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The first step is to specify the default (or starting) number of days a job is expected to take.  Under "Setup", "System Settings", on the Orders1 tab, is the initial setting for the number of days an order is expected to take :if no other parameters are specified for any of the properties of a particular job.  This allows the lab to specify the "normal" number of days, and then only set additional parameters for exceptions to that rule.  (In other words, if plastic jobs always take the default number of days, there is no need to set up specific rules for plastic).

In this example, 3 days will be added to the date received for every order.


Under "Setup", "Date Wanted Setup", the lab can specify additional days by material, type of lens (semi-finished or finished), and by Rx within that material.  For each material for which the lab wishes to add additional specify the number of days, a record similar to the following can be created:
Image RemovedImage Added

In the above example, 1 day is added if the lens to be manufactured if a Semi-Finished Poly; an additional 2 days is added if a Poly job that used semi-finished blanks would take 3 days; a finished Poly lens only 2 days.  If the lens is above a 6.00 sphere, or below a -8.00 sphere, or above below a -4.00 cyl, above 5D of prism, or has an add of 3.75 or greater.  Alsogreater than 4.00 then it will be set to 4 days (not this is in lieu of the other days, not in addition to).  However, an extra day is added if the job is to be edged and mounted (a complete job).

Adding Extra Days By Lens Style

Specific lens styles might require extra processing time, for example if the blanks need to be specially ordered, or if the job needs to be out-sourced.  On the lens style screen, additional days can be added for any particular lens style.  Only those lens styles requiring extra processing days need to be set:

In this example, 2 extra days are added for a flat top 45 design.

Extra Days for Services or Addons

Similar to lens styles, certain coatings, addons or services might require additional days.  These can be specified under "Setup", "Addon Codes":

In this example, Super AR requires 3 extra days because it must be out-sourced to another lab.

Extra Days For Specific Lens Blanks

FinallyWhile likely rarely needed, extra days can also be added on a per-blank basis if necessary; on the individual lens blank record, the lab can set additional days in the "Days to add" field:

Excluding Holidays and Non-Working Days


  • HOLIDAY DATABASE: The holiday file is the place where you indicate to OMICS what days are not to be considered as working days.  For example, if your lab is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, you would want to include them in this file.  You would also include any other days that your lab will be closed.  To access the holiday file, select “Order Functions”, “Holiday Dates” from the main menu. Once this file is set up, when OMICS calculates a date wanted, it will skip any days that appear in this file.  The file has to be updated yearly as Saturday and Sunday dates will not be the same from year to year.


  • LENS STYLE DATABASE: From the main menu, “System Data Bases”, “Lens Style Codes” , there is a field labeled “EXTRA DAYS”.  The number you enter here will be added to the date wanted calculation.  :  Suppose there is one lens style that you don’t normally stock and have to order, you would enter in this field the average number of days required to get the lenses.


  • DATE-WANTED DATABASE: This database is accessed with “Order Functions”, “Date Wanted Parameters” from the main menu.  This is the main database behind the date wanted calculation.  For each material, you can set up the number of days required to process finished lenses and  semi finished lenses.  For example if you require 3 days to process finished “P” (CR39) lenses you would enter “03” in the “DATE WANTED FIN” field.  If you need 4 days to process semi-finished, you would enter “04” in the “DATE WANTED S-F” field.  The next five fields that start with “SPECIAL” are where you set parameters to specify when a job is to be considered as special.  The “SPCL DATE WANTED”  field stores the total number of days required to process a special job.  The last field on this screen “XTRA DAYS COMPL:” stores the number of days that will be added to the job when it is a complete job (including edging).


  • When the above parameters result in a date wanted calculation of ZERO, OMICS will automatically use the value stored in System Parameters, System Settings, [Orders1] Tab, “DATE WANTED INCREMENT”.


  • PRICE LIST DATA_BASE: Any ADDONS that are select for a job will result in the addition of the “ADD DAYS WANTED” field to the date wanted.



  • INVENTORY DATA_BASE: Any inventory used for a job will cause the DAYS TO ADD value to be added to the date wanted.


 After setting up all of the different parameters in materials, lens styles, services and lens blanks, the lab may want to exclude certain days of the week, and holidays, from the calculation.  For example, if a job comes in on a Friday, and the date wanted parameters equal 2 days, and the lab does not work Saturdays and Sundays, the lab would want the due date to be the following Tuesday, rather than the following Sunday.  Under "Setup", "Holiday Dates", the lab can enter specific days which they will not work:
Image Added

To set days of the week in which the lab is closed, there is a shortcut in the "1" key above; clicking it will prompt for a day of the week to include as a non-working day:
Image Added

Entering the day of the week and the year, then clicking the add ("+") button, will add all applicable dates to the table:
Image Added