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2.0 Create Digital Lens Style(s)


Lens styles for digital surfacing are set up exactly as they would be for any new lens style. For example, to set up a new digital surfacing style "CUST14", using the calculation engine specified previously as digital surfacing interface "01", a lens style similar to the following would be set up:

General Tab

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Minimum SegHt and Min SegHt Action- specifies the lowest seg height that can be used for this lens design. Setting this, and setting the Action to “E”, prevents the user from requesting a seg height that is invalid for the digital design.


Digital Type – this identifies which digital surfacing interface to use for this lens style, if set, it activates the fields on the Digital tab.  This number corresponds to the digital type number discussed in section 1.0.


Digital Tab

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Some fields to note for this type of lens, on the Digital tab::


If this option is checked, this causes OMICS Rx-Universe to substitute add power for cylinder power in the base curve selection charts.  This option changes the meaning of the top line of the base curve chart to be add instead of cylinder (for example, Shamir uses this method of base curve selection for their freeform designs).  In this scenario, cylinder power has no effect on base curve selection.

If this option is UNchecked, OMICS Rx-Universe will use a standard base curve chart, with cylinder across the top, and sphere down the side, but will add the add power to the sphere power if the sphere power is plus (greater than 0).   Thus, an Rx of +2.00 sphere, -1.00 cylinder, with a 2.00 add, would use the entry in the chart for a +4.00 sphere, -1.00 cylinder. 

For an Rx of -2.00 sphere, - 1.00 cylinder with a +2.00 add, OMICS Rx-Universe will use the chart entry for -2.00 sphere, -1.00 cylinder (the add is not considered because the sphere power is minus).
If “Use BRS to get BC from DS” flag is used to get the base curve selection from the DS engine, then the “Subs Add for Cyl” flag has no effect.

Center Design – if this design is automatically centered to frame center on the blank (as with Shamir designs), or if you wish the design to be centered for frame center on the blank (as with IOT designs), check this box.  When checked, this causes OMICS Rx-Universe to assume the design is centered on the frame center when calculating minimum blanksize, and will cause the IOT VCA label “_DECM” to be set to 1, indicating that the design should be centered for the FGC.  Note that Epson-Seiko does not support centered designs (as of this writing).  This optimizes the blank, and results in the smallest possible blanks being used for jobs.


LDS selects blanks to use – if the digital calculator will dictate the blanks to use (by OPC), AND Rx-Universe should not select designs or blanks, check this box.  If checked, Rx-Universe will not attempt to do blank selection at all, and will expect the LMS file that is returned from the digital vendor to include the OPC code(s) of the donor blank(s) to be used for the job.

Use OPC from LMS file - checking this box causes Rx-Universe to use the blank specified in the OPC label of the LMS file.  This would be used, in the case of Nikon designs, for example, where Rx-Universe should do blank selection in order to select the best design based on the seg height of the Rx, but still use the blank that is dictated by the digital vendor in the LMS file.

Trace required – if the digital vendor requires a trace to be present for this design, check this box.  Rx-Universe will not allow creation of a job using this design without a trace present.  Remote orders using this design which do not have a trace will be saved Unvalidated.

Use Anti-Fatigue prism – this is enabled only for SignetArmorlite digital designs; if enabled, it sends _ANTIFATIGUE=1 to the SignetArmorlite calculator for jobs using this lens design.

Blend Edges (_LTLVL or CCBLND) - this is enabled only for CrossBows designs;   if checked, it sets _LTLVL=1 in the LDS file to the digital calculatorcalculators, and allows access to the “Blend Diam / Bowl Size” field on the F12 Surface Options screen in order entry.  For Essilor, Crossbows and A2Vision digital styles, the blend diameter is sent as a value from 0 through 2For all other digital vendors, the value sent will be from 0 through 10.  

Use Alt DEO paths – this is enabled only for Essilor, and is used for Varilux S processing.  Designs with this option checked will use the “alternate paths” set up on the Essilor Digital Calculator screen, instead of the normal path for the surfacing and engraving files. If there is no alternate path set on the Essilor Digital Type, then the files will be created in the normal folders.  This is generally used for Varilux S designs, to place the surfacing files into a separate folder for use by the CLBS blocking devices; these devices will then create the actual files to be used in manufacturing, in the normal folders.


Min Thick at Crib Diam – this corresponds to the MINTHKCD field defined in the VCA specification – edge thickness on a plus lens is normally optimized to give the thinnest possible edge, and thus the thinnest possible center, for the best cosmetic result.  Unfortunately, in the case of cut-to-polish equipment, a moderately strong plus lens in a small frame can result in an edge thickness at the crib diameter which is very thin.  On the generator, this can result in cutter crash (where the blade will cut into the alloy), and on the polisher, this can result in the sharp edge of the cribbed lens cutting into the soft polish block. A lab can get around this problem by specifying a minimum thickness at the cribbing diameter – thus, if the lens is so thin/small that it might cut into the polish tool, this parameter would increase the thickness by requiring the edge at the crib diameter to be 0.5mm (for example).  Please note that this will (obviously) increase the overall thickness of the finished lens as well (the finished ET could be greater than is cosmetically optimal).


Optional Fields Tab
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Style-specific VCA labels and values can be set up on the “Optional” tab for the lens style.  For example, to always force CORRLEN=14 for a particular style, add the CORRLEN label, with a value of 14, to the label grid as shown above.


LDCRYPT and LDTYPE will be sent to equipment which requests it, indicating the surface data is in Indo encrypted format.  The _OPTIM=1 label instructs Indo to optimize thickness for the design.


 Fitting Instrument information (VMAP) when checked, will allow access to the VMAP field in the order 'F12 Surface Options" screen.  This field can be used by some digital calculators to get more information regarding the patient's fitting of lenses.  It references a file that contains information provided by the fitting device used by the optometrist when accessing a patient's needs.