Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

to be released …

Printer Routing


VCA interface

  • The auto-attach trace feature was not working when the tracer sends a 6-digit order number. This has been rectified.




Released on June 6, 2024


  • Alpha-numeric order numbers are not located when trying to find an order, this has been fixed (version 7.66.03).

  • We released a new version of the Rx-Universe API. Version 1 will continue to function. See /wiki/spaces/RXUN/pages/2907111429 for full details.


  • The Lens Filter used in Inventory reports and Inventory functions has been changed to now automatically populate the “To” value with the “From” value.


  • The Inventory Usage Report has been changed to display the Monthly Usage in pairs, rather than lenses, to be consistent with the Qty on Hand numbers and also with the Inventory Usage screen.

  • The Job Summary Report has been changed so that the AR graph will include AR from addons instead of just pretreatments

Order Functions

  • “Place lenses into bin” was setting the Frame Received flag to “Y” on the order. This was incorrect and has been fixed.

Order Entry

  • When change the price list on an order is changed to “000” (override), do not validate the addons against the addon database (version 7.66.01)

  • Surfacing calculations create a file named WTICKET.nn (nn=station number). At some labs, a folder was being created with the same name, which prevented the file from being created. This caused a file error 93 to be thrown and prevented doing calculations on jobs. Before doing calculations, we will now delete this folder if it exists (version 7.66.01)

  • Change made to no longer clear the frame information fields when changing the frame status or when frame status is None, Other or Lens Only. If there is frame information sent on the order we always want to keep it regardless of the frame status (version 7.66.03).

  • Change to clear the User ELLH when the Job Type on an order is changed from Uncut No Frame to something else.

  • If a manually entered order is made unvalid due to a routing rule, the routing message was duplicated on the screen. This has been fixed.

Customer Service

  • When searching orders by customer + patient, commas in the patient name are now being handled.

Frame Types

  • Frame Types has been changed to only allow values between 0 and 0.99 for Thin Tolerance fields.

Special Numbers

  • Fixed an issue where some special numbers were not respecting the configured value for Size

  • Changed the Special Numebrs edit form to validate the value of End matches the selected Size

  • Changed the Browse Special Numbers screen to display Current formatted according to the selected Size

Remote order processing

  • If a received order causes an error with addons, the error message was not being placed in the “order release number” when the “Move an unvalid error to the order release number” is checked in the System Settings, ROE tab.

Remake Codes

  • Changes have been made to the Remake Codes database screen. The “Price Code” label has been changed to “Addon Code” and “Price Code Position” has been changed to “Addon Code Position”. A browse button has been added for the Addon Code and changes have been made to validate the entry. * * NOTE - a program will be ran when this version is installed to read through all of the remake codes to see if the addon code field is set, if so, it will read the Addon database to see if the code exists. If it does not exist, it will be automatically created (version 7.66.01).

Device interface

  • Fixed an issue that was causing an outsourced digital order called up on an edger to show a “STATUS=3” error (version 7.66.01).

  • OMA interface

    • Alpha-numeric order numbers are not located when trying to find an order, this has been fixed (version 7.66.03).

    • A previous change prevented orders from being called by the tray number. This has been fixed (version 7.66.04).

Job tracker

  • At times, the job tracker was not trapping a lock condition on the order file. This has been fixed (version 7.66.01).

Remote Labs

  • Outsourced orders will no longer send the tag _FRSKU in the generated raw file. This was causing issues when outsourcing from a lab with Frame Inventory to another lab with Frame Inventory when labs used different SKUs for frames (version 7.66.02).