Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PGM=[name of xml extract program] - this field is REQUIRED
RXXAR - accounting transactions
RXXCUST - customers
RXXBREAK - breakage information
RXXJTH - job track / operator export by hour
RXXLENS - lenses
RXXORD - orders (completed and in-process if so marked in System Settings)
RXXORDU - orders that are unvalid (status “U”)
RXXORDD - orders deleted, needs to be run before the day-end if the lab is set to remove deleted orders permanently
RXXPO - purchase orders
RXXSTX - lens transactions


TODATE= date to export to (inclusive) - ie 20220906 is Sept 6, 2022
if not specified, will use today’s date

FROMACCTFROMCUST= customer code to export from
if not specified will start at the first customer

TOACCTTOCUST= customer code to export to
If not specified will export to the end of the customers


Will export all orders from Jan 1, 2022 to Jan 31, 2022, to file(s) in the folder D:\RXUNIVERSE\EXPORTS

Running from command line

The CALLRXX program can also be run from the command line (or invoked by a third-party system) - it does not have to be run as a scheduled task. To illustrate, the following command could be run from the root Rx-Universe folder, from the command line:


This invokes exactly the same instruction as the previous, scheduled, task.

Exit codes

When the program finishes, the following exit codes can be set:
