The Remote Order Entry process allows a third-party program to create an ASCII file for Rx-Universe, containing information necessary to order an Rx from the lab. This file uses the VCA convention for data transfers, with additional labels defined by Rx-Universe for fields not directly supported by the VCA device standard. These additional labels will have a suffix of an underscore “_”; for example “_FIRSTNAME”.
Rx-Universe can also create a status file which the third-party software can retrieve to obtain the status of each of the site’s job in the lab. The lab would need the Rx-Tracker module installed to accomplish this task. Figure I-1 shows this process.
This document will explain what codes you need to send to Rx-Universe, the format in which the request/orders will need to be sent to Rx-Universe and how to interpret the information that Rx-Universe sends back.
Figure 1-1
Rx-Universe Inbox (for incoming orders into the lab)
Information (RAW files) coming from the retail site will be stored in a folder determined by the lab which is located on the lab’s server. The most common method of file transfer from a retail site to the lab is via ftp, where the default folder for the ftp transfer will point to the appropriate folder. By default the folder is “OMICSTX” a subfolder of the “RXUNIVERSE” folder on the lab’s server. For example “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSTX”.
Rx-Universe Outbox (for outgoing status results)
Information that is sent back from Rx-Universe will be located in this directory, which is usually called “OMICSRX” – this is usually a subfolder below the default “RXUNIVERSE” folder on the lab’s server. For example “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX”. Under this folder there is a folder for each customer created by Rx-Universe automatically, the folder name will be the account number, this is where the retail site will have to pick up the status files.
- For example “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX\account_number”:
- “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX\1” (status files for account 1)
- “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX\0025” (status files for account 0025)
- “C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX\1234” (status files for account 1234)
Naming Conventions
There are naming conventions that are used for every document Rx-Universe either sends or receives and the directories they are stored in. Each of these naming conventions will be explained as we get into detail about each document.
Sending Orders To Rx-Universe
File Name:
The naming convention that is used for the order file is very important. The retailer will need to get their account number from the lab and store it somewhere in their system, since it is used in the flat file (RAW File) name.
The format of the file name is Account Number.V + sequence number (2 to 4 digits)
If the account number is “002” and this is the first order that they are sending, the text file name would be “002.V01” or “002.V0001”
The second file would be “002.V02” or “002.V0002” ... and so on. Once the sequence number reaches its upper limit, the sequence number should restart from the beginning; for example, after “002.V9999” it should be “002.V0001”.
Steps in sending an Order to the lab:
Generate ASCII text file (RAW File) for every order that has not been sent.
Send the ASCII text file(s) (RAW File) to the lab.
File Format
Each line in the ASCII file must have at least two parameters, the first parameter being the field name (label), the second parameter the field value. These parameters must be separated by an equal sign “=”. Each field must go on a different line. Field names with no underscore “_” at the beginning of its name are VCA Labels. For more detail information on VCA Labels, reference the VCA Data Communication Standard documentation.
Some fields you have to send a right value and a left value, separated by a semi-colon. These fields are indicated by the "chiral" column. Here is an example:
If you are only sending Left eye information, you still have to include the semi-colon before the field value:
A complete order file will consists of many fields, with corresponding values. A list of fields is given; following the list is an example of a complete order submission.
General Information
Required column - O=optional, R=required
Chiral column - N=non-chiral (one value per label); Y=chiral (value is right, semi-colon, left - ie 2.50;1.25)
Field Name | Reqd | Chiral | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
_CUSTNO | O | N | String | 09 | Account Number |
JOB | R | N | String | 21 | Job number from retail | This information is saved in the “PO#” field. |
_INV | O | N | String | 08 | Invoice number | Use this field if you want to keep the same Invoice Number as |
_OMICS_TRAY_NUM | O | N | String | 06 | Tray Number | Use this field if you want to keep the same Tray Number as
_JTYPE | R | N | String | 01 | Job Type | Valid Values: |
PATIENT | R | N | String | 21 | Patient Name | This field is not needed if you are using the “_FIRSTNAME” and |
_FIRSTNAME | R | N | String | 21 | First name of patient | Use either PATIENT or combination of first and last name |
_LASTNAME | R | N | String | 21 | Last name of patient | Use either PATIENT or combination of first and last name |
_RDATE | O | N | String | 08 | Date Ordered | YYYYMMDD |
_WDATE | O | N | String | 08 | Date Wanted | YYYYMMDD |
_OPT_WDATE | O | N | String | 8 | Optional date wanted | YYYYMMDD |
REF | O | N | String | 18 | Release Number |
SHIPTO | O | N | String | 10 | Ship to Number | Each part separated by a comma. |
REM | O | N | String | 30 | Remarks or Special Instructions.
