Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


            The Eyefinity website order entry does not provide for entry of the following items – they are represented in comments on the order; therefore Rx-Universe can not import these pieces of information automatically:

  1. Single-eye jobs can not be entered

  2. Upper add cannot be specified for occupational multifocals

  3. Prism thinning on progressives cannot be specified (lab default will be used)

  4. Frame information is basically free-format – this means that the lab must maintain a translation table of the common frame names, colors and manufacturers, but if the dispenser changes the spelling of any piece, it will not match when brought into Rx-Universe.

  5. Addons such as AR coatings, SR coatings, are specified in Eyefinity by phrases.  While these phrases are pre-populated on the website, the user can change the spelling of any phrase.  This can result in non-matches for addons at the lab, and hence an unvalid job which must be modified at the lab.

  6. The dispenser does not have the ability to specify that a particular blank diameter nor manufacturer be used for lenses.

1.2 Requirements of the Eyefinity Interface


There are 5 translations of codes that take place between Eyefinity’s information and that used within the lab.  These five types of translations are:

  1. Customer numbers

  2. Billing names

  3. Lens codes (identifying material, style, etc.)

  4. Addons (identifying tints, coatings and services)

  5. Frame information (frame name, color, etc.)

  6. Lens description (from the orlso tag - added in version 7.49)

All translations are done in the Eyefinity Translation File in Rx-Universe; each type of translation is described below.  All Eyefinity conversions are accessed from “Remote”, and then “Eyefinity Translations”


Eyf code:         This is the code that comes from Eyefinity (in this case “QT CRIZAL ALICE(A”)
Conversion Type:    “Addon”
Addon-code:   A pricing addon code that is applied on the pricing page.
Pretreat:           Applies a code to the Rx for blank selection.  Some codes, such as ARC, can be set up as optional pretreatments, with a corresponding pricing code.  Thus, whether a lens is selected with the pretreatment or not, proper pricing is applied to the job.
Tint code:        As with pretreatments, applies a code for tint for blank selection.
Description:     Free text description.

There are several types of information in an Eyefinity order that CAN result in an addon code.  Billing names, addon codes, lens color code, lens tint code, all of the MiscOption and MiscOptionDesc fields, and group comment codes.  Many of these codes (L064, AD, JA, etc.) do not need to be translated into Rx-Universe codes because they either do not affect processing, or are already specified in other parts of the order.  However, it is the lab’s responsibility to review the codes and ensure that proper translation is done to the Rx-Universe pricing codes used by that lab.

If a code exists without a translation being done (for example, L064), that code will be brought into Rx-Universe and saved as an addon, which will cause it to print on work tickets, etc., to ensure a service isn’t missed. If the code is a billing code only and doesn’t need to exist as an addon, setting the “Code” field above to “ZZZZZZ” will cause the code to be omitted from the addon list on the order.

A note is required concerning tints. Eyefinity uses two billing codes to indicate tints - MN (solid tint) and MP (gradient tint). With the billing code, they can specify the colour of the tint in two ways,

If they send the tint in the ortc tag, Rx-Universe looks for a translation in the table of MN (or MP) plus the tint as specified in ortc. For example, a Brown 2 tint might be sent as a solid tint, in which case Rx-Universe would look for a translation for “MN BROWN 2”, as follows:


The other way the tint can be specified is with a combination of ortc=other, and then the tint description placed into ortnt as a free-text description. In this latter case, Rx-Universe will look for the addon to use for the MN or MP code by itself, and then place the tint description into the addon remarks on the order itself:


And on the order itself:


2.6  Frame Information

Translation of frame information is a particular challenge with Eyefinity jobs, because Eyefinity allows free-format descriptions of frame information to be made on the website.  Thus, a manufacturer such as Safilo may come up by default as “Safilo” when entering the order on Eyefinity, but the user has the ability to change that.  If Rx-Universe is set up to recognize “SAFILO”, but the order comes over with “SAF”, “SAFILLO”, “SAFL”, or some other spelling, Rx-Universe will be unable to match the code and properly translate it.


Eyf Code:        The frame piece description sent from Eyefinity
Part Type:        “F” for frame piece
Frame Manuf: The Rx-Universe manufacturer to use for this piece
Frame name:   The Rx-Universe frame name to use for this piece
Frame type:     The Rx-Universe frame type (groove, etc.) to use for this piece
Eye:                 The nominal eye size of the frame
DBL:               The nominal DBL or bridge of the frame
Temple:           The nominal temple length of the frame
Color:              The Rx-Universe color to use for this piece

3.0    Setting Eyefinity Communications Parameters

Rx-Universe uses an internet connection to download orders from Eyefinity using ftp (file transfer protocol).  The computer that Rx-Universe is running on (usually the server, running as a thin client application), must have an active connection to the internet.


