Versions Compared


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  1. A daily backup procedure
  2. An off-site backup procedure
  3. A minimum of 14 days backup retention.
  4. A daily off-site rotation
  5. A routine monitoring and testing of backup systems


Back Up instructions

All the data in In a typical installation is centrally located on the all the data would be installed centrally on a local server running RX-Universe (The PC that has the RX-U USB Dongles connected). In the examples bellow we will assume the the name of the server is "server" and that the installation is installpath is "C:\RxUniverse"

We recommend backing up the default installation folder. In the example below we will use: "C:\RxUniverse"(please note that if you selected to install RX-Universe in a different directory the path would be different)

Backing up the entire content of this "C:\RxUniverse" folder will make the restoration is simple, you can simply copy & paste this folder to another location and your done. This will simplify the restoration process


(Please note that you do not need to anything with these folders, they are simply a reference for you to know what was the last RX-Universe Version utilized before the restore.)



Restoration instruction

If you are restoring to a new Server or a PC that doesnt doesn't have the RX-Universe installed on it, you will need to follow the instructions on how to "Install Rx-Universe" ← Click here ←Link

Once you have the installation completed, you will need to have a copy of the Restored Data. (please note that :The extraction of extracting the "RxUniverse" folder out of the clients existing backup should only be performed by either the clients client himself or their current IT provider.)

In the examples below we will assume that the Client/IT provider has restored the data in the following Path "C:\RestoredData"

The first thing you need to verify is the last RX-Universe Update that was applied to the database that your are about to restore: 

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In the root folder of your RX-Universe ie:"C:\RxUniverse" you will find the Update folders like indicated above. In the example above the most recent update is 64702 (6.47.02)

It is important that you Update your new RX-Universe Installation before restoring the data, you can either update up to the most recent version available, or to the last applied version. In this case 6.47.02. If you don't update accordingly you will experience inconsistencies and errors.

Once your systems is Updated, you have to browse to your new installation forlder and locate the "data" folder

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After you located the data folder you have to rename "data" to "old_data"

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Next is to copy the "Data" from your restored folder "C:\RestoredData\RxUniverse\" to "C;\RxUniverse\"

Launch RX-Universe and verify that the data is all there and that is current. If everything is ok you can then delete the "old_data" from "C:\RxUniverse" folder.




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