | Optional | |
B | The vertical height of the lenses at the widest point of the lens within the frame | Float (with single decimal place) | Optional | |
ED | The longest diagonal distance inside the frame edges in mm | Float (with single decimal place) | Optional | |
Part Type | What portion of a frame the model represents | Text | Required | |
UPC | UPC of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Manufacturer UPC | The manufacturer's frame UPC | Text | Optional | |
Trace | The trace of the frame | Text | Optional | |
Standard Cost | Standard cost of the frame | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
Average Cost | The average cost of the frame across all receipts at all warehouses | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
MSRP | Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price of the frame | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
Suggested Retail Price | Suggested Retail Price of the frame | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
Price Group | The price group that the frame is a member of | Text | Optional | |
Last Used | The last time this item was used by the system | Datetime | Optional | |
Backorder Date | The date and time the item is expected to be available again | Date | Optional | |
Reorder Method | The method used to reorder this item | Text | Optional | |
Dynamic Days | The number of days after item creation to switch from min/max to usage history reorder method | Integer | Optional | |
Description | An optional freetext description of the item | Text | Optional | |
Web | This flag tracks if the frame is displayed on the lab's website, if applicable | Boolean | Optional | y, t, true yes, 1 |
Vision Star Item Number | Item number from VisionStar | Text | Optional |
Warehouse Columns
Column/Field Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Expected Values |
Stock Status | Whether or not the item should be kept on hand (stocked) or ordered when required (special) | Text | Required | Stocked: stock, a, active, y, t, true yes, 1 |
Quantity | The total stock in the warehouse | Integer | Optional | |
Quantity Allocated | The total stock allocated for jobs | Integer | Optional | |
Quantity In Process | The total stock picked for jobs | Integer | Optional | |
Quantity On Order | The total on open/released Purchase Orders | Integer | Optional | |
Quantity Backordered | The total stock that is backordered | Integer | Optional | |
Bin | The bin this item is stocked in | Text | Optional | |
Min | The smallest amount of stock that should be kept on hand | Integer | Optional | |
Max | The largest amount of stock that should be kept on hand | Integer | Optional | |
Vendor | The name of the Vendor that supplies the item | Text | Optional | |
Lead Days | The number of lead days to use in the EOQ calculation | Integer | Optional | |
Warehouse | The warehouse this record is attached to | Text | Optional | |
Cost | The cost of the frame at this warehouse | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
Average Cost | The average cost of acquisition from the vendor (computed when receiving Purchase Orders) | Float (with two decimal place) | Optional | |
Safety Stock | The safety stock to use in the EOQ calculation | Text | Optional |