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Beginning with version 7.10.00, Rx-Universe allows labs to print AR envelopes designed with Satisloh's LOHreport program.

The LOHreport program produces a template in XML format; to use a template designed in LOHreport, place the resulting XML file into the RX-XML subfolder (under the root Rx-Universe folder).

Please note that the LOHreport program must be obtained from Satisloh - this program is not provided with Rx-Universe.

Set Up Rx-Universe for User-Defined AR Envelopes

First, the XML file(s) produced by LOHreport (these are the templates) should be placed into folder RX-XML under the RxUniverse folder.

In Rx-Universe, on the Orders1 tab, set up the work ticket type as "XML", and then select the name of the work ticket to use:

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Make sure the size of the paper you are using is selected as well; the default is North American Letter size, but many parts of the world should use A4 (or another size) instead.

Viewing Ticket In Order Entry

Printing of the XML format ticket happens exactly the same as PCL or other work tickets.  One additional function is available with the XML work tickets - the user can choose to view the work ticket on the screen.

In the customer service screen, right clicking on the order shows a sub-menu - one option is now "View Work Ticket".  Clicking that will create the PDF work ticket and display it on the screen. 

Note, you must have Adobe Reader (or another PDF-compliant reader) installed on the client in order to view work tickets.

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VCA Labels In LOHreport templates

There are a few differences in VCA labels used in


AR envelope templates for Rx-Universe versus those used in Rx-Pert or AF-Client:

RXNM - because the VCA label JOB has specific use in interfaces, please use RXNM instead of JOB for the job number. In Rx-Universe


, this will print the order number of the job.

_DATE will print the date the


AR envelope is





DATE_TIME will print the date and time the


AR envelope is







_TRAY - prints the tray number

_ACCN_NAME will print the name of the account (lab's customer)

_ACCN_ADDR will print the address of the account (as one line)

_ORD_DATE - prints the date the order was received (the order date)

_DUEDATE - prints the due date (date wanted)

_STATION prints the station the order is currently at

_TINT - prints the factory tint on the lens (ie GY3)

_TREAT - (or FCOAT) prints the factory coating that is on the lens (ie TR7)

_MATERIAL - prints the material code of the lens

_ADDON - returns up to 15 addon codes corresponding to addons on the order

_ADDONDESC - returns up to 15 addon descriptioons corresponding to the addons on the order

_ARDESC - returns the description of any AR coating on the job (blank if no AR coating)

_STOCKDESC - returns the inventory description of the blanks for a job

_LOHPRVM - returns the amount of prism to be blocked/generated in angular degrees

_LOHPRVA - returns the angle of prism to be blocked/generated

_ETYPDESC - returns the description of the edge type of the order (from the frame type file)

_JOBTYPE - returns the text of the type of job (Cut&Edge, Uncut with frame, uncut no frame)

_MATDESC - returns the full material description (including tints and treatments)

_POLISHDESC - returns the text for polish instructions (polish edges, edges and pin bevel, etc).

_RPRVM1 and _RPRVM2 - amount of prescribed prism on the job


- prints the tray number

_LAB_NAME - prints your lab name

_LAB_ADDRESS_1 - prints address line 1 of your lab 

_LAB_ADDRESS_2 - prints address line 2 of your lab 

_LAB_ADDRESS_3 - prints address line 3 of your lab

_LAB_POSTAL - prints the postal/zip code of your lab

_LAB_PHONE - prints the phone number of your lab

_RL_AR_REFERENCE - prints the reference number for the AR envelope.  

_RL_ACCT_NUM - prints the remote lab's account number

_RL_NAME - prints the remote lab name

_RL_ADDRESS_1 - prints address line 1 of the remote lab

_RL_ADDRESS_2 - prints address line 2 of the remote lab

_RL_ADDRESS_3 - prints address line 3 of the remote lab

_RL_ADDRESS_4 - prints address line 4 of the remote lab

LMATNAME- prints the material description

_LREMARKS - prints the lens style description

_TINT_REMARKS - prints the description of the factory tint on the lens

_TREAT_REMARKS - prints the description of the factory coating on the lens

_MANUF_NAME - prints the name of the lens manufacturer

_PATIENT_AR_ENV - prints the patient name if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)

_PATIENT_TEXT_AR_ENV - prints the text "Patient:" if the "Print Patient Name on AR Envelope" is checked (System Settings, Orders 1 tab)

_ORIG_AR_ENV - when the job is a remake, it prints the original AR envelope reference number

_ORIG_AR_REF_TEXT - prints the text "Original Ref#" if the job is a remake

_ADD_TEXT - prints the text "Add:"

_REMAKE_TEXT - prints the text "REMAKE" if the job is a remake

_FRAME_TYPE_DESC - prints the frame type (ie. metal)

_UNCUT_DESC - prints the text "UNCUT" when the job is an Uncut\

_ACOAT - prints the AR coating that needs to be applied to the job

Trace Data

There are 4 ways to print frame trace data (the names below each example are what should be entered in the "Name" field of the shape box in the work ticket ticket template.

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Note that if printing both sides of the frame is desired, you can use TRACE_ONLY (or any of the other options) for one eye, and TRACE_ONLY2 (or any of the other options, with a "2" appended), to avoid an error in LOHreport of a duplicate field name.