GET /api/v2/
This endpoint is used to retrieve comprehensive data on an ordera single registered addon code.
An order identifieraddon code, which can be the order number, tray number, or purchase order number
This order can be retrieved using
, orExample
Tray numbers can only be used to look up active orders
If lookup is done by po number then you must be using unique values in this field
must be the unique identifying code for the addon
This addon can be retrieved using
. Case matters (src
will not retrieve a record).
A JSON object representing the requested orderaddon
Property | Description |
orderNumbercode | string The identifier for the order |
trayNumber | string The tray number the order is attached to |
poNumber | string Job reference (PO NUM field) |
arCode | string The code for the applied anti-reflective coating |
arDescunique code identifying the addon | |
desc | string The text description for the applied anti-reflective coating |
balanceLens | string Set the balance lens to R (right), L (left), or none (empty string/null) |
calculationDesc | string The current calculation status of the order (for humans)
corridorLength | number($float) Corridor length (CORRLEN) |
createdUser | string The user who entered the order |
currentStation | string The current status/station for the order |
currentStationCustomerDesc | string The current customer status description for the order |
currentStationDateTime | string|null The date and time the current status was applied to the order in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fffZ (ISO 8601) or null |
currentStationDesc | string The current status/station description for the order |
customerJobId | string The identifier the customer is using for the order |
customerNumber | string The identifier for the customer the order is for |
dateCompleted | string|null Date completed in format yyyy-mm-dd or null if not completed |
dateOrdered | string|null Date ordered in format yyyy-mm-dd |
dateReceived | string|null Date received in format yyyy-mm-dd |
dateTimeValid | string|null Date/time the order was validated in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fffZ (ISO 8601) or null if not valid |
dateWanted | string|null Date wanted in format yyyy-mm-dd or null if not set |
frameA | number($float) Frame A box measurement |
frameB | number($float) Frame B box measurement |
frameBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the frame attached to the order |
frameCircumference | number($float) Frame circumference (CIRC) |
frameColor | string The color of the frame attached to the order (FCOL) |
frameED | number($float) Frame effective diameter box measurement |
frameEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the frame attached to the order |
frameManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the frame attached to the order |
frameName | string The name of the frame attached to the order (FRAM) |
frameSize | string The size of the frame attached to the order (eye-bridge-temple) |
frameSKU | string The sku of the frame attached to the order (_FMSKU) |
frameStatusCode | string A code indicating the status of the frame ([Blank] = None, S=supply, E = Edge, F=to follow, U=uncut, N=No Charge, L=lenses only, O = Other) |
frameTemple | integer($int32) The temple size of the frame attached to the order |
frameUPC | string The upc of the frame attached to the order (_FMUPC) |
hasNotes | boolean Flag indicating if notes are present |
hotaddon | |
excludeFromRxSite | boolean Whether or not the addon should be excluded from Rx-Site |
externalCode | string|null The value of of the _EXTERNALCODE VCA override, if set (otherwise null) |
isAR | boolean Whether or not the order is flagged as a hot job |
isSpecialOrder | boolean Indicator for if the order uses special-order lenses |
isWrap | boolean Flag indicating if wrap compensation is requested on the order |
jobType | string The job type of the order (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
jobTypeDesc | string The job type of the order (for humans)
keyDate | string|null Key date in format yyyy-mm-dd or null |
labNumber | string Indicates the lab the order is assigned to. This is set in System Settings:Lab Number for Rx-Xplore |
lmsSource | string Indicates the LMS the order originates from (always Rx-Universe) |
onHoldaddon is anti reflective | |
isBackside | boolean Whether or not the order addon is on hold |
orderOrigin | string Origin of order (RXSITE, ERP, etc) |
orderType | string The type of the order (A=Auto, M=Manual) |
originalEnvelopeNumber | string The AR envelope number |
originalOrderNumber | string|null Original order number if order is a remake, or null |
originalOrderSubtotal | number($float) Original order subtotal if order is a remake |
pantoscopicTilt | number($float) Pantoscopic tilt (PANTO) |
patientCAPE | number($float) Cape head angle |
patientDominantEye | string The patient's dominant eye (CLDEYE) (R/L/N) |
patientDominantHand | string The patient's dominant hand (CLDLAT) (R/L/N) |
patientHeadEyeCoefficient | number($float) Patient head eye coefficient (HEADK) |
patientHeight | number($float) Patient height (CLHT) |
patientInitials | string Patient initials (CLINIT) |
patientLifestyle | string Patient lifestyle (CLLIFE) (Static/Active) |
patientNearVisionBehaviour | string Patient near vision behaviour (CLNVB) |
patientNearWorkingDistance | number($float) Patient near working distance (in meters) (NWD) |
patientStabilityCoefficient | number($float) Patient stability coefficient (HEADS) |
pendingCompletion | backside |
isMirror | boolean Whether or not the order is pending completion |
prismThinningCode | string The prism thinning setting on the order (F = yes, N = No, blank = lab default) |
rawFileName | string The name of the raw file if order came in electronically |
redo | addon is a mirror coat |
isTint | boolean Whether or not the order is a remake |
releaseNumber | string Release number for the order |
remakeCategory | string|null The remake category if order is a remake, or null |
remakeReason | string|null The remake reason if order is a remake, or null |
routedPrinter | string Routing code for the printer for the order |
shippingMethod | string The shipping method to use (should match one returned by the /shipping_methods API) |
shipToAddress1 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress2 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress3 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress4 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToCode | string The postal or zip code to ship the order to |
shipToName | string The account name to ship the order to |
shipToNumber | string The account to ship the order to |
specialInstructions | string The first comment line of the order |
status | string The current status of the order (U = Unvalid, V = Valid, P = Process, C = Complete, W = Hold) |
statusDesc | string The current status of the order (for humans)
subtotal | number($float) The subtotal price for the order |
