Versions Compared


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PGM=[name of xml extract program] - this field is REQUIRED
RXXAR - accounting transactions
RXXCUST - customers
RXXBREAK - breakage information
RXXJTH - job track / operator export by hour
RXXLENS - lenses
RXXORD - orders (completed and in-process if so marked in System Settings)
RXXORDU - orders that are unvalid (status “U”)
RXXORDD - orders deleted, needs to be run before the day-end if the lab is set to remove deleted orders permanently
RXXPO - purchase orders
RXXSTX - lens transactions


TODATE= date to export to (inclusive) - ie 20220906 is Sept 6, 2022
if not specified, will use today’s date

FROMACCTFROMCUST= customer code to export from
if not specified will start at the first customer

TOACCTTOCUST= customer code to export to
If not specified will export to the end of the customers
