Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


After pressing the search button in the frame information block for the frame manufacturer, after the browse, the screen places the cursor in the Account # field instead of the frame manufacturer field. This has been corrected.

Digital Designs

The custom _LTLVL, _LTDIA and _BLEND labels, previous allowed only for Crossbows and Essilor designs, may not be used for A2Vision designs as well. This allows use of the edge blending and custom blended design segment width features to be used with A2Vision as they are with Crossbows.


Job History was not always being updated when a work ticket was printed for an “unvalid” order. This has been corrected.

When processing a remote order that is unvalid, if the routing is not explicitly set for unvalid orders, the printing would default to the printer specified on the "Work Ticket" tab, but the job track routing would be to P1.  This has been fixed so that the correct job track routing station is tracked.

API endpoints

A new endpoint to request a job to be canceled has been added.