surfaceTypeCode | string The surfacing type for the job (D = Digital, F = Finished, SF = Semi-finished) |
surfaceTypeDesc | string The surfacing type for the job (for humans)
tintCode | string The code for the applied tint |
tintDesc | string The description for the applied tint |
total | number($float) The total price for the order |
traceA | number($float) The A measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceB | number($float) The B measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the trace record on the order |
traceBrow | number($float) The brow measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceCheek | number($float) The cheek measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceDBL | number($float) The DBL measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceED | number($float) The ED measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceEdgeType | string The edge type of the trace record on the order |
traceEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the trace record on the order |
traceName | string The name of the trace record on the order |
traceNasal | number($float) The nasal measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceSupplier | string The supplier (manufacturer) of the trace record on the order |
traceTemple | number($float) The temple measurement of the trace record on the order |
unvalidMessage | string The reason why the order was last set unvalid (if any) |
vertexFittedDistance | number($float) Vertex fitted distance (VFD) |
vertexRefractedDistance | number($float) Vertex refracted distance (VRD) |
wrapAngle | number($float) Wrap angle of the frame (ZTILT) |
rtADD | number($float) Add power right eye |
ltADD | number($float) Add power left eye |
rtADD2 | number($float) Upper add power right eye |
ltADD2 | number($float) Upper add power left eye |
rtAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis right eye |
ltAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis left eye |
rtBalance | boolean Indicates if right lens is a balance lens |
ltBalance | boolean Indicates if left lens is a balance lens |
rtBaseTool | float|null The base tool for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltBaseTool | float|null The base tool for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtBaseToolPadded | float|null The base tool for the right eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltBaseToolPadded | float|null The base tool for the left eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the right eye |
ltBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the left eye |
rtBreakCount | integer($int32) The value of breakages for the right lens |
ltBreakCount | integer($int32) The value of breakages for the left lens |
rtBreakValue | number($float) The number of times the right lens was broken |
ltBreakValue | number($float) The number of times the left lens was broken |
rtCalculated | boolean Whether or not calculations have been done for the right eye |
ltCalculated | boolean Whether or not calculations have been done for the right eye |
rtCrossTool | float|null The cross tool for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltCrossTool | float|null The cross tool for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtCrossToolPadded | float|null The cross tool for the right eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltCrossToolPadded | float|null The cross tool for the left eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtCyl | number($float) Cylinder power right eye |
ltCyl | number($float) Cylinder power left eye |
rtDefaultThickness | number($float) The default thickness calculated for the right eye |
ltDefaultThickness | number($float) The default thickness calculated for the left eye |
rtEdged | boolean Indicator if edging has been done |
ltEdged | boolean Indicator if edging has been done |
rtEdgeThickness | float|null The minimum edge thickness for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltEdgeThickness | float|null The minimum edge thickness for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - right eye (ERCD) |
ltEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - left eye (ERCD) |
rtFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - right eye (FWD) |
ltFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - left eye (FWD) |
rtFinishBlocked | boolean Indicator if finish blocking has been done |
ltFinishBlocked | boolean Indicator if finish blocking has been done |
rtFreeform | string Digital vendor number if job is digital |
ltFreeform | string Digital vendor number if job is digital |
rtGenerated | boolean Indicator if generating has been done |
ltGenerated | boolean Indicator if generating has been done |
rtIPD | number($float) Distance PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
ltIPD | number($float) Distance PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
rtJobKind | string The job kind of the right lens (S = Semi-Finished, F = Finished) |
ltJobKind | string The job kind of the left lens (S = Semi-Finished, F = Finished) |
rtJobType | string The job type of the right lens (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
ltJobType | string The job type of the left lens (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
rtLensMaterial | string Lens material code of right eye (value will be one returned by the /materials API) |
ltLensMaterial | string Lens material code of left eye (value will be one returned by the /materials API) |
rtLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string The specific nominal base curve requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string The specific nominal base curve requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedColor | string Requested inherent color of right eye |
ltLensSpecifiedColor | string Requested inherent color of left eye |
rtLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
ltLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
rtLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string The specific manufacturer requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string The specific manufacturer requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string The thickness code requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string The thickness code requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedTreat | string Inherent treatment of right eye (ex PLC for coated polarized, TR8 for transitions 8) |
ltLensSpecifiedTreat | string Inherent treatment of left eye (ex PLC for coated polarized, TR8 for transitions 8) |
rtLensStyle | string Lens style code of right eye (as returned by the /styles API) |
ltLensStyle | string Lens style code of left eye (as returned by the /styles API) |
rtManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
ltManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
