# Months to Purge Back - This setting controls the number of months to retain orders when purging. Enter a value between 0 and 99.
Note that this function should only be run if you fully understand its implications.
Printing Devices:
Rx Order Invoice Device Name - Enter the printing device name for Rx invoices.
Digital Surface Device Name - Enter the printing device name for digital surface jobs.
Hot Jobs Print Device - Enter the printing device name for hot jobs.
Default Manufacturer - Contains the default manufacturer that will be used for all jobs.
Permanently remove deleted orders - When checked, deleted orders will be removed from the system during the day-end.
Enter reason code when deleting order - When checked, this will ask the user to enter a reason code when deleting an order. Note that the flag is only accessible if the “Permanently remove deleted orders” is unchecked.
Re-Use lost order numbers - When checked, the system will reuse lost order numbers. A lost number can be produced by starting to create an order and then escaping out of the order without saving. The order numbers are automatically incremented when the order is started, resulting in a lost order number. The functionality will only work if the Remove Deleted orders flag is not checked.
NOTE - this option will only work if you are using the code of “ORDER” in special numbers for Order Entry. If you are using “RX” or “STOCK”, this option will not work.
Allow future dates with manual shipping - This setting controls the manual shipping process. When checked, the program will allow the user to ship jobs using a date that is in the future. When un-checked, the user can only ship jobs using todays date as the shipping date.
Ask to confirm tray change on order - When changing the tray number on an order, ask the user to confirm the change before changing.
Print work ticket when changing tray Force calculated date wanted - When checked, this will print a work ticket after changing the tray numberthe date wanted field on the order will be disabled and in the case of a remote order, if the date wanted is supplied ( _WDATE= ) in the raw order file, it will be ignored. The date wanted will be calculated based on the order parameters but not modifiable.
AR Envelope - This setting controls the AR envelope format that will be used when printing an AR envelope. Choose one of the available settings (PCL or XML).
AR Envelope Template - Enter or select the name of the XML template to be used when printing an AR envelope.
Print Patient Name on AR Envelope - When checked, the patient name will be printed on the AR envelope.
AR Env PDPrint Options - If using PDPrint the lab can choose what options they would like to pass. The lab can use any supported option other than -lk, -c, -s, -o, or -p
Print work ticket when changing tray - When checked, this will print a work ticket after changing the tray number.
Use tray numbers for stock jobs - When checked, the tray number will be required for stock orders. Stock orders with tray numbers need to be shipped via the shipping function just like Rx orders. Stock orders without tray numbers will be automatically shipped by the first day-end run after they are entered.