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Table of Contents (on this page)

Table of Contents


This document will explain explains how to navigate and input data using your keyboard. Optifacts has several different types of screens, each with its’ own . Each has standards for navigating through and inputting data into the various fields.


Order Entry Screens

The order entry screens are located by using the “Run Layout” menu option 4 on the Optifacts Main Menu.

and inputting data.


  • Speed - The order entry system is quick to use because it skips those windows and fields that do not apply to the calculations entered for the job. The system displays only those options that are requested to view. If the correct code and seg for the style are known, showing the style list is not required. The calculation list does not need to open if the options are not required.
  • Rx Form – Information is organized in the system to reflect the order of information listed on the typical Rx form.
  • Windows - All information is entered and displayed in windows rather than on screens. Some windows within view for every job; others are displayed only under specific circumstances. As a window is complete, the next appropriate window displays slightly below the previous window. You can effortlessly move to the prior window by pressing the Escape (ESC) key.
  • Fields - Some fields are displayed for every lens selected; others appear only if a specific lens is selected. Some windows show all data fields but access only those applicable to the job. That is, the system accesses a data field if it applies to the calculations entered.


  • Order Entry - The Order Entry function allows you to enter all measurements, curves, and blocking needed to create the prescribed lens. If pricing is active, then invoicing information is recorded.
  • Optifacts Blocking – Design of the Optifacts software allows on geometric lens center blocking or MRP (Manufacturer Reference Point) blocking for lens surfacing. The system computes the prism required to place optical centers, the prism direction, and the segment positioning required at Order Entry. When on center blocking is used, a single vision must be blocked as close as possible to the lens’s geometric center. However, blocking Multifocals should not be on the geometric center as determined by available blank center locating methods, instead, referencing up and over from the segment, equal to the layout seg down and seg, in amounts. MRP blocking is also available and is automatic for aspheric and progressive lenses. The system lists the blocking method at the top and the measurements under Surfacing Markup on the work ticket.
  • Right-Eye Assumption - The system always assumes the right eye calculations entered first. In any window with calculations that include both eyes, the system asks for the right eye and the left eye. If working with only one lens, you can signal the system to prompt only that lens, left or right.
  • The Right and Left lenses are labeled as R and L in the Rx window. Two lines indicate the first line as right and the bottom line as left in all other windows. The right lens is always on the first line, as shown in the Rx screen.

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Access the order entry screens from the Optifacts menu option 4.

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Entering Values in Order Entry

  • Values for various materials are input in the fields illustrated below. Inputting these values is similar to inputting dollar amounts. You must type the decimal point in the numeric entry. For example, if you want to input an entry of 3.5 for the Sphere, you would type 3, the period, and the 5. When you press Enter, the number appropriately aligns within the field. Some fields default to an entry when you Enter through it.


 *** Caution: If you do not type a decimal, all numbers typed fall to the decimal left after pressing the Enter key. ***

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Help Keys and Shortcuts

Use the table below for instructions on navigating through the order entry screens and inputting data.

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Image Removed Down next screenImage Removed Up previous screenUse the question mark (?) key to:


How it's used


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Press "F1" to display the Help window for the field where the cursor is. 

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Some help texts are more lengthy than fit on one page; press the space bar to continue to the next page.

(See prompt "more..." at the bottom of the screen.) Press ESC to exit the Help window and return to the field. 

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Press "F2" to

access the system help for a field.

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Press Ctrl Y to toggle the CBT Selection menu.

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Press F5

display the Calculations Options window. The status message at the bottom of the screen tells you when you can access the Calculation Options window.

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Press "F3" to return to the first field in a window.

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Press "F4" to move to the last field in a window.

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Press "F5" to utilize the Phone Rx screen


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F2 to access the Calculations Options screen (from the RX Layout module).

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Press the Esc key to exit a screen

"Ctrl" and "Y" to toggle the CBT (Commercial Brand Tool) and the CPS (Commercial Product Selector) menu.

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The status message at the bottom of the screen tells you the result of pressing ESC in each window. In the Tray & Acct. window, press ESC to exit Order Entry. Pressing ESC anywhere in this window exits Order Entry. Use the arrow keys or F3 to back up. In the Frame Information window at the first field (Frame name or shape): press ESC to return to the Blank window. After the first field, press ESC to return to the first field. In the Near Prism window, press ESC to restart the window. In all other windows, press ESC to return to the previous window or screen; ESC backs up one window at a time.

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Press the "Insert" key to access the Recall Options screen

(from the RX Layout module).

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Press "Enter" to advance to the next field or to complete the order when at the pricing options screen.

Caution: The Enter key save saves data in a field. If you move Moving between data fields using with the arrow keys , does not commit the data is not saved.

If you try Trying to store information using a Tab key, by pressing Tab results in the cursor will not move moving, and you will receive an error sound. (if your system is configured for sound).

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The Spacebar only if the audio set up on the system)

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The "Space" bar can be used to:·        

  • Clear
  • an entry in a field.
  • Set a default value in a field.
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Use the question mark (?) key to see the available options for a field.

Example: To see a list of customers in the Account field or see a list of options in any other order entry field.

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Press the "Page

Up" key to move to the

previous section.

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Press the "Page

Down" key to move to the

next section.

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Use the "END" key to navigate to the end of the Rx and reprint the work ticket

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  • See the available options for a field.
  • To see a list of customers in the account field.

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Press the "Left Arrow" key to move backward by one field or one page in the pricing options screens.

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Press the "Right Arrow" key to move forward by one field or one page in the pricing options screens.

  • Use arrows to navigate through the pricing options screens within


    order entry.

Caution: When you navigate using the arrow keys, your data will not be savedsave. You must use the Enter key to "save" data in a field.

If you try to store information using a Tab key, the cursor will not move and you will receive an error sound (if your the system is configured for soundaudio).

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Press "S" in the Patient Name field to access the Safety/Copay Account Code field.

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Press "V" in the Patient Name field to add the VSP account code.

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Press "C


" at the Patient Name field to access the CBT Selection menu.

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Press "S" in the Style w/Seg Sz field to access the Special Entry screen


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Press "L" in the Frame Name field to access the frame library.

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Press "I" in the Frame Name filed to access frame inventory.

Entering Values

Values for various materials are input in the fields illustrated below:
Inputting these values is similar to inputting dollar amounts. You must type the decimal point in the numeric entry. For example, if you want to input an entry of 3.5 for the Sphere, you would type 3, the period, and the 5. When you press Enter, the number  appropriately aligns within the field. Some fields default to an entry when you Enter through it. Caution: If you do not type a decimal, all numbers typed will fall to the left of the decimal when the Enter key is pressed.

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To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

View file
nameOrder Entry - Data Input.pdf