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The Job Scanner Simulator is an alternative to having an expensive two way scanner.  The Job Scanner Simulator can run on any PC connected to Rx-Universe.


Starting a Job Scanner Simulator session within Rx-Universe:

  • From the Main Menu, go into the “Job Tracking” tab.
  • Select “Job Scanner Simulator”.
  • You will see this screen:

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Starting a Job Scanner Simulator session automatically from your Desktop:

  • Fist we need to setup a “Workstation” to tell the system that when this station is activated to start a “Job Scanner Simulator”:
    • From the Main Menu, go into the “Supervisor” tab.
    • Select “Workstation Setup”.
    • To create a new Workstation click on the “Add Workstation” icon .

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  • Work Station: Enter a two character code.  In my example I entered “SM”.  Remember this code; you will need it when you are creating your icon.


  • Description: Enter a description.  In my example, I entered “Job Scanner Simulator”.


  • Auto Command: Here is where you enter the Auto Command Code; for the Job Scanner Simulator it’s “SS” (two uppercase “S”).


  • Exit Automatically: Put in a checked mark if you want the session to exit completely when you click on the  to close the Job Scanner Simulator Window.

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  • Save your entries by clicking on the save button .


Setting up the Desktop icon for the Job Scanner Simulator:


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Remember when I created my Workstation I used “SM” as my Workstation Number?  You will use this when you create your icon.  If you have copied another Rx-Universe icon to create your new one, just go into the properties and replace the old WS Number with your new one.  In my example, I replaced it with “SM”.


When I double click on my new icon I get this window:

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