Versions Compared


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For VisionStar some customers Eyefinity produces a file called basename-osr.xml. This is an encrypted file containing all of the orders eyefinity Eyefinity believes to be in process.

We can reconcile these orders against the Rx-U Universe WIP using the EYEFIN_WIP program as a scheduled task (or on the comandline)


The program will attempt to fetch basename-osr.xml from eyefinityEyefinity. Then it will decrypt and process it, categorizing each order as one of the following:

  1. Correctly WIP: the order number is recognized and it is not completed. No action is needed.

  2. Completed: the order number is recognized but the order has been completed. A status update to Eyefinity will be queued Eyefinity Interface - Rx-Universe - Confluence (

  3. Not recognized: the order number is not known. Alert An email will be sent to and the email entered in the Alert Email parameter if any Eyefinity Interface - Rx-Universe - Confluence ( advising the recipients of the discrepancy.

The last 10 osr.xml files and the last 10 EYEFIN_WIP run logs will be archived in omicstx/eyefinity/archive.