rtMaxET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thickest edge on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMaxET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thickest edge on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMaxETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thickest edge occurs on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMaxETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thickest edge occurs on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the right eye |
ltMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the left eye |
rtMinET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thinnest edge on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMinET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thinnest edge on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMinETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thinnest edge occurs on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMinETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thinnest edge occurs on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - right eye (NOD) |
ltNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - left eye (NOD) |
rtNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - right eye (NVI) |
ltNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - left eye (NVI) |
rtNPD | number($float) Near PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
ltNPD | number($float) Near PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
rtOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the right eye |
ltOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the left eye |
rtOCThickness | float|null The thickness of the lens at the optical center on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltOCThickness | float|null The thickness of the lens at the optical center on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtOnHandQuantity | integer($int32) The quantity on hand for the blank at time of order |
ltOnHandQuantity | integer($int32) The quantity on hand for the blank at time of order |
rtOPC | string The OPC for the blank of the right lens |
ltOPC | string The OPC for the blank of the left lens |
rtPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrismDir1 | string|null The first prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrismDir1 | string|null The first prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrismDir2 | string|null The second prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrismDir2 | string|null The second prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtReverseBreakagePicked | boolean Indicator if breakage has been reversed |
ltReverseBreakagePicked | boolean Indicator if breakage has been reversed |
rtSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the right eye |
ltSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the left eye |
rtSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the right eye |
ltSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the left eye |
rtSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the right eye |
ltSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the left eye |
rtSphere | number($float) Sphere power right eye |
ltSphere | number($float) Sphere power left eye |
rtStockAddCyl | number($float) The add power or cylinder power of the blank |
ltStockAddCyl | number($float) The add power or cylinder power of the blank |
rtStockBaseSphere | string The nominal base or sphere power of the blank |
ltStockBaseSphere | string The nominal base or sphere power of the blank |
rtStockColor | string The inherent color of the blank |
ltStockColor | string The inherent color of the blank |
rtStockDesc | string The Rx-Universe stock description for the blank |
ltStockDesc | string The Rx-Universe stock description for the blank |
rtStockDiameter | number($float) The diameter of the blank |
ltStockDiameter | number($float) The diameter of the blank |
rtStockFinishType | string Blank class: (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
ltStockFinishType | string Blank class: (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
rtStockInterSegWidth | number($float) The depth of the trifocal segment on the blank |
ltStockInterSegWidth | number($float) The depth of the trifocal segment on the blank |
rtStockManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
ltStockManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
rtStockMaterial | string The material code of the blank |
ltStockMaterial | string The material code of the blank |
rtStockNearSegWidth | number($float) The width of the segment on the blank |
ltStockNearSegWidth | number($float) The width of the segment on the blank |
rtStockNumber | string The RxU stock number for the blank of the right lens |
ltStockNumber | string The RxU stock number for the blank of the left lens |
rtStockStyle | string The lens style code of the blank |
ltStockStyle | string The lens style code of the blank |
rtStockThicknessCode | string The thickness code of the blank |
ltStockThicknessCode | string The thickness code of the blank |
rtStockTreat | string The inherent pre-treatment of the blank |
ltStockTreat | string The inherent pre-treatment of the blank |
rtStockType | string Will be L to indicate lens if lens is present |
ltStockType | string Will be L to indicate lens if lens is present |
rtStockUpperAdd | number($float) The upper add power of the blank |
ltStockUpperAdd | number($float) The upper add power of the blank |
rtSurfaceBlocked | boolean Indicator if surface blocking has been done |
ltSurfaceBlocked | boolean Indicator if surface blocking has been done |
rtWrapAxis | integer($int32) The compensated cylinder axis |
ltWrapAxis | integer($int32) The compensated cylinder axis |
rtWrapCyl | number($float) The compensated cylinder power |
ltWrapCyl | number($float) The compensated cylinder power |
rtWrapHorizontalPrism | number($float) The compensated horizontal prism |
ltWrapHorizontalPrism | number($float) The compensated horizontal prism |
rtWrapSphere | number($float) The compensated sphere power |
ltWrapSphere | number($float) The compensated sphere power |
rtWrapVerticalPrism | number($float) The compensated vertical prism |
ltWrapVerticalPrism | number($float) The compensated vertical prism |
supplementaryRemarks | Array of Strings Additional comment lines for the order |
addons | Array of Addons
miscItems | Array of Misc Items
addon is a tint | |
isUV | boolean Whether or not the addon is UV |
requiresDropBall | boolean Whether or not the addon requires drop ball |
requiresEtching | boolean Whether or not the addon requires etching |
requiresHarden | boolean Whether or not the addon requires hardening |
requiresPolish | boolean Whether or not the addon requires polish |
If the code parameter does not match an addon in the system an HTTP 404 code will be returned with the standard error body
Code Block |
{ "error": "No record found", "details": [ "Provided: 999999000" ] } |