| Can have up to 11 comment lines. |
| O | N | String | 01 | Call first before processing. | Valid Entries are: |
_REMAKECODE | O | N | String | 04 | Remake code | An entry in this field sets the REDO flag on the order and |
_RUSH_JOB | O | N | String | 01 | Set Rush indicator on order | Valid Entries are: |
_DOCTOR_ID | O | N | String | 30 | Doctor’s name | |
_ORD-ORIG_INVOICE | O | N | String | 08 | Used to send the original invoice number when sending a remake job | |
_REMAKE_CAT | O | N | String | 04 | Used to send the remake category | |
_PRLIST | O | N | String | 03 | Price list number. | Specify to force pricing to a certain lab price list. |
_TRAY_COLOR | O | N | String | 03 | Used to override the tray color that would normally be associated |
_LAYOUT | O | N | String | 01 | Indicates whether frame measurements should be considered exact, | Valid Entries are: |
_UNCUTDIAM | O | Y | Numeric | 05 | Diameter to use for thickness for uncut job | Value >= 0 and <= 99.9 |
_USER_DEF_JF | C | N | String | 10 | User Define Job Flow Labels. |
Rx And Lens Information
Field Name | Reqd | Chiral | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
DO | R | Y | String | 01 | Which eye | Valid Values: |
_LSTYLE | C | Y | String | 06 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the lens style being ordered |
_MATERIAL | C | Y | String | 02 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the lens material being ordered |
_TREAT | C | Y | String | 03 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the treatment of the lens | This is the Pretreatment that comes already on the lens from the manufacturer. |
_TINT | C | Y | String | 03 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the tint of the lens | This is the Tint (Color) that comes already on the lens from the manufacturer |
_LCODE | C | Y | String | 02 | Lens Material | Refer to catalogue reference, under the lens section. This is the code from the catalogue |
SPH +/- | R | Y | Numeric | 05 | Rx Sphere Power | 99.99 |
CYL +/- | O | Y | Numeric | 05 | Rx Cylinder Power | 99.99 |
AX | C | Y | Integer | 03 | Prescribed Cylinder Axis. | 999 |
IPD | R | Y | Numeric | 03 | Far PD: The far interpupillary distance for Multifocals and can be entered as
| Valid range values: |
NPD | C | Y | Numeric | 03 | Near PD or Vertical Decentration:
| Valid range values: For SV-Style lenses, this field represents the distance above or below the datum of the OC. |
OCHT | O | Y | Numeric | 04 | Vertical O.C. height measured from the lower boxes tangent of the frame. |
ADD | C | Y | Numeric | 04 | The add power of the multifocal segment | 99.99 |
ADD2 | C | Y | Numeric | 04 | The add power of the upper segment in an occupational lens | 99.99 |
SEGHT | C | Y | Numeric | 03 | Segment Height | Ex: SEGHT=19;19 |
PRVM +/- | O | Y | Numeric | 04 | Rx Prism in diopters | 99.99 |
PRVA | C | Y | String | 03 | Rx Prism direction | Ex: |
ELLH | O | Y | Numeric | 02 | Elliptical Cribbing | Ex: ELLH=62;62 |
_SUPELLH | O | Y | String | 01 | Suppress Elliptical Cribbing | Valid Values are: |
THNP | O | Y | Numeric | 03 | Requested Thickness | Ex: THNP=1.5;1.5 |
_PRTHIN | O | N | String | 01 | Prism Thinning | Valid Entries Are: |
_ADDON | O | N | String | 06 | Add-on Codes | Codes specified by receiving lab or from catalogue. |
CLASS | O | Y | String String | 03 03 | To force Finished (Stock) or Semi-Finish lenses per eye | Valid Values |
_FORCESF_F | O | Y | String | 01 | To force Semi-Finish or Finished (Stock) lenses on your job | Valid Values: |
_RFRONT | O | Y | String | 04 | Requested Nominal Front Curve | Ex: _RFRONT=0400;0400 |
_RDIA | O | Y | Numeric | 02 | Requested Blank (Lens) Diameter | Ex: _RDIA=76;76 |
_LMFRID | O | Y | String | 04 | Lens Manufacturer | If you want to force Rx-Universe to select a lens from a certain manufacturer |
OPC | O | Y | Numeric | 10 | Lens OPC Code | Select lenses by OPC codes |
SWIDTH | C | Y | Numeric | 02 | Segment Width | Ex:_SWIDTH=28;28 |
SDEPTH | C | Y | Numeric | 02 | Segment Depth of the Intermediate Segment. Required only for Trifocal lenses | Ex:SDEPTH=08;08 |
LNAM | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
LTYP | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
LMATTYPE | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
HBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | Horizontal box lens size of the frame. This is the “A” measurement | Valid range of values is from 30.0 to 80.0 mm |
VBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | Vertical boxes lens size of the frame. This is the “B” measurement. | Valid range of values is from 15.0 to 60.0 mm |
_EDBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | “ED” measurement of the box measurement system. The widest possible | Valid range of values is from 30.0 to 80.0 mm |
DBL | R | N | Numeric | 03 | Distance Between Lenses | Valid range of values is from 7.0 to 30.0 mm |
ETYP | O | N | String | 01 | Type of edge to cut on lens. | Valid Entries are: |
SFTHK | O | N | String | 01 | This field needs to be placed after the “ETYP” field | Y = Safety Thickness |
FTYP | O | N | String | 01 | Frame Type | Valid Entries are: |
_TRACE | O | N | String | 12 | Trace Number | Rx-Universe will look into the Pattern Database for a Frame Name matching |