Once you select “Eyefinity Options”, you will be presented with a screen similar to the following:


Eyefinity pause (minutes):      selects Selects the interval to check Eyefinity for orders.  This should be set to some delay to prevent Rx-Universe from constantly checking the Eyefinity ftp site.
Create Eyefinity Log:             If checked, Rx-Universe will create a file EYEFIN.LOG which contains a log of each step in the communication process.  This file is located in the default Rx-Universe folder.
Send shipping info in status: If checked, will send shipping info : If checked, will send shipping info such as tracking number with the Eyefinity status updatessuch as tracking number with the Eyefinity status updates.
Use WinScp for communications: This uses an alternative program for file transfer which may be required based on lab firewall settings.
Use VisionStar encryption key:  This changes the encryption information used on files sent to/from Eyefinity. This is assigned by Eyefinity.
User name:                              This is the login name for Eyefinity, assigned by Eyefinity.  It is case-sensitive.
Password:                                This is the password assigned by Eyefinity.  It is case-sensitive.
Base file name:                       This is also assigned by Eyefinity.
VSP account #:                       This is the lab’s account number for billing to VSP.
Eyefinity lab ID #:                   This is also assigned by Eyefinity.
Alert Email: If set any differences between Eyefinity’s expected WIP orders and the actual WIP orders will be sent here.

4.0    Processing Eyefinity (and other) Remote Orders

Processing of Eyefinity orders is consolidated into the Remote Order Processing module of Rx-Universe.  From the “Remote” menu, choose “Remote Order Processing”, or start the automated remote order processing screen on the server.


As each order is processed, it is placed into the Active Orders table.  If the order was processed (blanks could be selected, pricing was done), a work ticket is automatically printed.  If there were any problems with the order, the order is saved unvalidated for later review at the lab.

5.0    Sending Status Back to Eyefinity

Eyefinity provides the ability for the lab to send back status on jobs, permitting the dispenser to see the status of their jobs in the lab.  Rx-Universe allows the lab to control how much information to send back to the dispenser.


To ensure proper reporting of Status back to Eyefinity, the lab needs to ensure that the job tracking stations are set up to properly indicate when jobs pass through each Eyefinity stage of the lab process.

6.0    Viewing Eyefinity Orders (valid and unvalid)

Orders received from Eyefinity (and other sources) are stored in the Active Order table along with other orders.
On the order entry screen, the source of the order (if not manually entered) is shown as follows:


This is a standard scrollable list box – you can use your mouse or keyboard to scroll up and down to see the entire original order.  The first portion of the order, to the EOJ=END OF JOB line, is the order that Rx-Universe created from the Eyefinity order (in standard Rx-Universe VCA/GIF format).  Everything after the EOJ line is the text as it came from Eyefinity.  While we recognize that labs won’t often have the information to interpret all of the information shown, it is useful to verify customers sometimes (especially if an order has been received through Eyefinity, in error, from a customer that the lab doesn’t have).  It may also be useful when working with technical support at either Eyefinity or Rx-Universe to resolve issues.

7.0 Daily Process for Eyefinity Orders

  1. Process jobs from Eyefinity throughout the day (this will be automatic in many cases).

  2. Check the Eyefinity Translation table for new entries with no corresponding Rx-Universe translation.  Customer records, Lens codes, and Addons should be checked regularly.  Frame items should be checked if the lab supplies frames for orders.

  3. At least monthly, run the option to update lens codes from OSI web site.

8.0 Checklist Before Implementing Eyefinity Interface

  1. Install Internet connection from server (high speed is best).

  2. Obtain list of Efan accounts that have placed orders within the past 60 days, from Eyefinity.  Build Customer translation file with Efan and Rx-Universe account numbers.

  3. Set up any addon codes that will be coming from Eyefinity - these are usually a combination of the pricing code (QT, QN, etc) plus the description of the coating. A list of current addons is released by Eyefinity monthly.

  4. Obtain your Eyefinity basename, username and password for their ftp site.

  5. Set up the Eyefinity customer number (the account you use to bill Eyefinity)

  6. Set up the VSP price list if desired (VSP pays what they calculate is due based on the job as entered by the ECP, not based on what the lab sets up in pricing).

9.0 Enhancements in March 2007

Eyefinity has made several enhancements to the interface effective 27 March 2007:

  1. Eyefinity jobs now send the B, ED and Circumference for a frame

  2. New status 93 to identify jobs waiting for a frame

  3. New frame status field indicating whether a frame has been received for a frame to follow order.

  4. Ability to send back shipping information with status on Eyefinity jobs

In addition, there are other enhancements which will be forthcoming from Eyefinity in the near future – Rx-Universe has been enhanced to support these features as of version 6.00.58, in anticipation of their release by Eyefinity:

  1. The dispenser will be able to specify which eyes are to be done for an Rx (both, left only, right only, or neither).

  2. The dispenser will be able to request a particular diameter lens blank to be used.

  3. The dispenser will be able to request that a stock lens specifically be used for a job.

B, ED and CIRCUM measurements can now be entered by the dispenser and submitted to the lab.  These fields are now fully supported by Rx-Universe and no change is required by the lab.


Shipping information - Eyefinity can also now accept shipping information back from Rx-Universe.  To do this, a lab must use the shipping method field, on the account and/or order, to actually identify which shipper is used for an order.  If the “Send shipping info status” field (above), is checked, then this will be sent back to Eyefinity as the shipper.  While Eyefinity also accepts a tracking number, Rx-Universe does not store this nor send it back.



0 Description of Communications

Eyefinity makes orders available, and receives status information, by means of encrypted files on their ftp site.