_CCIRC | O | N | Numeric | 04 | You can specify the actual circumference of the customer’s frame. | Ex: CIRC=138.4
_WRAP | O | N | String | 01 | To take advantage of the Wrap Frame Calculation. | Valid Entries are: |
ZTILT | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Panoramic (Wrap) Angle | Valid range of values is from 0 to 30.0 degrees |
PANTO | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Pantoscopic (Angle) Tilt | Valid range of values is from 0 to 30.0 degrees |
BVD | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Vertex Fitting. Back vertex distance, as worn (mm) | Valid range of values is from 5 to 30 mm |
RVD | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Refracted Vertex Distance - Back vertex distance, as refracted (mm) | Valid range of values is from 5 to 30 mm
TRCFMT | O | N | Numeric | 01 | Format of frame trace data | Valid Entries are: |
| Number | 04 | Number of radii in the trace |
| |
| String | 01 | Radius mode identifier | Valid Entries are: | |
| String | 01 | Which eyes are included | Valid Entries are: | |
ZFMT | O | N | Numeric | 01 | Format of vertical height frame trace data | Valid Entries are: |
| Number | 04 | Number of radii in the trace |
| |
| String | 01 | Radius mode identifier | E – the radii are evenly spaced | |
| String | 01 | Which eyes are included | R – Right | |
R | C | N | Numeric | 05 | Radius Data | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
| C | N | Numeric | 05 | Angle data for radius data (angular locations of trace radii expressed | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
Z | C | N | Numeric | 05 | Radius Data | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
Optional Fields
Optional fields are parameters that are not required for all Rx's, but might be required for specific lens designs. For example, the Varilux S 4D lens style requires head-eye coefficient to be specified by the dispenser.
If sent, the values will be used if applicable for the lens design ordered.
Field Name | Reqd | Chiral | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
| N | String |
| Wearer’s Initials | up to 4 alphanumeric characters |
| N | Numeric |
| Client Height in meters |
| N | Numeric |
| Head Eye Coefficient | Measured by Visi-Office |
| N | Numeric |
| Stability Coefficient | Measured by Visi-Office |
_NVI |
| Y | Numeric |
| Near Vision Inset | Inset of the near vision segment relative |
| N | Numeric |
| Near Working Distance | Working object distance at near viewing |
| Y | Numeric |
| Eye Rotation Center Distance | Measured by Visi-Office |
| Y | Numeric |
| Cape Head Angle | Measured by Visi-Office |
_LP |
| Y |
| Progression Length (corridor length) | Valid values vary by design |
| N |
| Dominant Eye | R-right, L-left, or N-none |
| N |
| Laterality (Dominant Hand) | Valid Entries are: |
| Y | Numeric |
| Refracted object distance at near viewing point (meters) | Valid values 0.20 to 0.60 m |
This ASCII text file will be generated at the retail site and be sent to the lab from which they are placing their order. The following is an example of items you can find in an order file (RAW file):
Sending Status Requests / Other
You can make requests from the lab through Rx-Universe; the types of requests that you can make are as follows:
Request quote (Rx-Invoice Module Required at the Lab)
Request order status (Rx-Tracker Module Required at the Lab)
Request to cancel the order
Request to hold the order
Request to ship the order
To do this, you basically have to send the ASCII order file again, with only these fields:
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
JOB | String | 07 | The original Job or PO number of the job that you are inquiring about. |
_ACTION | Numeric | 01 | The type of request you are making. | Valid Entries are: |
Receiving Order Status
Order Status are received after an order is sent or the user can specifically make an order request. The retail system will have to pick the order status up from the lab. After an order is processed it creates a file in a folder that is specified in the Rx-Universe Remote Order Processing Options screen + “\” + Retail Account Number. The file name will consist of the “Job Number”.STA
Account 1234 sends an order with a job number of 35. In the Rx-Universe Remote Order Processing Options screen, the “Directory For Status Status File” is set to C:\RXUNIVERSE\OMICSRX”.
The file would be:
The text file that would be sent would look like this:
_LABSTAT="In lab"
_ESTCOST= 137.89
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
_LABID | String | 12 | The lab number |
ACCN | String | 08 | The retailer’s account number with the lab |
JOB | String | 21 | Job or PO number |
_STATUS | Numeric | 02 | Order Status Code | Valid Entries are: |
_LABSTAT | String | 60 | Order Status Description | (see above field) |
_LABREM | String | 30 | Lab Remarks | Can occur multiple times |
_ESTCOMP | Date | 08 | Estimated Completion Date | YYYYMMDD |
_ESTCOST | Numeric | 10 | Estimated Cost | 99999999.99 |
_INVNO | Numeric | 08 | Invoice Number | 99999999 |
Appendix 1:
RAW File:
O/E Rx Screen:
Appendix 2:
RAW File:
O/E Rx Screen:
Appendix 3:
RAW File:
O/E Rx Screen:
In the Frame Traces: